3 Ways to Make a Girl Feel Special

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3 Ways to Make a Girl Feel Special
3 Ways to Make a Girl Feel Special

You don't have to look like Brad Pitt or drive a Corvette to impress a girl. These things, alone, almost never work on a woman who is really worth wooing. If you really want to impress her, then you need to know how to make her feel special, without going overboard. Here's how to do it.


Method 1 of 3: Make Her Feel Special

Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 1
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 1

Step 1. Give her a unique compliment

If you want to make her feel special right away and really want to impress her, you need to make her understand that you don't see her just as yet another conquest. Let her know that you think she is special and compliment her on her unique features, without going overboard. Tell her she has amazing freckles, a weird sense of humor, a great laugh, or the most incredible sense of look you've ever seen.

  • Don't tell her yet that she is gorgeous or beautiful. While this is a nice compliment, if you give it too soon, it can feel like you are trying too hard or that you are not being sincere.
  • In your first or second conversation, try to sneak in a subtle compliment that makes her feel like you really see her, like a person, and not like any other girl.
  • You can also flatter aspects of his personality. Don't just focus on superficial things.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 2
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 2

Step 2. Ask her questions about herself

Most people love to talk about themselves when given the chance. If you want to make a girl feel special, and if you really care, you need to ask her a few questions about her life and ideas. Don't give her the third degree and keep it from looking like an interview. Just ask her a few slightly personal but unobtrusive questions to let her know you're interested. Here are some topics you can ask her:

  • Who are his closest friends and what they do for fun
  • If she has any pets, and if so, ask her to see a photo
  • If he has siblings
  • What are his favorite films, bands, books
  • His hobbies
  • What job does he do or what school he attends
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 3
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 3

Step 3. Ask her for her opinion

If you want the girl to feel special and if you really care about her, you also need to show her that her opinions are very important to you. Ask his opinion on a variety of topics, from your new shoes to his taste for music. Don't ask her questions that could spark a discussion right away - stay away from politics or other sensitive issues. But if you ask her about her thoughts every time, she sees that you really care about her, and that you don't treat her as a game.

  • If you take her to the cinema, ask her what she really wants to see. When you walk together, you should ask her what she thinks.
  • If you carry her around in your car and listen to music, ask her, "What CDs do you have in your car?"
  • If you are making a decision about your life, and are confident enough to hear her opinion on the matter, don't decide without asking her what she thinks first.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 4
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 4

Step 4. Take the time to really listen to it

This is different from nodding your head and saying, ah, yes, every now and then, when she asks if you're listening to her. She pays attention to the small details, from what she really thinks about her friend Stephanie, to her favorite type of sweater. Sure, you can get distracted from time to time, but you will earn big points the next time her friend Stephanie comes or you are shopping for sweaters together if you talk about something she told you before; she will be really impressed to see that you care.

  • Really listening to her will also make her understand that you are as interested in her opinions as she is in her body.
  • Listening to her carefully can also help you understand what she likes and dislikes, so you can give her the perfect gift when the time comes.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 5
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 5

Step 5. Be a gentleman

If you want a girl to fall at your feet, you absolutely must be a gentleman. You don't have to overdo it or try to do something that doesn't suit your personality, but if you want to make her feel special, you have to make her feel like a lady. To be a gentleman, you need to treat her with respect, be kind and loving, and give her your full attention, whether you're out for a special occasion or just to have coffee. Here are some other things you can do:

  • When you're driving her around, don't wait for her in the car honking her horn. Go out and ring the bell for her. When he gets to the car, he opens the door.
  • Open the doors and move the chair for her. Always make her walk in front of you.
  • Occasionally ask her if she's okay. Are you too cold or too hot? Offer her your jacket or hang her coat.
  • Always start a date with a compliment. She's committed so tell her she's beautiful, gorgeous, or whatever.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 6
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 6

Step 6. Passionate about his hobbies

This doesn't mean you have to become obsessed with Power Yoga or take her to the farmer's market every Saturday like a little dog. It means you need to show interest in some of the things she loves to do, and ask her about her passions without being too intrusive. If she loves writing poetry or painting, ask her if you can see some of her verses and canvases. If she goes to a literary evening and asks if you want to join her, say yes.

