How to "Catch" a Virgo Man: 13 Steps

Table of contents:

How to "Catch" a Virgo Man: 13 Steps
How to "Catch" a Virgo Man: 13 Steps

Some people believe that the zodiac signs of each of us have an influence on many aspects of our character, including our sentimental preferences. While there is no scientific evidence that zodiac signs impact personality, you can try to be guided by the stars when chasing a Virgo man. The advice in this article will be most effective if the man you want to conquer shows the typical traits of Virgo, namely intensity, passion and intellectuality. As a first step, therefore, get to know the boy and see if he has these characteristics. Try to develop a more serious and intelligent personality. Make a good impression by dressing traditionally and avoiding too much emotion. When you are in a relationship, be patient: Virgo men have very strong tastes, so they can take some time before you decide to commit.


Part 1 of 3: Finding out if you are compatible

Tell a Guy You Like Him Step 7Bullet1
Tell a Guy You Like Him Step 7Bullet1

Step 1. Find out if she has the typical Virgo personality

Don't assume that the man you like possesses all the characteristics of Virgo just because he was born between August 23 and September 22. It can be fun and interesting to consider a person's sign, but don't trust astrology more than your eyes and ears suggest. Observe the guy you are interested in and talk to him, in order to know his personality and understand if he has the characteristics you are looking for in a partner. Also remember that you shouldn't change your personality or pretend to be a different person in hopes of getting a Virgo. Be yourself and try to understand if the values and interests of the man you like are aligned with yours.

You could make this quest look like a game. You can say, "I think astrology is a lot of fun and I have noticed that you are Virgo. Those born under that sign are believed to be intellectual, traditional, polite, intense, and zealous. Do you believe you possess some of these characteristics?"

Decide on a Career Field Step 5
Decide on a Career Field Step 5

Step 2. See if he is interested in current affairs

It is believed that those born under the sign of Virgo prefer people who are able to hold up an intellectual discussion. If the man you like seems to have this trait, you might want to find out about what's going on in the world and start a conversation on a topical topic.

  • Read the latest news often. Try downloading some applications on your phone, such as Corriere della Sera, which send you regular updates on what is happening in the world.
  • Watch the news. Leave the television on the news while you prepare dinner, or tune the radio to a program that talks about current events.
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 11
Act Around a Guy You Like Step 11

Step 3. Let your fun side shine through

The "typical" Virgo man is considered serious in nature, so he may be attracted to those who can get him out of his shell. Notice how she reacts to your sense of humor. You should be able to make a joke in all situations to brighten the mood.

  • When trying to get to know the sense of humor of the man you like, stick to jokes that aren't dirty or provocative. If your sense of humor is particularly rude, that's okay and you don't have to change for him, but it's best to test the waters a bit before telling a child-friendly joke or indecent joke.
  • Start with light jokes related to your surroundings. Try talking about the weather or playing word games.
Be Outgoing Step 14
Be Outgoing Step 14

Step 4. Pay attention to your manners

It is important to always respect others and this can be particularly close to the heart of a Virgo. If you notice that your man is quite conservative, traditional manners are probably very helpful in winning him over.

  • Remember the upbringing your parents taught you when you were little. Use terms like "Please", "Thank You" and "Sorry". If you are in a restaurant, be especially careful to be courteous to the waiters. Don't scream or look angry if you don't like the bill or the food.
  • If you often seem to offend your conservative partner with your chaotic, noisy personality, consider whether a relationship between you is a good idea. You shouldn't change your temper to be with a person, so if the guy you like would rather be with a milder or quieter woman, you're probably not meant for each other. On the other hand, it's possible that your boisterous personality will help him loosen up a bit. The most important thing is to be yourself and not disrespect others.
Talk to People Step 8
Talk to People Step 8

Step 5. Discuss your work ethic

Notice if the Virgo man you like is very dedicated to his work. Those with this personality may not feel attracted to those they consider lazy or unambitious. If you also do your best in everything you do, you can become a beautiful couple.

  • For example, if you have a job, try to be the best employee possible. Pay close attention to the small details, show up on time every day, and use your free time to get to know your company better. This can be especially useful if you are trying to win over a man who works very hard in the same office as you.
  • Engage in other areas. Always keep your home tidy and indulge in many hobbies.

Part 2 of 3: Making a Good First Impression

Get Your Art Into a Gallery Step 1
Get Your Art Into a Gallery Step 1

Step 1. Arrange appointments that involve intellectual activities

Going to a museum or theater might be the ideal outings for a Virgo man. Usually, those born under that sign prefer intellectual conversations, so anything that provokes an interesting discussion can be a great first date. Just make sure you're interested in what you're going to do too.

  • Consider the cultural activities available in your area. Are there any museums or planetariums? Can you attend a theatrical performance?
  • Try to satisfy the tastes of the man you want to date. For example, if he loves art, take him to a museum or exhibition. If you are into science, go and see a documentary on evolution together.
Start a Conversation When You Have Nothing to Talk About Step 22
Start a Conversation When You Have Nothing to Talk About Step 22

Step 2. Show your shy side

The typical Virgo man is believed to need time to show his true emotions. You may try to express your feelings discreetly if the man you date has this trait, but if by nature you are a loving and emotional person, don't feel forced to behave in a way that doesn't make you feel comfortable. Do what comes naturally to you and try to guess what your partner is thinking. If your level of emotion makes him uncomfortable, you may want to control yourself a little until you get to know each other better. Once you bond, a Virgo man will enjoy your displays of affection, but first you need to win him over.

