The specific reasons for being blessed greatly are promised in all nine Beatitudes, from the fifth chapter of Matthew in the Bible (New Testament). Jesus Christ Not he said the first seven blessings were only for people of one nationality or his followers. They are also open to you, and to anyone who serves God and His child. But the eighth blessing was for those who suffered for Jesus. Each of the eight blessings, or beatitudes, begin with the word "Blessed", due to the condition of bliss. The right behavior. Behaving right means having a clear "point of view". "The Beatitudes" say that God's blessings provide great rewards for the righteous behavior He taught you. Yes, Jesus said that if you show better behavior (it will be explained in the article) then you will be blessed in many ways, as described in the Holy Scriptures. He lavishes his own gift of the spirit and also the gift of faith to show you his love and presence. In this way you will be able to be together with the Father in his spiritual and physical blessing. Being in the will of God will open you to so many blessings, so much so that it also gushes out of you.

Step 1. Be humble
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5, 3). Observe how to obtain this and the other eight Beatitudes from the teachings of Jesus in the Beatitudes, His "key" to obtaining your personal blessings. (Matthew 5, in the Bible: New Testament).
- Jesus promises that the poor in spirit will enter His Kingdom in this life! "The Kingdom of God," he said, "is within you."
- Being "poor in spirit" means not being too self-satisfied, and even if you have been raised to be self-reliant and "proud" of your reason and independence, you must "get small" in your own eyes. If you are ready to depend on God for your blessings (not to manage your life and make your choices "alone"), then you are ready to be blessed.
- When you admit your limitations to Him, you are humble, and God can move towards you and bring you into His presence, into the Kingdom of Heaven, and begin to bless your life.

Step 2. Repent of your bad deeds and promise to change for the better
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted ". (Matthew 5, 4)
- In this beatitude Jesus highlights the values of affliction and repentance, and evidently the affliction arises from "shortcomings". So repent and, as the first beatitude says, become humble, small in your own eyes, entrust yourself to God.
- Ordinary activities do not involve JOY, only God's love and hope do. “If only…”, you feel remorse for what you have lost: peace, joy, hope, and find the “broken spirit”, a different attitude towards life.
- Feel remorse for the sins you have committed, the harm you have done to others, and for the time you have been against God, ignored Him or did not have His blessing. Forgiveness makes the selfishness and guilt of a life centered on oneself vanish.
- This way you accept forgiveness. Your guilt is removed. You are blessed, and you know that God is real.

Step 3. Don't be pretentious, don't be selfish
"Blessed are the meek: because they will inherit the Earth". (Matthew 5, 5)
Here, in the third beatitude, once again there is a word that evokes negative feelings. "Meekness" might seem like "weakness" (as for "poverty of spirit") or cowardice. No!
Be strong, but Not violent, be able to deal with problems patiently, without creating resentment in others or in God.
- Jesus described himself as "meek and kind". Able to handle conflicts, insults and crises without selfishness, accepting them, all of them.
- Therefore he says that those who are not violent will "inherit the Earth", receiving an undeserved gift. The recipient is someone who, without personal effort, takes control and ownership of your territory and your existence.
- God will give you harmony and take control of your life to make it simpler, more productive and more satisfying.

Step 4. Find the right path, through the will to do good
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied" (Matthew 5, 6)
- Most people imagine they are pure. You do not have never heard "I did it out of malice". Committing an act of anger or revenge is embarrassing when you get caught.
- You have to make the right choice for your own good. It makes life easier. The apostle Paul spoke of a dilemma: “I do not fully control my actions. I don't do what I want, but I do what I don't want”.
- Guilt and human nature make the soul "hungry and thirsty" for right choices and righteousness. Like when you say: "I need to eat and drink now!". Inside you are hungry for justice. You want people to see you as a righteous one.
- Righteousness is the food and drink of your spiritual health: free from sin, guilt and shame: depend on God's promise to increase righteousness in you.

Step 5. Show mercy
"" Blessed are the merciful, for they will find mercy "" (Matthew 5, 7).
- It is not necessary to use complete sentences in prayers. Just say "Thank God", "Mercy", or simply talk to Him, saying "God …", or "Oh, God …". Be merciful and He will listen to you when you ask for mercy. God is merciful, and "will have mercy on those who have mercy (compassion)".
- The cruelty of man against man has always been dominant in history. Past history shows selfishness, recklessness and cruelty. Oppressive habits that cause poverty, slavery, disinterest in social causes. Mercy was not used, but a great "indifference", which led man to ignore the needs of those who suffered.
- Jesus connects the mercy you give to others with the mercy you receive from God. The more mercy you give, the more you receive. Those who sow in fertile soil get good fruit. You will see that your mercy will be rewarded.