This doesn't mean you have to start doing a lot of things that seem boring to you. It means that you need to show that you care about her interests and that you can support her as much as possible

Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 7
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 7

Step 7. Maintain eye contact

Jokes aside. This is one of the most underrated tricks for making a girl feel really special. When she is talking to you, look her in the eye. This may seem completely obvious, but you'll be surprised how many guys barely look a girl in the eye or because they're too shy, or too busy looking at their cell phones to really pay attention to their girlfriend's eyes.

  • This doesn't mean you have to be creepy and look the girl in the eye 100% of the time, but when she's talking to you and you're really listening to her, looking her in the eye shows that you care about her.
  • Maintaining eye contact also makes it easier for you to truly stay in tune with your girlfriend's feelings. If you look away from her face, you can't tell if she's really upset or upset until it's too late.

Method 2 of 3: Make Her Feel Loved

Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 8
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 8

Step 1. Show her affection

While you may think your girlfriend must know how you feel because you tell her every now and then, a little tenderness can save you a long wait before she falls at your feet. You don't have to keep your arm around her waist all the time or hold her hand 24 hours a day (you might be surprised to know that a lot of girls don't like it), but you should give her a loving caress or give her a gentle gesture from time to time when you want to. have been around for a while, to make her feel loved. Here are some things you can do:

  • If you're in the movies or out and about, hold her hand for at least a little while if she likes it.
  • If you are on the sofa together, don't forget to cuddle her or hug her to make her feel special.
  • If you're talking and she's upset, put your hand on her lap, lock her arm, or hold her hand to let her know you're interested.
  • When you greet and kiss her, hold your hands in her hair.
  • Don't forget to touch it playfully. Pick her up, play by tickling each other, or just play leaning on each other are all great ways to show affection.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 9
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 9

Step 2. Be supportive

If you really want to make her feel loved, you need to go beyond compliments and physical contact. You have to support her, whether it's watching her play soccer or being there for her after her grandmother dies. Love isn't always just fun and games, and to really impress her, you have to be completely there for her when she needs you.

  • If she plays sports, go and watch her play if you can, or at least don't forget to ask her how it went.
  • If she is about to take a difficult exam, help her with her study, or support her by bringing her lunch or offering to do her little favors while she studies.
  • If you're having a stressful week at work, take it easy. Help her relax by planning a stress-free evening without asking too many questions for now.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 10
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 10

Step 3. Give her some unexpected kisses

Sure, if you kiss her in the middle of an intimate hot moment it will make her feel good, but it's the unexpected kisses that matter most. If you're just chatting in the middle of a date or taking a nice walk in a park, kiss her and say, "I wanted to kiss you right now. You're so beautiful." This will really make it fly.

  • And once you've started kissing her, make sure you kiss her every time you see her, without her feeling neglected.
  • Not all kisses have to be complete, French-style. A sweet kiss on the lips is a great way to show her your affection.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 11
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 11

Step 4. Make time for romance

If you really want your girlfriend to feel loved, you need to make sure you schedule appointments and stick to them. If you want her to lose her mind for you, you can't be a Casanova for only the first three weeks and then tell her that "Sunday is sports day" all the rest of the time. Make sure you have a weekly night out, no matter how stressed and tired you both are, you need to keep making the girl feel loved.

Romance doesn't have to mean red wine and chocolate. It just means taking the time to show the other that you care

Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 12
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 12

Step 5. Let her know that you think of her when you are elsewhere

If you want to make her feel loved, you need to let her know that she is on your mind, even if you are not together. Text her once a day to let her know you're thinking about her, or send her an email from work with a link that made you think of her. Don't check on her eight times a day, unless you want to sound arrogant, but if you're serious about dating her, don't let a day go by without a phone call or text.

