With over a billion followers, Islam is, in some ways, the fastest growing religion in the world. Unique among global religions in the ease with which new members can begin to join the cult, Islam requires only a simple and sincere declaration of faith to become a Muslim. The statement is not to be taken lightly however, becoming devoted to a life guided by Islamic principles is one of the most important (if not the most important) acts you will ever do.
You must know that embracing Islam cleanses you of all the sins you have committed in the past. As soon as you convert, you have a completely clear conscience because it is equivalent to a rebirth. You will need to try to keep your spirit pure and do as much good deeds as possible.
Remember that Islam is not in favor of murder. Murder is a grave sin for most religions. Extremist practices are not advisable. Islam also provides modest clothing for all Muslims.
Part 1 of 3: Part One: Becoming a Muslim

Step 1. Make sure you know what it means to be a Muslim
The first rule of Islam is to believe that Allah is the one and only god, the only creator. He is the only one you must adore and only for him you must be a good faithful. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, the last prophet who walked the earth and after him there will be no others. Islam sees itself as the natural means of all creation. This means that being a Muslim is described as the "act of being", original and perfect. So, when a person converts to this belief, he basically returns to his essential nature.
- Islam accepts anyone who adheres to its "act of being" a Muslim, regardless of when or where they lived. For example, according to Islam, Jesus was a Muslim, despite his death having occurred hundreds of years before the historical foundation of Islam.
- Allah, the Islamic word for God, refers to the same divinity worshiped by Christians and Jews (aka the Abrahamic God). Thus, Muslims reverence the prophets of Christianity and Judaism (including Jesus, Moses, Elijah, etc.) and regard the Bible and the Torah as divinely inspired, albeit corrupt, sacred texts.

Step 2. Read the Islamic scriptures
The Quran is the central religious book of Islam, and is believed to encompass the unadulterated word of God and to be the culmination of all previous Christian and Jewish scriptures. Another important religious script is the Hadith, Muhammad's sayings and anecdotes. The Hadith collection forms the foundation of a large part of Islamic law. Reading these sacred texts will guarantee you an understanding of the stories, laws and teachings underlying the Islamic belief.

Step 3. Talk to an imam
Imams are Islamic religious leaders who conduct religious services inside and outside the mosque. They are chosen for their knowledge of Islamic scriptures and moral qualities. A good imam will be able to advise you on whether or not you are ready to be devoted to Islam.
Take note that this description applies to imams of the Sunni majority group. These religious leaders have somewhat different roles in the Shiite minority group

Step 4. Recite the shahada
If you are absolutely sure that you want to become a Muslim, all you have to do is recite the shahada, a short declaration of faith. The words of the shahada are " La ilah illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah", which translate as" I testify that there is no divinity but God and I testify that Mohammed is his Messenger (prophet). "By pronouncing the shahada, you become a Muslim.
- The first part of the shahada ("La ilah illa Allah") refers not only to the gods of other religions, but also to the earthly things that can take the place of Allah in your heart, well-being and power for example.
- The second part of the shahada ("Muhammad rasoolu Allah") recognizes that the word of Muhammad is the word of God. Muslims are required to live according to the principles of Muhammad revealed in the Koran: the shahada is the oath you make of follow them.
- The shahada must be stated with sincerity and understanding what you are up against. You can't become a Muslim just by saying these words: oral recitation is a reflection of the belief you nurture in your heart.
- You will never have to lie, steal, drink alcohol, take drugs, have sex before marriage or anything like that.

Step 5. To become a legal member of the Muslim community there must be witnesses during your recitation
It is not strictly necessary that there are witnesses to become a Muslim. God knows all things, so a shahada uttered in solitude, with conviction, will make you a Muslim in the eyes of divinity. However, to be legally recognized by the Islamic community, you generally have to declare your shahada in front of witnesses: two Muslims or an imam (Islamic religious leader), who is authorized to certify your new faith.

