Choose to receive the Lord's grace and learn to praise God. You must understand that only God can bring happiness, security, and hope to your life. In this article, you will find some practical examples of how to praise God in our day.

Step 1. Think about how to pray, for example:
"Oh my God, I thank you for all the gifts you have brought into my life from the day I was born until today. Lord, you have the power to truly change my life." Pray to God to help you sublimate the negative emotions you feel, which is, "I feel your strength flowing through me; help me channel my anger (or rage) into worthy and peaceful actions that glorify your greatness." Anger might seem like an emotion that has very little Christianity; however, it exists for a specific reason and it is up to you to take the initiative to find out what it is in order to use it in a positive way.
Control your anger: "I praise you when I feel anger at [something evil] so that you can help me express it constructively and with loving purpose and expression. I will not let it turn into hatred or a desire for revenge."

Step 2. Reflect on the life of Jesus:
"I extol your name for incarnating in the form of a man, for choosing to die on the cross to atone for my sins and be resurrected by allowing me to share with you the gift of eternal life."

Step 3. Let awareness of the world around you take hold of you:
"I praise you for giving me the precious gift of life. Realizing that you sacrificed yours for me fills me with gratitude for your love; gratitude that pervades me completely."
Try saying, "I'm not afraid to admit that my understanding of facts and truth is limited."
Consider: "I praise you in the knowledge that my search for truth is my individual path that I will not walk alone by reading the Bible, but together with other faithful and also together with the Holy Spirit who will help me order my thoughts."

Step 4. Start naming the powers of God:
"You are mighty!", "You are almighty, my Lord, my father!", "You are all in all".

Step 5. Thank him:
"I thank you for all the things (big and small) in my life; You have given me these gifts for my good." Try saying some of this praise out loud.
I thank you and I glorify you, oh father, my Lord, for the gift and beauty of creation and for having made me born in your image and likeness

Step 6. Use creation to praise God, for example:
"The sky and the sea give grace to the Lord - I praise God with all my body and soul."

Step 7. Accept the Lord in you as you express your deep love for him
"Yet you are the Holy One, sit surrounded by the praises of Israel." [those who love him] Psalms 22: 3

Step 8. Help your brothers to praise God as Jesus taught us:
"Whatever you have done to one of these least of my brothers, you have done to me" and Isaiah said, "Is this not the praise he has chosen [for himself]: Praise the Lord, visiting and sharing your things and the good news of the Gospel with the poor - especially widows and orphans."

Step 9. Praying to God following His will and praising Him are helpful in establishing a relationship with Him

Step 10. Keep a journal where you can record your prayers for you will receive grace in seeing the progress you will make in all aspects of your life by praying and praising the Lord

Step 11. Praise him even in the darkest moments:
"I praise you, my Father, because I know that you will always be there for me, to help me and give me peace and comfort. Your plan for us is beyond my understanding and imagination. Praising you and your arm that protects me gives me security."
- Praise God even in difficult times to find peace and feel fulfilled.
- Instead of living without hoping for the future, enlighten the present of others in the name of Jesus. The Bible says that visiting the smallest of God's children in their time of need (and helping as much as possible) borders on "perfect Christianity". He responds, manifests himself and acts, that is to say: "sits surrounded by praise", according to the Bible.
- When you happen to notice a person of the opposite sex that you find attractive, think, "I praise you, my Lord, for making [this person] so beautiful!" This will help you learn to respect God's plan more. Honor the Lord by honoring his plan to live in the sacred bond of marriage.
- Feel free to raise your hands to heaven as a "sign of surrender" when you feel you can't do it anymore or as a "sign of acceptance" (surrender to the Lord's will) by opening your arms to embrace God and be welcomed by Him.
- Admonish Satan when he assaults you with doubts, such as: "Will I ever be able to find a boyfriend / girlfriend or get married? - or - How will I pay the bills? - or even - Am I working too much / too little?" Worrying is never a good thing. Worries are not to be welcomed in your home: after denying the darkness of despair, turn to Jesus to find the light!
- An earthquake shook the prison where Paul and Silas were tortured and incarcerated, and they continued to praise God all night. They paid homage to the Lord and the prison doors opened. The jailer woke up and drew his sword to kill himself, thinking the prisoners had escaped. But Paul yelled at him to stop because they were all left. The man took the two with him at that same hour of the night, washed their wounds and was immediately baptized with all his own. God truly dwells in the praises that are bestowed on him. This happened in Philippi (Acts 16: 12-40).
- Develop a sense of wonder and awe: "You have given me goodness, truth and beauty in every day of my life."
- As a Christian, you have an arsenal of praise at your disposal: the Bible provides you with enough material in the Scriptures to allow you to spontaneously praise God. Catholic prayers to the Holy See are also praises to the Lord. The prayers made by the saints are wonderful and, of course, the sacrifice of the holy mass is among the highest forms of praise that exist on earth!
- Read the “book of Psalms” as often as you can for praise that you can raise yourself or draw inspiration from. Live life in the sunshine, praising and glorifying the Lord and singing for him.
- Avoid repeating and memorizing without thinking about the real meaning of the words by making them become superficial.
- Do not become presumptuous because you have been given the privilege of praising God. You may always fall and you must always strive to be like Christ in everything you do.
- Dismiss the doubt. You say, "Blessed be the Lord. Always be praised." He claims to be a Christian "I trust in Christ in the joy of the Lord."
- Praising the Lord means living according to his laws; be truly and truly a person of Christian ways.