Picking up a girl can seem daunting, whether you meet her in a club or on the shelves of a supermarket. If you want to get her attention and charm her, then you just have to be fun, carefree, and show genuine interest in her. If you try to be quiet and yourself, she will be yours before you know it.
Part 1 of 3: Making a Move

Step 1. Know when to approach
One of the most important parts of picking up a girl is knowing when to make the move. If the girl gives you signals, such as making eye contact, looking at you, smiling at you, and then looking away, or being with friends and looking outside the group, then she is almost sure that you would be welcome if you greeted her. Even if you can't wait forever for the perfect situation, you should choose your timing carefully to improve your chances of success. Here are some things to consider before approaching:
- Read her body language. Is she facing the group and looking around instead of being totally involved with her friends? If so, this is a sign that they would appreciate your approach.
- See if she seems bored with her friends. If she checks her phone frequently, plays with her hair, or opens her bag frequently, then this could be a sign that she is open to meeting new people.
- Make sure the girl isn't in the middle of a serious conversation with her friends. If they reach out to each other, talking intently, and if one of them is on the verge of tears, then tonight is not your night. You don't want to interrupt an important session between girls.

Step 2. Impress her with your confidence
Women are attracted to self-confident men and if you want to pick one up, you need to show her that you are comfortable with yourself. While it takes time to build self-confidence, there's nothing wrong with faking it when you approach a girl, just so you'll feel that inner peace that comes from projecting outward confidence. Here are some ways to win the girl with your confidence:
- Show her that you are not afraid. Make eye contact as you approach her and smile at her. Don't be shy, don't look at the ground.
- Show confidence in body language. Turn your body towards her, stand straight and avoid hunching over looking down.
- Don't belittle yourself immediately. If you make comments like, “You probably don't want to talk to guys like me…”, you'll dissuade her from talking to you.
- Part of the security lies in playing the part. Wear clothes that fit you well, clean, ironed and appropriate for the occasion. Above all, wear clothes that are beautiful and that make you feel comfortable, so as not to appear visibly uncomfortable.

Step 3. Open the speech firmly
If you want the girl to think seriously about you and consider going out with you, you need to choose your words carefully. Some say girls decide if they like you in the first fifteen minutes, so you can't waste too much time making conversation instead of captivating her with your words and manners. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Avoid too banal phrases. It doesn't matter what you've read online or what you've heard from friends, it rarely works. Also, the girl will think that you only see her as an achievement, not a person you would like to get to know.
- Introduce yourself and ask for her name. Nothing strange. Just say, "Hey, I'm Chris, what's your name?" Short and simple.
- Be direct. Don't be shy when you get close to her. Make it clear that you want to talk to her and don't act as if you think you are annoying or boring her. If this is the case then you will know very soon anyway.

Step 4. Flirt with her a little
Once you start talking, it's time to immediately try it without preamble. Make eye contact, lean towards her and show her that you are interested in her. You can also tease her a little, without offending her by pushing yourself further. Joke lightly and playfully and make sure she reacts well. Flirting is important if you want to get his attention.
- Say something like, "Do you always wear pink because it looks so good on you?" Make a comment about her clothes or something she's wearing, to show her you're interested without being too serious.
- Give her little compliments. Tell her you like the way she does her hair or something harmless, to show her that you are paying attention.
- Don't avoid saying something nice to her because you think she's heard it before. Just because you're sure all the other guys she knows have talked about her pretty eyes doesn't mean you have to ignore them.

Step 5. Show interest only in her, not in her friends
Even if you think you will increase your chances of picking up a girl if you flirt with a bunch of girls and see who's taking the bait, it'll be much better if you focus your energy on one girl at a time. If you show that you are happy to both pick up one of her friends and her while you talk to her, she will see you as a seducer and immediately lose interest. On the contrary, you need to make it clear that she is the one for you.
- No girl likes to feel like a piece of meat. She wants to feel special, not like one of the many girls you aim for.
- Also, if you start targeting one of her friends besides her, they will discourage the girl from being with you, because they too will see that you want to be a seducer.

Step 6. Approach places other than bars and clubs
If you want to increase your chances of picking up a girl, you need to think outside the box. Sure, many guys prefer to pick up girls in bars and clubs, but you might pick up more easily in a coffee shop, market, malls, or even the gym because she expects it less and may keep her guard down. Don't believe that you can only look for girls in the most obvious places, always look for beautiful girls who spark your interest.
- If you're in a coffee shop, try to strike up a conversation with a girl about the book she's reading. She will be impressed by your being polite and intelligent.
- If you're in the market or even a supermarket, don't be afraid to strike up a silly conversation about a product or ask the girl what plans she has with the cabbage she bought.
- If you're in the gym, make eye contact with a girl as you work out and approach her later when she's about to finish her workout so you don't catch her too unprepared.
Part 2 of 3: Charm her

Step 1. Ask her questions
If you want the girl to get involved, you have to show her that you want to get to know her. You don't have to question her, but you should at least ask her about her interests, who she is, so that she knows you're trying hard. Make sure you talk a little bit about yourself, too, for balance. When it comes to picking up girls, it's much more important to be interested in her than to be interesting firsthand. Here are some things to ask her:
- His hobbies
- His animals
- Her friends
- The city where she grew up
- His favorite bands, movies and actors

