A romantic scavenger hunt is a fun and unique way to celebrate your anniversary, Valentine's Day, or to let your partner know you love her. There are many different ways to create a treasure hunt, so choose the one that works best for your relationship. With commitment and the right planning, you can create a romantic experience that your partner will love very much.
Part 1 of 3: Planning the Treasure Hunt

Step 1. Decide what the final treasure will be and where it will be found
When planning your treasure hunt, the easiest choice is to start with the end result and work backwards. Knowing the conclusion of the game, it will be easier to decide how to get there. Choose a final place and surprise that have special meaning for you and your partner. You can include many activities and environments in the course of the treasure hunt, but make sure you finish it in the most special way possible.
- Choose where you had your first date or where you first kissed.
- End the treasure hunt in a romantic hotel room.
- You can have the treasure hunt end at the point where you asked your wife to marry her.

Step 2. Plan the other parts of the treasure hunt
Make a list of all the activities and places that are meaningful to you and your partner, then use them for the game. Include the places where you shared wonderful memories, your partner's favorite bar or restaurant, etc.
- Plan the number of passes according to the length you want the treasure hunt to have.
- Make sure you make the game interesting and fun. If the hunt is too long, your partner may get bored or tired.

Step 3. Consider the scope of your romantic treasure hunt
Do you want to organize the game entirely at home? Do you want it to take place all over the neighborhood? Do you want to include places from all over the city? Do you prefer the treasure hunt to last all day or just a couple of hours? Do you want to include activities or just leave clues in different places? Be creative and remember to choose places that are important to you and your partner.
- Consider the means your partner will use to get around town. If he owns a car, you can organize a larger-scale hunt. If, on the other hand, he were to take advantage of public transport, go on foot or by bicycle, the scope of the game should be more restricted.
- Plan the treasure hunt considering the geographic aspect. Don't make your partner go back and forth all over town. Organize each step to make the game fluid.
- Take advantage of the characteristic points of your city to better organize the treasure hunt. You can use monuments and particular places as a guide for this experience.
Part 2 of 3: Creating the Clues

Step 1. Determine the type of clues you want to use
You can create many written cards, you can use photos, or you can give your partner small gifts to guide her through each step of the treasure hunt. You can use the same type of clues throughout the game, or use different ones.

Step 2. Write romantic clues that lead to special places
These messages should be related to your relationship, so choose places that you and your partner remember very well. In each place, leave a new clue, which allows you to continue the game. To make the messages even cuter, you can write them in rhyme.
Here are some examples of simple clues:
- The place of our first kiss.
- The site of our last tickle battle.
- The point where I first told you "I love you".
Examples of rhyming clues:
- A night that I will never forget, is the one in which I was able to kiss you for the first time.
- I know you love coffee, so ask your favorite bartender for the next clue for you.
Plan a Romantic Treasure Hunt Step 6 Step 3. Write clues that prompt your partner to do the activities she enjoys most or to visit her favorite places
Make sure they are easy to decipher, otherwise your partner may go to the wrong place. If you want to use this method, you can ask the staff of the places to visit for help. If they are willing to help you, ask them to give your partner a clue as to the next place to go. Here are some examples:
- Your favorite restaurant.
- The place where we spend Sunday afternoons having fun.
- Our favorite ice cream shop.
- Write your clues on sturdy, prominent paper (such as colored cardboard) so your partner can find them more easily.
Plan a Romantic Treasure Hunt Step 7 Step 4. Use images to guide your partner to each clue
Leave photos of special memories, places that are easy to recognize, and other specific images that can guide your partner. Explain that she will have to go through each photo to find the next one. For example, use photos of:
- You two in a restaurant.
- A particular dress you wore on a special occasion.
- A joke or a witty image that reminds your partner of a particular place.
Plan a Romantic Treasure Hunt Step 8 Step 5. Leave gifts for your partner during the treasure hunt to lead her to the final surprise
Wrap each gift individually and include a clue in the package, allowing your partner to continue the game. This way, your treasure hunt will be fun and your partner will be looking forward to the final surprise as she unwraps each gift.
For example, the treasure hunt could lead your partner to a romantic massage you prepared in the bedroom. Leave treats such as candles, massage oil, a bathrobe, or creams at each step of the treasure hunt. When your partner has arrived at the final location, you can use all the gifts for the final surprise
Part 3 of 3: Prepare the Treasure Hunt
Plan a Romantic Treasure Hunt Step 9 Step 1. Gather what you need
Whether you have decided to write clues, place photos in special places or leave gifts, you should get all the materials you need to create your treasure hunt. Buy what you need when you are alone, so as not to make your partner suspicious.
- Whatever type of clues you have chosen, you will have to prepare all the steps of the treasure hunt in advance.
- You can give each clue a number to make sure you use them in the right order.
Plan a Romantic Treasure Hunt Step 10 Step 2. Prepare each step
Go to all stages of the game to place clues. Use tape to secure them or an object to hold them in place, tie them to a fence with tape, hang a banner from a tree, or ask someone to wait for your partner to deliver a note in person. Each clue should be pretty easy to find, so as not to make the treasure hunt too complex.
- You can ask your mutual friends to join the treasure hunt as messengers.
- You can hire actors to deliver the messages to your partner. You can have them dress up in costumes to make the treasure hunt really special.
- If you have decided to plant clues in shops or restaurants, be sure to speak to the managers, asking for their permission. For some clues, you may need their assistance, so make sure they are willing to help you.
Plan a Romantic Treasure Hunt Step 11 Step 3. Try your treasure hunt
To understand if the game works, if it is too simple or too difficult and how long it takes, the best idea is to do a first-person test. This way you can make the necessary adjustments before sending your partner around town.
This will help you understand what time you will have to wait for your partner in the final place
Plan a Romantic Treasure Hunt Step 12 Step 4. The hunt begins
Now that everything is ready, start the game. Give your partner the first clue, and let her go on her journey. Make sure you are waiting for her on the final stage, when she arrives!