How to Express Happiness: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Express Happiness: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Express Happiness: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


And so something incredible happened in your life. You are really excited, euphoric - even cheerful - but you don't know how to express these positive feelings to others or to yourself. You're not the only one! Many people really make incredible efforts to manifest their happiness, yet there are so many ways to do it.


Part 1 of 3: Manifesting Happiness to Yourself

Be Happy with Who You Are Step 7
Be Happy with Who You Are Step 7

Step 1. Think nice things

It is normal for humans to focus on the negative aspects of their life. Self-criticism is an evolutionary trait that guides us in the passage from one stage to the next. The other side of the coin is that it is a type of behavior that affects the ability to continue being positive. To be able to manifest your happiness to others, you must avoid directing it towards negative thoughts, and you must be able to manifest it to yourself as well.

If you feel happiness, take pleasure in it and do your best to keep the negativity away. Be proud of your accomplishments and don't give room for thoughts like "I could have done it better" or "I don't deserve this". You have to congratulate, don't belittle yourself

Have a Big Imagination Step 14
Have a Big Imagination Step 14

Step 2. Create something artistic

Despite the abused image of the tormented artist, studies have shown that artistic creation can actually help improve happiness and prolong pleasant sensations. During the "art therapy" sessions, participants report that making art is a source of joy, even when painful thoughts or memories are communicated with it. Also, if you are already happy, manifesting happiness through art helps improve positive feelings even more.

  • Paint, draw, sculpt or create something with your hands. People who do art therapy often report that the physical creation of something is a joyful experience for them, because it is combined with the pleasure of exploring and innovating. Some people rejoice when they have something tangible in front of their eyes.
  • Create a gratitude journal. If you're not into visual arts, writing down your feelings can be a great way to focus on happy thoughts. You could also write a fictional story or poem, and use it to express your feelings instead of making a list of things you are grateful for.
  • Make music. The study of the brain through images shows that cheerful music activates the brain areas dedicated to reward, with the release of dopamine; this process gives an injection of happiness, much like that produced by drugs or sexual activity. Playing a musical instrument and creating a song full of positive messages can amplify happiness as you convey it through music.
Pamper Yourself During Pregnancy Step 2
Pamper Yourself During Pregnancy Step 2

Step 3. Treat yourself well

Happy people tend to have a balanced life - and that means knowing when to work and when to have fun. Simply dedicating time to yourself, whatever your needs may be, is a great way to manifest happiness and love for body and mind. Doing things that are pleasant for you is, in practice, repeatedly addressing positive expressions with your mind.

  • If you're craving a bubble bath but have delayed due to lack of time - decide to do it later in the day so you can have the relaxation you need.
  • If you're the type of person who skips lunch to finish a job, change your habit and take an hour to go for a walk and eat a sandwich.

Part 2 of 3: Show Happiness to Others

Be the Best of Yourself Step 5
Be the Best of Yourself Step 5

Step 1. Manifest happiness directly through language

Telling someone you're in a good mood is an easy way to communicate positive feelings. However, try not to brag that you are happy - in fact, you may appear to be overconfident or even annoying.

Also, try to avoid saying "You make me feel happy" instead of "I feel happy". While it is possible that your interlocutor is happy to give you joy, you could, in this way, force him to give answers or make him feel responsible for your happiness

Assess Your Chances During a Job Interview Step 6
Assess Your Chances During a Job Interview Step 6

Step 2. Encourage others to bring out the best in themselves

This may not seem like a direct expression of your happiness, because you are not talking about your good mood. But this is a frequent mistake. Expressions of happiness, in fact, can be abstract. Technically, one manifests happiness whenever one's behavior is affected by this emotion. Consequently, it is enough to be a positive force in another's life for your happiness to shine through. Here are some relevant examples:

  • Tell your friend how proud you are of his recent achievements.
  • Compliment your loved one when he sings his favorite songs in the car with great feeling.
  • Encourage your little brother to apply for a scholarship, even if he feels discouraged.
Be the Alpha Female Step 16
Be the Alpha Female Step 16

Step 3. Take an active part in acts of kindness

Verbal expressions of happiness are common, but sometimes actions sound louder than words. If you're in a good mood, why not do something kind for someone else and share the wealth of positive feelings?

  • You could do something nice for your mom so she knows how much you love her.
  • You could show up at a sick friend's house with soup and a DVD.
  • You could donate some money to what you think is a good cause.
  • You may be hugging the person you love more than usual.
Be a Happy Person Without Religion Step 9
Be a Happy Person Without Religion Step 9

Step 4. Overcome negative situations and act as a positive force in another's life

When someone you know is in a bad mood, it can be easy to get caught up in their negativity. However, if you are in a good mood, you can transfer your positive energy to the other and change the situation.

  • Avoid gossip. If someone you know is speaking ill of another, try changing the subject, avoiding topics that can hurt, and instead talk about someone or something you love or appreciate.
  • Avoid negative environments. If you are with someone who is bothered by feeling hot, tired, or uncomfortable, suggest that they change places to try to improve their mood.
  • Be there in times of need. If a friend is having a hard time, do what you can to listen to their thoughts and feelings, and don't judge. Don't try to force him to be in a good mood with you, but use your happiness to listen in a sympathetic way. Dedicating your time to those in need is an abstract way to express your happiness, and to transmit positive energy to those around you.

Part 3 of 3: Understanding Why You Struggle to Express Happiness

Decide to Take Testosterone Step 1
Decide to Take Testosterone Step 1

Step 1. Ask yourself if you are really happy

Some argue that this is an unanswered question because happiness is a subjective feeling. But many psychologists are convinced that people can accurately describe their emotional state; if someone feels happy, they probably are.

  • However, it is possible to pretend to be happy to please others or to get over a difficult situation in life.
  • Ask yourself if you are really happy or if you are just faking it for some reason.
  • If you find that you are not as happy as you would like, then that is why you may find it hard to express happiness to others.
Start over Following a Brain Injury Step 11
Start over Following a Brain Injury Step 11

Step 2. Try to understand what is blocking you

Each individual has their own reasons for having difficulty with expressions of happiness. Overcoming an emotional block is not the main reason for life. But don't be discouraged! We can often answer these questions by taking the time to reflect on our relationship to happiness and how it affects our behaviors.

  • Think about situations in your life where you have been able to manifest happiness. Does any particular moment come to mind? What did you notice you did in that particular situation? What part of that moment can you reconstruct?
  • Think about circumstances in which you have not been able to express yourself. What would you change about what you did? What did you think when you had a hard time sharing your feelings?
  • Were there any circumstances in your life where your happiness was suppressed? Do you remember times when you were expected to express happiness when you weren't quite happy?
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 12
Be Proud of Your Appearance Step 12

Step 3. Find out what ways of outsourcing are right for you

The manifestations of happiness are not the same for everyone. That your favorite TV personality expresses happiness by constantly smiling and inviting lunch to friends doesn't mean you have to imitate him. Every human being is unique, and his ways of proposing himself are unique.

  • Try some other way to externalize, to understand how you feel. Buy someone flowers, indulge in an expensive dinner or just smile at a passerby.
  • If you find certain manifestations of happiness more natural than others, choose the ones that work best for you. Do what makes you feel most comfortable and perhaps you will be able, in the future, to move your boundaries with ways of externalizing that you normally would not have used. Don't be ashamed to take small steps.