Step 6. Be pure through faith
"" Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God "" (Matthew 5, 8).
- Are there popular TV shows, radio broadcasts, movies, or feature columns that make purity and chastity a subject of entertainment? Purity is found by concentrating, dedicating and seeking good, discerning it from evil according to God's will and purpose.
- Your loving God will reward you with his presence through spiritual means. It will let you see God, free from the pollution of desire that is hidden in actions, thoughts and words.
- Purify your mind and your actions, in every sense, since it is God himself who removes desire from impure thought and action. God purifies yourself from within.
- "Seeing" God: recognizing him as Father (being in His presence) his blessed promises in this blessedness.

Step 7. Be a peacemaker and you will be blessed
"" Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God "" (Matthew 5, 11).
- Peace is essential, especially when you find it in small things. "Love your wife", and find inner peace and love according to the teachings of Jesus, starting with not repaying evil. He said "turn the other cheek". Do what is asked of you and forgive others.
- Love unconditionally. Treat others as you would like to be treated, as if your roles are suddenly reversed. "Be kind to your enemy." Don't take revenge, just stop! Hostility stops you. Impossible? No!
- His grace is abundant, pass it on. God constantly observes your life as you walk its path, manages your reprisals for you in His own way, and protects you personally, even in the valley of the shadow of death. He blesses you all the time, both spiritually and materially.
- Your Father in Heaven gives you what your heart desires (deep down) and satisfies your "real" needs with His grace and through your faith. Peacemakers bring God with peace and harmony into your life.

Step 8. Accept persecution
"" Blessed are those who are persecuted for the cause of justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven "" (Matthew 5, 10).
- Bad news. You may be subjected to "persecution" if you are on the right side, but don't worry! You will be blessed with the benefits of the Kingdom of Heaven if you are persecuted because your life is in Christ and his message is within you.
- Well, you are different. You are in Christ. This frightens those who do not understand the basics of life, that is, the spiritual life. You have to put God first, even if this behavior of yours may seem "crazy", for those who do not agree with you.

Step 9. Accept persecution (because of Him)
"" Blessed are you when they insult you, persecute you and, lying, speak every kind of evil against you for my sake "" (Matthew 5, 11). It happens when people criticize you harshly because of your calling to the Lord, Jesus Christ.
The ending of this thought does not focus on persecution, but on blessing. There is much more blessing than persecution … He himself says: "Rejoice and rejoice"

Step 10. "Rejoice and exult, for great is your reward in heaven
Thus they persecuted the prophets before you (Matthew 5, 12).
- Yes, He says He is exulting because you hold on and face the problems that the fact of believing and living in His life creates.
- So rejoice in your problems and weaknesses, because in Him you are strong (another blessing), and you will have a great reward in Heaven.
- Jesus never said in his teachings that your religious work (inside or outside the church) favors you in God's eyes. No! He taught that your behavior and your consequences, which are your actions towards your neighbor and the children of God, are the way to set the direction of all kinds of blessings.
- "So did Jesus come to interrupt the party and turn on the lights?" No. Jesus came to kick off the biggest party on Earth, with lights so strong that they turn on the world. There is no darkness in him.
- You may think that blessings are physical - health, well-being, and protection. But God is not limited only to these. Of course, his will, according to the scriptures, includes helping man get support for his material needs, but it extends even further, to your hopes and dreams, and includes the blessing of loved ones and your life. in everyday life. In couple relationships, in marriage, in the family, etc.
- If you take it seriously and stick to His teachings, when your time on this Earth is over, God can kick off "your party". You will be blessed beyond understanding, beyond all measure, as the prophet was blessed. You might say, "Am I a prophet?" If you tell the truth, then you are like a prophet. Being prophetic means speaking the truth and proclaiming the good news clearly without partiality or favoritism.
- Jesus said: "When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to me." This is the premise for the biggest party ever. But if you don't reach it and you are not up to it, and therefore you are suffering now, then you are in need!
- You have already been granted a blessing, you are the child of God, and even if you grope, it will be all right when the time comes to rejoin Him. God always cares about you, and always tries to get you "what is better for you".
- After meeting Jesus and understanding what He has done for you, you can only become an enthusiastic supporter of Him. People who "don't like Jesus" will most likely despise you.
- Jesus will always cause you problems! Those who do not believe could call you a "religious fanatic", "house and church", "little saint", they could ridicule you, make fun of you, criticize you because of Jesus.
- If you take Jesus seriously, and manifest it openly, someone may be angry with you. Because? Why many misunderstand Him. Yet some understand Him, but often keep Him out of their life. Some will oppose Him, opposing you. Some people in particular do not believe in glorifying and honoring Jesus, and they do not accept Him as the Lord of All.