How to Be Good Friends with a Girl (for Guys)

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How to Be Good Friends with a Girl (for Guys)
How to Be Good Friends with a Girl (for Guys)

This article shows you how to be good friends with a girl and is aimed at guys.


Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 1
Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 1

Step 1. If the girl in question hates you then it is best to skip this article

But if you don't know her or barely know her, then read on.

Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 2
Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 2

Step 2. Introduce yourself

Tell her you saw her at school, at work, etc. Say you just wanted to say hello and then walk away. If she starts talking to you, don't ignore her. Stay and listen to what he has to tell you.

Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 3
Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 3

Step 3. Say that you enjoy talking to her and that you would like to do it more often

Give her your email address / phone number. If she already has this information tell her to call / email you / text you!

Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 4
Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 4

Step 4. If she has also given you her contact, write her an email at the end of the day

Tell her that you enjoyed talking to her and would like to spend time with her sometime.

Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 5
Be Good Friends With a Girl (Guys) Step 5

Step 5. After talking on the phone for a few months, having often had lunch together often, etc

tell her she is a really good friend.


  • Don't flatter her too often, tease her sometimes so she'll realize you're treating her like all your other friends. It will serve to make your friendship stronger.
  • Don't be clingy and don't get jealous if she talks to other guys. Remember, it's all about friendship.
  • Don't treat her like she's your girlfriend, be nice but act like you're in the presence of your friend without exaggerating.
  • Make sure you don't misunderstand and pass yourself off as someone who wants to flirt! She could really misunderstand your intentions.
  • Some girls may act romantically without wanting to be in a relationship. Sometimes he just needs a missing presence in his life. Be careful.
  • If you want a relationship, always buy her lunch. Even if it is expensive. If you just want a friendship, split the bill or pay once each.
  • If a girl tells you that you are her best friend, it means that there is nothing but friendship.
  • Find common ground and listen to what he has to say.
  • Put your arm around her shoulder, comfort her, ask her how she is doing and above all listen to her if you want a relationship otherwise don't overdo it.
  • Don't swear in the presence of girls, it's not a nice gesture and people will have a negative impression of you.


  • He may misunderstand your intentions. Read the "Tips" section for more information on this.
  • Failing to respect boundaries could put your relationship at risk.
  • You could ruin your friendship if you talk about sexual matters with her.