Step 6. Wash yourself
As soon as you convert to Islam, you should take a shower or bath as a form of purification. It is a symbolic act to shake the past off you and emerge from the dark into the light.
Nobody's sins are so serious as to prohibit the finding of a new purity. When you enact your shahada, your past sins are forgiven. You symbolically begin a new life centered on sacrifice to improve your spiritual state through good deeds
Part 2 of 3: Part Two: Living According to Islamic Principles

Step 1. Offer your prayers to God
If you don't know how to pray as a Muslim, the easiest way to learn is to attend a mosque for the five daily prayers. Prayers should be a relaxing and enjoyable activity. Take your time when doing this. Rushing while praying should be avoided if maximum benefit is to be achieved.
- Remember, prayer represents a direct spiritual connection between you and the being that makes your heart beat and that created the universe. It should bring you serenity, happiness and peace, feelings that will come with time and get better and better. Avoid exaggerating or flaunting your prayers - do it in a simple and humble way. Your initial goal is to establish a good habit and make it a pleasant experience.
- Plan your day based on the five prayers. Make sure you have enough time for supplication after the obligatory prayers, as that is how Muslims ask Allah for help. Try to get into the habit of saying optional prayers as well.
- Pray to Allah for good judgment and success in life. However, keep two points in mind: First, you must perform the tasks that Allah requires of you. It is not enough to just pray for success, you have to do what is necessary to achieve it. Secondly, have faith in Allah no matter what happens. Your material success is fleeting, but Allah is eternal, so keep your devotion, both good and bad.

Step 2. Honor religious duties (Fard)
Islamism requires Muslims to fulfill certain obligations. They are called "Fard". There are your types: Fard al-Ayn and Fard al-Kifaya. Fard al-Ayn consists of individual duties, the things that every single Muslim must do if he has the opportunity, such as praying every day or fasting during Ramadan. The Fard al-Kifaya indicates community duties, the things that the whole community must do, even if they are not performed by every member. For example, if a Muslim dies, some of the other Muslims in the community must come together to say the funeral prayers. Not every Muslim is required to do this. However, if no one recites the funeral prayers, the whole community will have committed a wrong.
The Islamic creed also dictates the observance of the Sunna, the guidelines for a lifestyle inspired by the existence of Muhammad, recommended but not required for Muslims

Step 3. Observe Muslim etiquette (Adab)
Muslims are required to live their lives in certain ways, avoiding some behaviors and adopting others. As a Muslim, you will maintain the following habits (there are others as well):
- Observe halal food practices. Muslims abstain from eating pork, carrion, blood and alcohol. In addition, the meat must be properly slaughtered by an authorized Muslim, Christian or Jew.
- Say "Bismillah" ("In the name of God") before eating.
- Eat and drink using your right hand.
- Practice proper personal hygiene.
- Avoid unnecessary interactions with the opposite sex. Even a seemingly innocent chat can lead to intimacy. Remember that all forms of sexual activity outside of marriage are prohibited by Islam.
- Married women must abstain from sex during the menstrual cycle.
- Respect the dress code of Islam inspired by modesty.

Step 4. Understand and embrace the five pillars of Islam
The five pillars of Islam represent mandatory actions that must be performed by Muslims. They are the focus of an observant Islamic life. They are:
- Witness your faith (shahada). You do this when you convert to a Muslim by declaring that there is no God other than Allah and that Mohammed is his messenger.
- Say the five daily prayers (salat). Prayers are proclaimed throughout the day in the direction of the sacred city of Mecca.
- Fast during the month of Ramadan (sawm). Ramadan is a holy month marked by prayer, fasting and charity.
- Give 2.5% of your savings to the poor (zakat). It is a personal responsibility of Muslims to help the less fortunate.
- Make a pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj). Those who can do this should organize at least one trip to Mecca.

Step 5. Believe in the six articles of faith
Muslims have faith in Allah and his divine order, even though all of this cannot be perceived with the human senses. The six articles of faith in which Muslims believe are as follows:
- Allah (God). God is the creator of the universe and the only being worthy of worship.
- His angels. Angels are the absolute servants of the divine will.
- His sacred texts revealed. The Koran represents the will of God as it was revealed by Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (also considered sacred by the Christian and Hebrew scriptures).
- His messengers. God sends prophets (including Jesus, Abraham, and others) to preach his word on earth; Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet.
- Judgment day. God will eventually call all men back for the final judgment, at a time that humanity is not given to know.
- Destiny. God has ordained all things, nothing happens without his will or foreknowledge.
Part 3 of 3: Part Three: Maturing Your Faith

Step 1. Continue reading the Quran
You can learn a lot from the translations of this sacred text. Some of them may be more difficult to understand than others. Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Pickthall are two of the most common. However, it is still better to seek guidance from those people who have been trained in the study of the Qur'an instead of relying on their own abilities to interpret the holy scriptures. In your city's mosque you will likely find someone who will be more than willing to guide you and assist you in learning the principles of Islam and many have study circles open to "New Muslims", which are often good starting points.. Be careful, but relaxed, in your search for someone to feel comfortable with, choose a person who you believe has enough knowledge to teach you something.
Many devout Muslims spend a lot of time memorizing the Qur'an and find great satisfaction from it. As your Arabic improves, start memorizing some passages that you can then recite during prayers or when you feel the need

