If you want to keep the feeling alive in your relationship, it's important to show your loved one how you feel about them so they can realize and appreciate it. Sometimes we think that our partner is able to read the love we feel in our minds, but this is not the case, if you want to show how much you love the person who is by your side then you will have to make some effort. There are many ways to express it, whether it is through words, or having a good time together, offering your help, through a caress or physical contact, or a small gift that shows your affection. You will have to try a little, but slowly you will be able to understand how to express your love and strengthen your relationship even more.

Step 1. Find out what makes you feel most loved
Try different methods and see which one your partner will appreciate the most. It may be something you aren't used to yet, but if you truly want to express your love to someone, you will need to learn to do what he or she will value most. There is not a rule that is valid for everyone, some may prefer something, others something else. There is no universal approach or even a "language of love" that is valid for everyone. Each language has its own nuances as well as feelings. See what the person next to you will appreciate the most. Here are the five love languages (in no particular order): The five love languages are (in no particular order):
- Words that express your feelings
- Have a good time together
- Small actions, or voluntary help
- Physical contact
- Gifts

Step 2. Say confirmation words
The desire to feel loved for many people is satisfied when they hear (or read) words of love. Express your appreciation, and your gratitude, for what they do. Add compliments and words of encouragement. Declare your love. Try to use different expressions to voice your feelings, repetitive sentences could become boring.
By pronouncing reassuring and positive phrases, you can express and share your feelings. At the same time, harsh words or accusations can cause wounds that are really hard to forget. Realize how powerful the impact of words is, so it is important to speak in a positive and never accusatory way. Learn to praise his qualities and replace criticism with constructive advice

Step 3. Have a good time together
If he prefers to spend time with you, then try to do some nice things together. Know what his favorite activities are and take the time to do them with him or her. Try to have good conversations, take part in nature excursions, play games, plan and do something together. Spend time together, not just neighbors. Your attention is the most important thing you can offer your partner.

Step 4. Offer your help
Parents often ask their children to help them, the same happens between husbands and wives. But sometimes a voluntary gesture can be much more meaningful to those around you. Offer to do something, for example, help with housekeeping, prepare a meal, take care of the laundry or garden. Whatever you choose will communicate your affection to your loved one. Try to figure out which tasks she feels are too heavy, or mentally stressful, and offer your help. Especially since your gesture is unexpected and voluntary, it will be greatly appreciated.

Step 5. Look for physical contact
Approach with an affectionate and loving gesture. Take his hand. Give it a pat on the shoulder, or on the back. Hugs. Seek physical contact with the person you love, choose the most appropriate time to hug them and express your feelings.

Step 6. Give gifts
Objects can be emblems of love, as physical and tangible entities can remember a gesture of affection over time. They don't have to be expensive or last forever, even a temporary gift, like flowers or dinner, can be a good way to express your feelings. Do not live on income thinking about gifts made in the past, continue to give small proofs of your love, often give gifts.
For those who value the emotional aspect above all, your presence will be the most precious gift. Your closeness will be an emblem of devotion and sharing even the most stressful moments with your loved one, simply by staying close to her, is a very significant gesture

Step 7. Explore different ways to express your love
Add new languages to your partner's favorite language, you will be able to better express how much you care about him or her. If it reacts positively to several methods, keep trying. And don't just repeat the same actions over and over, you may discover new ways to show your love.

Step 8. Express your love regularly
In truly important relationships, especially between husbands and wives or between family members, always try to show how much you care about loved ones. There are thousands of different ways to do this, choose the language that is most understandable for each of them. Everyone believes that "it is the thought that matters", but it only matters if you can truly express it. Loving in silence doesn't help anyone.
- Be patient. Try what is written in the passages and wait for the positive answer. Don't give up but rather increase your efforts.
- Pay attention to what that person does for others, you will be able to understand what their language is to express love.
- Read the book "The Five Languages of Love" to find more inspiration and to better understand the characteristics of each language.
- Love is born to be shared. So don't be embarrassed to show your good intentions and practice to improve your relationships with others.