How to Get a Girl to Feel Your Missing

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How to Get a Girl to Feel Your Missing
How to Get a Girl to Feel Your Missing

You have found the girl of your dreams, but you have to part with her for some time … You may understandably be concerned that the spark that has ignited between you will go out not seeing her every day! Don't be discouraged though, there are many ways to make your partner miss you when you are not together. Just find the right balance between letting her know you think about her and being difficult to make her want you more. To discover all the secrets of this art, start reading this article.


Part 1 of 2: Doing the Hard

Make a Girl Miss You Step 1
Make a Girl Miss You Step 1

Step 1. Don't be on the phone too much with her

If you really want your girlfriend to miss you, you can't call her all the time or she won't feel like you're distant. If she knows you can hear each other all day, she'll start to take your presence for granted and miss you a lot less than if you only talked to her for twenty minutes a day, because you're busy.

Make it clear that you have to meet deadlines and that you can't chat with her for hours as often as she feels like it. Don't be rude, though; in some cases, a long conversation is perfect for making your relationship stronger

Make a Girl Miss You Step 2
Make a Girl Miss You Step 2

Step 2. Spend less time together

If you want your girlfriend to miss you, you can't always stay by her side or you'll never give her a chance to want to be with you. Remember, distance makes feelings more intense. You shouldn't get to see her so little that you forget, but you should find the right balance: have a good time with her, without giving her the impression that she can be with you whenever she wants.

  • Your goal is to be difficult. If you always answer "present" whenever she calls you, she will know she can have you when she wants.
  • You shouldn't always be available to go out when she feels like it. Do you remember that you already have plans, because you are a very busy person?
Make a Girl Miss You Step 3
Make a Girl Miss You Step 3

Step 3. Live your life

If you want your girlfriend to miss you, she has to respect you as a person. You need to let her know that you have a life of your own, commitments, friends and hobbies, from football to guitar. If she thinks you have no other interests than her, she'll think she can see you whenever she wants, because you never do anything important and you can just drop everything to be with her.

Having a lot of commitments and an active life makes you a more attractive partner to all independent girls. Of course, you shouldn't be so busy that you don't have time for your girlfriend or feel stressed and unhappy about your situation. If you find yourself ignoring your partner, apologize

Make a Girl Miss You Step 4
Make a Girl Miss You Step 4

Step 4. Create an aura of mystery

Don't tell your girlfriend everything you think or do every day, or she'll feel like there's no more mystery in your relationship. You shouldn't lie to her or disappear for a few days, leading her to think the worst, but neither should you tell her everything about you and your plans for the future. When you are together, she should feel like she is slowly completing a puzzle, piece by piece, learning something about you each time. Being an open book isn't as sexy as presenting mysterious sides.

The more time you spend together, the more things you can reveal about yourself. However, don't be in a hurry, because if she feels like she already knows everything about you after the first date, she might not take a second one

Make a Girl Miss You Step 5
Make a Girl Miss You Step 5

Step 5. Don't always be available

You have your own life, remember? For this, you cannot answer every time he calls you, or reply to his messages after a few seconds. Of course, you should answer the phone and text quickly when she asks you an urgent question, but in general, let some time pass before you get in touch. You can wait an hour or two, half a day, or even 24 hours if you are really busy. Avoid getting into the habit of ignoring her phone calls altogether or you'll just annoy her and make her suspect you are seeing another woman.

If she notices that you answer the phone every time she calls you, she'll think she's keeping an eye on you

Make a Girl Miss You Step 6
Make a Girl Miss You Step 6

Step 6. Be careful if you intend to make her jealous

You may think that by disappearing for a few days, talking about other girls, or not letting your partner know what you really feel, she'll miss you, be jealous, and want to see you more, thinking you're with someone else. Indeed it is, but within certain limits. As mentioned earlier, you don't have to uncover all your cards, but neither do you have to create a great distance between you or show up with other girls just to make your partner think of you; this strategy is counterproductive, because it hurts your girlfriend and makes her lose interest in you.