Step 2. Study Islamic Law and choose a school
In Sunni Islam, religious law is divided into four schools of law. Discover them all and choose the one that suits you best. Joining a school will allow you to learn more about the interpretation of Islamic law as revealed by the primary sources of Islam, namely the Quran and the Sunna. Note that all schools are equally valid. Those officially recognized are:
- Hanafi. Hanafita is the school founded by Imam Al A'dham Nu'man Abu Hanifa, has the largest number of members and is practiced mainly in the Northern Middle East, Turkey, Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent. It is the most liberal.
- Shafi'ta. It was founded by Imam Abu 'Abdillah Muhammad Al-Shafi'i and is the second most widespread school. It is practiced predominantly in East Africa and Southeast Asia. This school has its own methodology for deriving Islamic law from religious sources.
- Malikite. Malikita is the predominant school in North Africa and was founded by Imam Abu Anas Malik, a pupil of Imam Abu Hanifa. It uses certain religious sources for its law not provided for by other schools.
- Hanbalite. The Hanbalite school was founded by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, has a smaller following and is mainly practiced in Saudi Arabia. It is considered especially conservative.

Step 3. Try to be the best person possible
No matter what makes you angry, sad or upset, your job on earth is to be virtuous, to become a better human being within the limits of your ability. Muslims believe that Allah created us to live a good life and to be happy. Use your talents to help others and to improve your community. Try to be open-minded. Never hurt anyone.
Like many religions, Islam urges that believers follow the Golden Rule. Follow the prophet's advice as per the following Hadith:
“A Bedouin approached the prophet, got off his camel and said, 'Oh, the messenger of God! Teach me something to go to heaven! ' The prophet replied: 'What you want others to do to you, you do to them; and what you don't want them to do to you, don't do it to them. Now, get back on your journey! '”. This maxim applies to everyone: live and act respecting it
- Don't rush to live like a Muslim. You must have a solid understanding of the laws that make a person worthy of being a Muslim before joining Islam. Although there is a lot to learn, these laws should be natural to you, because Islam is the religion of the "natural state".
- Try to be aware of the Creator's presence and constantly do your best wherever you are.
- Join afternoon / weekend classes at your city's mosque to learn more about Islam. Islam is not just a religion, it is a way of life, which provides you with guidance from birth to death.
- You are never alone: Visit the websites of new converts to Islam to find answers to your persistent questions after the conversion.
If you can, learn to read the Quran in Arabic. In addition to gaining significant spiritual benefits from reading in the original language (even if you don't understand the meaning), the Quran in Arabic features the exact words of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Furthermore, the original sacred text was written using beautiful poetic images, something that has been lost in the translations.
If you can't learn Arabic, try listening to the Quran recited in the original language while reading the Italian translation
- Try to spend time with observant and knowledgeable Muslims as often as possible - they will be able to answer your questions without any problems.
- Always turn to a wise Muslim when you have questions about your newly acquired faith. A second opinion is advisable, possibly coming from the imam of the mosque in your city.
- Try to respect the dress code of Islam, it offers numerous advantages and above all you will be recognized as a Muslim. If you are a woman, you need to cover your entire body, except for your hands, feet and face. You don't have to wear clothes that reveal too much skin or see through. As a woman, you can wear the Hijab, the Islamic veil, to cover your hair and neck if you want.
- If you realize that you have sinned, sincerely repent and pray to Allah for forgiveness. He will listen to you.
- Islam is divided into numerous sects. Study them to choose one.
- Like any other religion, Islam has extremists who, in their attempts to achieve religious perfection, harm the community and promote hateful and violent actions. Be aware of the sources from which you get your religious information. If you read texts that claim to be Islamic teachings but seem outlandish or extreme, ask an observant and moderate Muslim for a second opinion.
- You may come across people who will be hostile towards you. Unfortunately, Muslims are sometimes the target of bigoted remarks and personal attacks. Keep yourself strong and steadfast and Allah will pay you back.
- There are many prejudices about Islam, so confirm what you feel when you listen to or read Quranic verses or prophetic traditions. If you need help understanding an aspect of Islam, ask a scholar or the imam of your city's mosque.