Pisces girls (born between February 20 and March 20 or so) can be very attractive and are capable of grabbing anyone's attention, even unintentionally. They are sensitive, deep and, above all, very dreamy. They have the amazing ability to make their partner feel like the most wonderful person in the world. If you want to attract a Pisces girl, just follow these steps.
Part 1 of 3: Get his attention

Step 1. Be good at keeping her in conversation
When you meet her, you attract her attention by talking about interesting topics. He wouldn't be interested in a guy who just sits there and does nothing but smile or nod. Talk about that interesting thing you read about the other day or ask her questions about something you have in common. Your intellect will intrigue her.
A Pisces woman is certainly not the type of girl for a "throwaway" relationship! So, get to know her before making your moves. However, she will not rush ahead. If you want the relationship to last, you need to be friends with him first.
Give Virgo Man Step 01

Step 2. Court her properly
Pisces girls love romantic fairy tales. She will love that you send her love letters! Words and feelings must have priority over action! So tell her that she is important to you and that you would love to go out with her. Her knees will tremble.
Don't stop flirting with her when the relationship goes live! If you've won her over with love letters and sweet kisses, don't change. It doesn't have to be just a play, though, but become a part of you. It will ignite the spark and keep it burning.
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 02Bullet01

Step 3. Try to be gallant
In case it's not clear yet, the Pisces woman wants a man who is traditional, humble and sweet. Assure her that chivalry hasn't gone out of style by acting like a knight yourself. Open the doors for her, offer to pay the bill, hand her your jacket, kiss her hand, don't ask too much… and she'll give you her whole world.
Those born under the sign of Pisces are very strict when it comes to touch. The Pisces woman will not tolerate if you are one of those people who yell at the waiters or who eat all the pizza, refusing to contribute. Good manners are very important to her. Be nice to her and everyone around you.
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 03Bullet01

Step 4. Choose to make unassuming romantic gestures
Booking a hot air balloon trip over the French countryside is not what Pisces women think is a romantic idea. The grandeur of something like this is meaningless to them. They prefer meaningful gestures, without craving for grandeur. Try to be simply gallant and without double ends: if she considers you an opportunist she will drop you like a hot potato.
Play her favorite song when you make dinner. When you know she's had a long day at work, bring her a cup of coffee prepared just the way she likes it. It's the little things - attention to detail - that show her how much you care.
Comfort a Girl Step 10

Step 5. Trust yourself
Pisces girls want a man "who knows who he is". To be a solid support for her, you need to have confidence in yourself. You need a stable person with whom to travel the journey called life.
It is also very important to be yourself! If you are not genuine, you will look like a tailor-made dress. You have a keen sixth sense to evaluate the reasons and, therefore, the falsehoods: you will notice it immediately.
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 05Bullet01
Part 2 of 3: Building a Relationship

Step 1. Don't forget that Pisces is a Water Sign
.. and the water runs deep. She is emotional, intuitive, sensitive. Often he lets himself be guided by feelings rather than logic or rationality. She is compassionate and understanding especially because she is deeply empathetic. With so many emotional abilities, she knows how to support those around her.
Plus, she flows like water - meaning she's incredibly adaptable and flexible. It can change into almost anything. What's more, he may have mood swings and move from one side of the emotional spectrum to the other. Try to understand it!
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 06Bullet01

Step 2. Talk about everything
Pisces want to know your every thought. She also wants to know about the time you peeled your knees in junior high. He wants to sit down and hear your opinion on dietary mayonnaise. "Everything". Don't hide anything from her! Only in this way will she feel that she truly knows you.
Don't be afraid she'll judge you - she's too sweet to do it (and you have too much self-confidence to care!). If it's important to you, it's important to her too. So, although you may feel like you are talking too much, don't worry, you do it because you know this side of his character

Step 3. Give her thoughtful gifts
Random gifts (or very large ones, for the reasons mentioned above) are not for Pisces. She prefers gifts made from the heart - not something you buy just to make a good impression. So, pay attention to what it tells you! You will find endless little ideas.
Instead of buying her flowers, get her that book you talked about together. Rather than chocolates, buy her tickets to a show from the comedian you told her about and she would love to see. When she understands the reason behind the gift, she will certainly like it!
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 08Bullet01

