How to Make a Good Impression on Your Friends

How to Make a Good Impression on Your Friends
How to Make a Good Impression on Your Friends

Table of contents:


Do your friends think you're a bit extravagant? Here is a guide to making a good impression without having to spend money.


Impress Your Friends Step 1
Impress Your Friends Step 1

Step 1. Always make time for them

Even if you are very busy, try to make time just for your friendships.

Impress Your Friends Step 2
Impress Your Friends Step 2

Step 2. Take care of your style

Your friends will admire your combinations, or your leather jacket. Remember: the way you dress is your business card, so try to keep up with fashion and create a unique style!

Impress Your Friends Step 3
Impress Your Friends Step 3

Step 3. Keep your hair tidy

Wash them regularly (at least three times a week if you have oily or normal hair; once a week for dry hair; washing your hair daily is harmful because it removes too much oil which helps protect the skin).

Impress Your Friends Step 4
Impress Your Friends Step 4

Step 4. Show off

Buy modern items, like an iPod, cell phone, nice bracelet or bag and watch your friends react!

Impress Your Friends Step 5
Impress Your Friends Step 5

Step 5. Be "cool"

Listen to modern music and think of fun things to do! Your friends won't want to be with you if you're the boring type!

Impress Your Friends Step 6
Impress Your Friends Step 6

Step 6. If you see a person misbehaving with your friend, defend him

Talk to that person and teach them a lesson! Your friend will be grateful to you.

Impress Your Friends Step 7
Impress Your Friends Step 7

Step 7. Try to always be number one

Get good grades in school, try to always look your best and give your best.

Impress Your Friends Step 8
Impress Your Friends Step 8

Step 8. Be yourself

Don't pretend to be the person you are not to make your friend happy. For example, if a friend has a crush on a famous person, you don't have to lie and say you like him too.

Method 1 of 1: Give Good Advice

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Step 1. Know when the time is right to give advice

Sometimes, when a friend comes to you with a problem, the only thing he wants is to let off steam and he is not sure if he is looking for advice. Listen to their needs and show your support.

  • If your friend keeps complaining about the same problem, tell him that you are close to him but would also like to help him find a solution.
  • Ask him if he wants advice. For example, you could say "Do you want some suggestions to solve the problem?", If the answer is no, do not insist.
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Step 2. Be honest

If you answer honestly, at times, as a first reaction your friends may get angry if they don't like your answer, but over time they will understand that you did it for their own good and they will appreciate your maturity. Of course, don't be rude and try to express your opinion tactfully, especially if you think you need to be honest.

  • If you don't have any good advice to give, be honest and tell him that you would like to be able to help him, but that you don't know how to fix it.
  • Don't judge your friend and don't say things like "You should have listened to me!" You would make him angry.
  • Don't try to solve the problem for him. While you may be tempted to show how good and kind you are by solving other people's problems, it's best not to. Let him follow his instincts and make his own decisions.
  • After offering some ideas on how to improve the situation, ask him what he thinks of your advice and what is the best solution.
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Step 3. Don't promise a certain result

Even if you think you are sure of the end result, don't promise him that something will go the way he wants. You can never be sure and it's best not to give him false hope. He may even blame you for his failure!

Be realistic about expectations. If you advise a friend of yours to ask a girl out, make sure he knows he is taking a risk and that he is not sure if the girl will accept, but that you think it is better to act and be brave instead of doing nothing


  • Always be kind, don't criticize others, and don't think you are the best of all! Remember that we are all the same.
  • If you make a mistake, the best thing to do is joke if you know no one will laugh.
  • Compliment your friends a lot and tell them how happy you are with your friendship.
  • Hang out with good and polite people.
  • Throw parties, your friends will love them.
  • Learn a musical instrument and play it in front of your friends.
  • Never be mean to your friends, be kind and polite, thank them, always welcome them and give them lots of compliments.


  • Don't be a boaster. You can show some of your strengths but don't overdo it.
  • Beware of jealous friends. They may want to harm you and destroy your reputation.
  • Make sure you know what you're doing, only follow these steps if your friends think you're too kinky.
  • Not all of your friends may like your new behavior.
  • Don't give yourself too much air in front of friends who are less than you.