She would understand your tactic right away and miss you even less

Part 2 of 2: Make Her Think of You

Make a Girl Miss You Step 7
Make a Girl Miss You Step 7

Step 1. Make sure she thinks about you before falling asleep

If you want your girlfriend to miss you, she has to fantasize about you every time she closes her eyes for the night. On a subconscious level, this will make her think of you and miss you even more. Therefore, make a habit of calling her to say goodnight or texting her when you know she is about to go to sleep. If she doesn't like this evening ritual, don't try to introduce it anyway, or you'll look desperate. However, if your voice is the last thing she hears before bed, she is guaranteed to miss you.

Make a Girl Miss You Step 8
Make a Girl Miss You Step 8

Step 2. Make her wonder if you are thinking about her

After an unforgettable date, you can call her briefly to hear how she is, but don't keep talking to her for hours telling her how much you like it. Tell her you had a great time and don't be heard the next day. Make her wonder if you're thinking about her as much as she thinks about you. If you succeed, she will never forget you. If something comes up that really makes you think about her, feel free to tell her, but don't make a habit of making yourself heard too often.

If she tells you she's thinking about you, you don't have to be shy. Answer that you think about her too. Just try not to be the one initiating these conversations

Make a Girl Miss You Step 9
Make a Girl Miss You Step 9

Step 3. Leave her something of yours

If you want your girlfriend to miss you, you have to leave her with an object that reminds her of you. You can choose an adorable teddy bear that you bought her at the carnival, a sweatshirt with your perfume or a framed photo of the two of you together at a concert for your first date. She will miss you a lot, always having something under her eyes that reminds her of you. Giving her a gift or giving her an item of your own are ideal ways to stay in her thoughts.

  • Give her a nice ring or bracelet that she can look at every time she wears them.
  • Give her a poster or something she can hang in her room, so that it will always be under her gaze.
Make a Girl Miss You Step 10
Make a Girl Miss You Step 10

Step 4. Charm her even when you are far away

When you are apart and talking, you need to keep her interested so she will want to see you again. Even if you feel alone for twenty minutes a day, you have to make the most of those moments. Make her laugh, tell her funny stories about what happened to you, ask her how her day went and make her feel special. They should feel like they are worth talking to you and want to see you even more once they hang up the phone.

  • Not everyone likes to spend a lot of time on the phone. You don't have to talk about your feelings hundreds of times if you don't like the idea. Just remember to try your best when you feel like it.
  • If you're nervous about talking to your girlfriend, think about what to say in advance. Find three topics of conversation, they should suffice.
Make a Girl Miss You Step 11
Make a Girl Miss You Step 11

Step 5. Write her a letter

If you want to make her miss you because you live far away, you can surprise her with this cute gesture. No one uses handwritten lettering anymore and she will appreciate this idea, which she will find incredibly romantic. He will keep the letter as a treasure and read it dozens of times, always thinking of you. You don't need to write a lot; just tell her about your days and let her know that you think about her.

You don't have to be Shakespeare to write a nice letter to your girlfriend. She will be impressed by your commitment, not your literary skills

Make a Girl Miss You Step 12
Make a Girl Miss You Step 12

Step 6. Treat her like a queen when you are together

By being tough when you are apart you are sure to make your girlfriend miss you, but when you are together you should give her all your attention. Make her feel special, tell her how beautiful she is, have fun with her, so that you remember with pleasure when you are apart. Talk about her interests, compliment her, and take the time to listen to her.

Don't be afraid to tell her you missed her. It is not a sign of weakness, but of how much you care for her


  • Don't be obsessive. Have fun together, but don't go overboard.
  • Be yourself, and if there is attraction between you, so be it. But if she doesn't like you, get her out of your head and turn the page.
  • It takes time, you won't be able to change things in a day or a week. Be patient and don't be discouraged. In the end, it will be worth it.
  • Each girl is unique. The tips in this article are just examples of the best strategies for most women.
  • If she has a boyfriend, don't follow these tips. It would be cruel.
  • Don't disrespect her, for example by asking another girl for her phone number.
  • Girls love men who are themselves.
  • Respect their feelings.
  • Don't be tough, be yourself.


  • As mentioned earlier, don't be obsessive or you'll lose it. Better to take small steps than show yourself desperate.
  • If she isn't interested in you, take a step back. There is nothing worse than pissing off the girl you like. You will eventually win her over, but if that doesn't happen, look for another partner.