While it is important to show her how much you care for her when you are together, it is equally important to show her that she is in your thoughts when you are away

Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 13
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 13

Step 6. Do little things for her

While some big gestures, like a human-sized teddy bear or a diamond necklace, can show that you really care for her, you can add some little things. While it may not seem the most elegant of gestures, bring some groceries when she's having trouble, or stare at her broken table leg in her living room, or take her to the vet when her kitten is sick; these are the things that make her think that yes, you really do take care of her.

Of course, she should do little things for you too. You don't have to become her delivery boy to let her know that you care about her

Method 3 of 3: Make the Relationship Last

Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 14
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 14

Step 1. Be spontaneous

While having a routine, from the evening date to the movie of the night, establishing reasons that make a relationship meaningful and healthy can help; which is not to say that a routine is always fun. Changing things from time to time makes them more spontaneous. Make an effort not to always do the predictable and ordinary things, and the girl will want to date you again.

  • Take a random weekend trip to a place you've never been before. Try food from a country you've never even heard of. Do a somersault in the middle of the road.
  • And don't underestimate the spontaneous hug, a kiss or a compliment.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 15
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 15

Step 2. Be adventurous

If you want to impress the girl, you need to bring adventure and fun into her life. This doesn't mean you have to sky dive or climb Everest, but it does mean you have to find ways to keep things exciting, push each other out of your comfort zones, and do the things you never thought you'd be able to do.. Whatever you do that looks new will keep the girl's adrenaline high, and keep your relationship lively.

  • This could mean running a marathon together, learning to dive, or even learning a new language.
  • When a new business comes up, have the spirit of saying "yes" instead of saying "no" and don't think about all the reasons why saying no would be a good idea.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 16
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 16

Step 3. Captivate his friends and family

You might ask yourself, "What do her friends and family have to do with her?" Well, the short answer is: everything. While you can start a sparkling and exciting romance without ever meeting his friends and family, if you want to keep the relationship for a long time, you will have to make an effort at some point to get to know his friends and be polite and kind. when it comes to meeting his family.

  • Even if you can't make friends with his friends right away, give them a chance. If you stay with the girl, chances are they will be a part of your life forever.
  • Sure, family events aren't always the funniest thing, but don't complain. If you really care about her, you need to take care of her family too, even if you'd rather watch your favorite team's game than go to her uncle's birthday party.
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 17
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 17

Step 4. Maintain your independence

While you may think that maintaining your independence has nothing to do with impressing a girl, the opposite is true. If you want to show her that you really care about her and that you want to take her breath away, you have to prove it by letting her be herself, and allowing her to take her space every now and then. She will be thrilled that you are not possessive or jealous enough and that you don't want to be around her all the time, and she will love you even more for it.

If you have distinct friends and interests, and you have parts of your relationship that don't intersect, your relationship will be stronger when you spend time together

Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 18
Sweep a Girl off Her Feet Step 18

Step 5. Don't take it for granted

After impressing the girl, you need to continue the action. You may think that everything is going great and that there is no need to keep making your girlfriend feel loved and special - and you would be completely wrong. You have to keep things fresh all the time if you don't want the girl to lose interest. Bring her flowers, keep complimenting her, and find new activities you can do together, like hiking or learning to cook, to keep the relationship fresh and lively.

If you've already gotten to the "I love you" stage, be sure to say it at least once a day to always show her attention


  • Joke with her. If you can make a girl smile, she will remember you.
  • When you start getting intimate, say things like "hello honey" and "hey baby" to let her know you notice her.
  • Be confident.
  • Girls like easy-going, easy-going guys. They don't want someone who is always panicking. Always try to be calm and relaxed around her. Try not to sound nervous when you talk to her. Don't stutter or hesitate when talking to girls, they may think you are scared and embarrassed.
  • If she's not interested, go ahead. At least you tried.
  • Remember to keep your life. Most girls like a guy who has his own friends, his own opinions, and his own time.
  • Never make her choose between her friends or you, unless the friend has feelings for the girl.
  • If she asks how you look, always give her a positive comment like "great" or "great" so she knows you think good things about her.
  • Be specific with compliments, especially if they are genuine. Tell her "this is a nice summer dress" instead of "it looks like you are hot". If the former is sincere, he will accept it more easily.