  • Respect his personal space. If the guy you're dating wants to go slow, you can slow down to keep pace with him. It is important to observe his body language, or even ask directly, "Is everything okay?". Some people take longer to decide if they want to have a physical relationship or a stable relationship with a person, so respect their wishes and don't rush.
  • Don't be too anxious when communicating. Make sure he understands that you are interested in him by replying to his messages and phone calls, but don't be too enthusiastic. Reply: "Thank you for inviting me out. I am looking forward to the moment." A more emotional response, such as "I can't wait to see you!", Could make a Virgo man quit.
Dress Nice Everyday (for Girls) Step 11
Dress Nice Everyday (for Girls) Step 11

Step 3. Try to be tidy when you are together

Virgo men are often perfectionists and may not like a confusing partner. If you are a neat and precise person who pays attention to details, you are the ideal companion for a Virgo man; however, if organization and order are far from your style, maybe you are not meant to be together.

  • Make sure your clothes are clean. Do not wear anything with spots or holes. If you have dogs or cats, be sure to roll over your clothes to pick up their hair before you go outside.
  • When you go out for dinner, eat slowly, avoid making noises when you drink and avoid getting dirty. Always keep the napkin on your legs.
  • If you invite a Virgo man to your house, make sure everything is in order. He may not like a dirty floor or a sink full of dishes to wash.

Part 3 of 3: Carrying the Relationship Forward

Get a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend Step 3
Get a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend Step 3

Step 1. Discuss your values

Even if the guy you like has all the characteristics of a Virgo man, you shouldn't assume that you know what his values and things are most important to him. As in any relationship, you need to take the time to find out what's important to your partner in a relationship and decide if his or her values align with yours. You may disagree on very important issues, such as having a child, or have very different communication styles. Be direct and honest about what you both want from a relationship.

For example, it would be a mistake to assume that your partner wants to spend time alone because he is a very serious Virgo man. You can ask him, "Are you the kind of person who needs to spend a lot of time alone? Will you let me know when you need space?" You may find that, in reality, your partner prefers to be around someone all the time, contrary to the typical Virgo man

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 11
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 11

Step 2. Have patience

Virgo men can be great thinkers and can take a long time to make decisions about their relationships. If you're looking for an overwhelming adventure, you probably won't find it with a Virgo partner. It may take a long time to make a commitment, so make sure you live your relationship with patience.

  • Don't pressure a Virgo man to make a commitment when he's not ready.
  • Don't be impatient. While the wait can be frustrating, remember that Virgo men are kind, loving, and loyal. If you give your partner time to open up and accept you, you will get an extremely caring and kind partner in return.
Make a Woman Fall in Love With You Step 6
Make a Woman Fall in Love With You Step 6

Step 3. Allow him to pursue his career

If your partner is very passionate about his hobbies or his job, it can be important that both of you are successful in your fields and spend some time alone. Virgo men leave nothing unfinished and put their utmost effort into everything they do.

  • Virgo men can be very dedicated to their work. Allow your partner to work without interfering.
  • If your partner has hobbies, they will likely take them very seriously. Try to support his passions. For example, your Virgo mate might be part of a sports team - go to his matches and cheer on him. Even if you don't like sports very much, showing your support and staying by their side are nice gestures.
Differentiate Between Love and Friendship Step 8
Differentiate Between Love and Friendship Step 8

Step 4. Be loving and loyal

If your partner has the typical characteristics of the sign of Virgo, he will be very attached to you and will expect similar treatment from you. Virgo men also have very little patience towards those who cause unnecessary tension. Be loyal to him and don't try to get him involved in petty arguments.

While you should never put your personal feelings aside, try to avoid fighting. If your partner makes you angry, approach the matter calmly and gently. Try saying, "Can I talk to you about something that bothers me? I want to clarify the matter right away so that it doesn't have a negative impact on our relationship."

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 3
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 3

Step 5. Accept its intense nature

A typical Virgo man has a strong and zealous character; it is his nature and will rarely change. Those born under this sign have a tendency to take everything seriously, including their romantic relationship. When he is ready to commit, he will do it with great dedication. It can be a good thing, because you will have a loving and loyal partner, but the same intensity will reserve for his job, school and hobbies. To live well with a Virgo man you have to accept this side of his character.

  • Give your partner the time they need to pursue their passions. He may take very seriously some things that are of little consequence to you, but you will have to learn to accept that. It is his nature. If you have no interest in the same things, devote your time to your passions.
  • Remember, this dedication will be an advantage for you. A partner who cares a lot about you is ready to make a long-term commitment.


  • Remember that an individual's personality matters much more than their zodiac sign. A Virgo man may not display any characteristics commonly associated with that sign.
  • Always be yourself. Do what feels good and feels natural to you, even if you feel it may go against what a typical Virgo man finds attractive. Look for a partner who loves you for who you are.