Step 2. Find Common Ground You don't have to have everything in common with the girl you're trying to hook up with, but finding something that connects you surely won't hurt
It could be the passion for a band, the obsession with some TV shows, or even the fact that you went to the same school as her three years ago. You may also find something much dumber that you have in common, such as an aversion to the bartender or a love of the color black. Once you find something, make a connection with the girl.
If you find that you don't have any sports, teams or musical interests in common, then you might tease her about her tastes, only if she teases you too

Step 3. Show her that you think she is special
Let her know that she is different from the others. Compliment her eyes and clothes, tell her you think she's unique, and let her know it's not just words. Make her feel that you really care and that you're not just there to pick up any girl. Get closer to her, tell her she has the best laugh you've ever heard, and show her that she is truly special to you.
- No girl wants to be looked at as just a piece of meat. Let her know that you see her for what she is and that she's not like any other girl.
- If she is different in any way, in a good way, let her know. Say something like, "I've never met anyone who knows so much about indie rock."

Step 4. Don't try too hard
Even if you want to show her you're working hard, you shouldn't crawl at her feet. Let her know you like her without telling her you want to marry her and ask her questions without asking her how many people she has kissed in her life. Show her that you are fun and casual, and that you don't want to put too much pressure on her. The more you try, the more disinterested the girl will be.
- Don't be jealous of the other guys. If you see other guys interested in her or see the girl talking to other friends in her circle, don't start asking a thousand questions about who they are or if she knows them. Remain imperturbable rather than show that you are insecure.
- Try to avoid asking her how she feels about you or showing her that you would do anything to please her.

Step 5. Don't take yourself too seriously
Remember to leave things light and fun. There is no need to be nervous or worry about what she thinks every two seconds. Think you're having a fun conversation that could lead to something more. If you are too worried about how she will react, she may understand it and this could lead to embarrassment over time. On the contrary, try to be quiet, talk lightly, and don't get too caught up in the whole thing.
Remember that the girl is also around to have fun. If you put too much pressure on yourself to have a good connection immediately, this attitude will make it less likely to happen

Step 6. Don't flaunt your wealth
You might think a girl in a bar wants to hear how much money you have, but you should actually avoid this conversation topic if you want to get anywhere. Girls want to be impressed with who you are, not your bank account, and if paying for things or talking about your sports cars becomes a matter of state for you, you'll discourage them before you know it.
Even worse than flaunting your wealth is lying about your wealth. If you want to get a girl, forget about this topic
Part 3 of 3: Making a deal

Step 1. Make physical contact
Once you and the girl start getting on well together, don't be afraid of a little flirtation and physical contact. Get closer to her, put your hand on her arm or shoulder and see how she reacts. If it pulls back or moves, then you probably should too. But if she approaches or touches you, that's a sign that she wants to make physical contact.
- You can also give her a playful pat on the arm as you tease yourself, so that it looks like just a game.
- You can be bold and compliment her on the earrings or bracelet, as you try to touch them you get closer to her.
- If you are seated, move closer so that your knees, thighs or feet touch.

Step 2. Ask at the right time
You should ask the girl to go out with you at the right time. While you're laughing, you're having a great time and she's clearly interested in the conversation, you should say something like, “I'd like to continue this Radiohead conversation, but I have to go now. Could we meet again for a dinner or a drink soon? Make it seem casual so you don't catch her off guard. If things go well, he will most likely say yes.
If you wait too long to ask her out and the conversation gets boring, she's less likely to keep talking to you. If you're already running out of topics to talk about, why would she want to see you again another day?

Step 3. Ask for her phone number
Randomly ask her for her phone number. Just tell her, "Hey, can I call you?" or “I'd like to see you again. Can I have your number?" Don't make it too big a deal, don't tell her she's the perfect girl for you. Just ask her for the number, simply, and show her that you haven't thought about it too much to ask for it. Remember that the worst thing that can happen is that he will say no, which is not that bad.
Don't ask her right away if you can reach out to her on social media. While it may seem less urgent to say, "Hey, can I reach out to you on Facebook?", This is actually not very serious. If you really want to pick up the girl, try to get her number

Step 4. Ask her to walk around together
If you want to see if the girl will come home with you that night, you have to be polite. You could say, "Hey, let's get out of here," or you could be a little more polite and ask if you can go to the bar across the street or some other public place to talk. You could also say, “I really enjoy talking to you, but I would like to go to a more intimate place. What do you say?" Show her that you would like to spend time with her and that you are interested in more than just taking her to bed.
If you really just want to have sex with her, there's nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn't make her believe you want anything more

Step 5. Find out when you are not welcome
Learn to read the signs that tell you to abandon ship. If the girl looks away, staring at the floor and constantly checking her phone or waiting for her friends to rescue her, then maybe things aren't going so well. If she barely responds to you and keeps walking away, you shouldn't try to pick her up. Maybe she already has a boyfriend or she just isn't interested. Whatever the reason, it's best to back off while there is time.
- Read the body language to see if she is interested. If she keeps turning her body away from you, crossing her arms across her chest, or pulling back slightly if you touch her, then she's probably not interested.
- It's okay to admit it if you're not wanted. Maybe the girl wants to be with her friends. Don't be discouraged and focus your energy on the next girl who hits you.
- Trust yourself (required)
- Show affection through your gaze and smile
- Try to have direct eye contact with her
- Be funny, but don't overdo it, you could deviate from the topic
- Be a gentleman and show respect (required)
- Don't show that you need her (required)
- Try to be a little irresistible
- Try to compare it to extreme beauty
- Be impressed with everything she says
- Try to hold her arm and read her hand