While it's easy to think a guy is the one, knowing for sure isn't. To find out if you are serious about him - and if it's worth it - read these tips and strategies.
Part 1 of 4: How It Makes You Feel

Step 1. You feel like Wonder Woman when you are with him
It should make you feel like a super heroine. You should feel able to do anything in his presence. You shouldn't fear the challenges in your life, because he makes you sure you are strong enough to overcome them. Together with him, you should feel capable of conquering the world and winning.

Step 2. You are comfortable in front of him
This doesn't mean being the fool that only your close friends know; it means that you allow him to see your vulnerable side, whether it be when you are wearing make-up, after a heavy workout, when you are afraid or crying.

Step 3. Don't be ashamed in his presence
Do you feel the need to hide something from him? If you feel like you have to hide details about you or your life from him, maybe he isn't the one for you. He should love you unconditionally. Otherwise it's not the man for you.

Step 4. How often do you think about your future
Do you imagine celebrating future birthdays together or spending the holidays together? Do you daydream about your apartment, animals or even your future children?
Part 2 of 4: How He Treats You

Step 1. Pay attention to when he says "I love you"
It's nice that he says, "I love you too," but not if it always happens only after you tell him. He too must take the initiative and not wait for you to say it first. This shows how much he cares about you.
However, don't worry too much if it doesn't. Some guys are very shy about expressing their feelings. Ask him why he never tells you and tell him you like to hear it. This may make him feel more comfortable

Step 2. Make sure she doesn't press for intimate sex before you're ready
Someone who wants to enjoy your body before your heart clearly doesn't have your needs as a top priority (and if they can't see beyond their desires in the moment of sex, they definitely won't when it comes time to commit or start a family.).

Step 3. Notice if he's the one checking
If he often tells you what to do, tries to manage your life, or manipulates your emotions to get what he wants, be careful! He is an insecure guy and is convinced that he has absolute power in your relationship. The "right one" will be confident and let you be yourself.

Step 4. Does he introduce you to his friends?
If he refuses to introduce you to his friends and doesn't tell you what they did the night before, then he doesn't want to involve you in his life and may even have a bad conscience.

Step 5. Talk to the future of you two
If neither of you is ready to talk about future projects, notice if he throws any clues. Even small details, like wondering how you will organize yourself for an event that will take place after a month or two, is still a good sign.
- If he proposes to you too early (for example, before a year), take some time to analyze why he is rushing. If you're inclined to say yes, suggest a longer engagement just to be on the safe side.
- If, on the other hand, he absolutely does not discuss your future together - even after a certain period of time, for example a year - he probably does not even consider it.
Part 3 of 4: How You Treat It

Step 1. Do you remember his birthday, anniversary and important days for him by yourself?
This is a way to determine how much in your thoughts is when you are not together; It's one thing to make room for someone in your life, it's another to make room for them in your mind.

Step 2. Compliment him even if he's not at his best
Are you attracted to him even if he has food in his teeth or pinched hair? Or does your attraction vary based on how good it looks for you?

Step 3. You are excited to include it in your life
Introducing him to your friends and including him in your family is an important expression of trust. Instead, if you don't feel confident in the relationship, you may subconsciously find excuses not to introduce him or talk about him.
- Do you include it in family programs, such as the family vacation (or do you assume it will be there without the need for an invitation)?
- Do you want to help him get along with his family (or even defend him) because it is important that they accept you?
- Do you suggest that he call your mother if he needs advice on cooking, cleaning, etc.?
Part 4 of 4: How Your Couple Works

Step 1. Observe how you have changed
As people, we often change how long we are with someone for a long time, especially if it's someone we care about a lot. Sometimes it changes for the better, sometimes for the worse. You need to understand if you have a positive impact on him and if he positively affects you.
- Do you feel that either of you is becoming possessive, jealous, suspicious, lazy, or constantly stressed out? He probably isn't for you and you don't like who you become when you are with him.
- Do you feel that you are inspiring each other to be better people? Do you strive to get more out of life and for yourself when you are with him? And does he do the same? Do you make each other kinder and happier? This is a healthy relationship and you can only improve each other's lives.

Step 2. Reflect on how he is living his life
Does it coincide with what you hope your future is? Do you have the same values? For example, if you recycle and he throws the garbage out the window, are you sure it will work?

Step 3. Observe how you show your affection
Are you comfortable showing your tender side? You tell him openly that you love him, even adding the "quantity" or starting the game "Do I love you more?"
Check for any discrepancies between what it says and what it "communicates". We are often so blinded by someone using poetic words to express their love that we don't notice if they actually do something to prove it. Similarly, we can be so frustrated by someone who doesn't speak in verse that we miss all the gestures of love and care they do for us. Think about whether one of you falls into one of these categories

Step 4. Notice how comfortable you feel in each other's space
It is often said that living together is the true test of compatibility; A relationship that lives in restaurants or parks might be all roses, but sharing meals, seeing one of you shaving, or handling dirty laundry can pulverize this illusion in no time. If you live together, how do you organize individual and shared responsibilities? If you don't live together, have you at least exchanged the keys to your apartments? And if so, how welcome do you feel in the other person's house?

Step 5. Ask yourself if the time you spend together and apart is well balanced
Having your interests separate will make your relationship more interesting and help you maintain healthy and independent identities. If the relationship is on the right track, you will be fine and comfortable even when you are not together.
- If he talks about you to his friends, then this is an important sign. It means that he is not afraid of you, but that he is even proud of it. If he keeps your relationship a secret, then he might not be the one.
- You have to know even the worst part of him. If you can accept it as part of the package then it might be the right one, but don't start a relationship with the idea of changing certain aspects of it, you will only create tension and stress.
- Try to get to know him better. Ask him some simple questions. See if you have a lot in common.
- Crucially, trust your instincts. Observe what you feel and why. Are you throwing yourself headlong into something? Is there something holding you back?
- Observe him when he is with his parents, siblings, or older people who are important to him. Does he respect them, does he take care of them? Does he observe his relationship with his father, does he love and respect his choices? Is it the same with the women in your life?
- Being best friends helps build better relationships. It is important that you listen to each other and compromise without too much discussion.
- Take some time to get to know your partner, to find out what they like and what they don't. Make him feel that he is your priority.
- Don't give it your full attention. If he demands all of your attention and gets in a bad mood or clingy when you're not focused on him, that's a bad sign.
- Pay attention to how he behaves in difficulties. Do you manage your emotions well?
- If he keeps in touch with his ex but refuses to respect your boundaries and feelings about it, then he doesn't consider you important enough to change the relationship with his ex (but remember, ultimatums aren't a solution! friendly relationship with his ex and you have unreasonable claims about how and how much they need to keep in touch, you will convince him that he is with the wrong person).
- If she does something you don't want to tell your best friend, then really ask yourself if you are honest with yourself. If a close friend of yours told you that her boyfriend did the same thing, what would you answer? Drop it? Talk to us? Take it easy? Be honest with yourself and take care of yourself as you would a friend.
- If he makes important decisions (like changing jobs or cities) without including you, then he doesn't consider you a part of his life.
- If, when you say, "I love you very, very much", he hesitantly replies: "Yes, I love you too", he probably doesn't have the same feelings you have towards him.