Step 4. Know that sex is something she takes very seriously
When a Pisces girl takes you to bed, it means you are a part of her life. She wouldn't let a person she doesn't trust completely share a moment of such intimacy with her. She sees this as a demonstration of a true bond - one that cannot be broken. This is something of great importance to her, respect her! Only come to this moment if you plan to stay by his side.
This is not something to be taken lightly. If you are looking for a girl who does not create an emotional bond with you, stay away from this type of woman's bed. Also, remember to call her back without hesitation.
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 09Bullet01

Step 5. Let her know that you support her
Since she is looking for a solid person, make her understand clearly that you are. When you see that he has strong emotions, stay by his side. Comfort her. Ask her how she feels, if she doesn't tell you spontaneously. If he notices that you are attuned to his emotions, he will let his guard down and let you in.
She doesn't respond well to negativity. If you want to win her, encourage her and give her sincere compliments (never false, it would get the opposite result) to build a relationship of trust. You have to be her # 1 fan and she'll do the same with you.
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 10Bullet01
Part 3 of 3: Being a Good Couple

Step 1. Consider his compassionate side
While some may find her to be easy-going and too much at the mercy of emotions, this is not always the case. When you look at her, try to see how well she can love and care for others. She knows how to feel compassion for anything, starting with the smallest ones like a flower that emerges from the sidewalk. Wouldn't it be great if there were more people like her in the world?
And most importantly, don't use any of this against her. He knows when people take advantage of his kindness. If you continually ask her about pleasures, or that she do things for you, she will go away in the twinkling of wings.
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 11Bullet01

Step 2. Understand his sensitivity
Stronger and more stable people can interpret the sweetness of Pisces as a lack of backbone. Yes, fish are sensitive. Yes, fish have myriad feelings and sometimes have trouble controlling them. But these aren't necessarily bad attributes!
As a result, she is very attuned to how she feels. She can be open and honest with you for this very reason. You will know "exactly" how he feels about you. On the other hand, you too have to face the roller coaster that is his life. So, fasten your seat belts!
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 12Bullet01 Sometimes it might sulk you. Be careful not to make her really angry! He would not quickly forget it

Step 3. Know that she is a dreamer
And if you can dream with her, the better. When you talk about something, also include your goals and aspirations. It doesn't matter if they are achievable - it is enough that it is something that would make you happy, regardless of whether it could actually happen. She often gets lost in her fantasy world and would love to have company.
This is one of the reasons he loves art so much - so take it away from reality and let it use your imagination. You could go to an art museum or a symphony concert and you can see her disappear into the world of dreams.
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 13Bullet01

Step 4. Bring his naturalistic / contemplative side to light
Pisces are naturally attracted to beauty. If you can make an otherwise routine event a little unexpected, he'll remember it forever. Instead of having lunch normally, take her for a picnic in a park where the trees are blooming. Instead of going to a movie, take her to an outdoor amphitheater to witness a Shakespeare tragedy. Find ways she can use all of her senses to make her feel in her element.

Step 5. Think about a long-term relationship
If a Pisces girl decides that you deserve her attention, she will treat you as if you are the only person in the world. He can love totally and blatantly, so try to deserve it. She's not the hit and run girl. She is the person to choose to go on a long journey together!
You will be able to say that you have conquered your Pisces woman when she begins to open up and depend on you. He doesn't do it with everyone! In return, don't hide your true feelings - she's looking for someone who is completely and madly in love with her. And someone who knows how to reciprocate!
Attract a Pisces Girl Step 15Bullet01
- Don't underestimate her intuition and, more importantly, know that she relies on her intuition. Don't take anything for granted.
- If it feels like you are being bad, it will vanish without warning.
- If he says he needs space, give it to him.
- If he leaves you, there is very little chance of him coming back to you. He learned his lesson!
- Don't make her jealous. Give her confidence in the relationship and she will never leave you.
- Never ignore a Pisces girl for an extended period of time. If he stops talking to you, he will never come back.
- Don't pressure her to have sex, it won't work.