It can sometimes be difficult to establish a solid bond with a parrot (also called a "parakeet"), but with a little patience you can get there. In fact, if you take the time to make him feel comfortable in your presence, you will be able to create a real emotional relationship. Follow the directions in this article and your little bird will reciprocate your friendship in no time.
Part 1 of 4: Getting to Know the Parrot

Step 1. Make him comfortable
The cage is a safe place for your baby bird, but you will need to integrate it well into the family to get used to seeing and hearing people. Make sure, however, that they can rest inside the cage - budgies need 10-12 hours of sleep a day.
Cover the cage when it sleeps. This will prevent him from seeing and limit the air currents. Also make sure that no loud noises scare him while he is resting

Step 2. Approach your parrot
Once he seems more comfortable in the cage you have prepared for him, and especially where he will regularly be surrounded by the presence of other people in the house, begin to approach him every day. Move slowly as you approach, so as not to scare him.
- Speak to him in a low voice when you are near the cage, avoiding sudden movements.
- Spend a lot of time near the cage - the more you do it, the better. Your little bird will sense your presence. You basically represent the flock they would spend all their time with if they lived outdoors, so the more time you stay with them, the better.

Step 3. Begin by gently placing your hand on or near the cage where the parrot is located
If he moves away, don't move your hand; rather, leave it there and talk to him or read a book or something else. The important thing is to get the bird used to the proximity of your hands and your presence, without frightening it.
Part 2 of 4: Hand Training the Parrot

Step 1. Approach the budgie by placing one hand in the cage
Once it no longer moves at the sight of the hand, it's time to do the same inside the cage. Insert it, leaving it motionless for a few moments. This is especially effective if you want to give him a treat, such as a few grains of millet. By handing him something to eat, you will be able to earn his trust.
- As time passes, move your hand closer and closer to the bird. He is likely to begin to accept the treats you offer him.
- If you push him to occupy a place from which he cannot reach with his beak what you are holding, perhaps when he is resting on the perch or clinging to the bars of the cage, he will probably convince himself to jump on his hand to get his reward.

Step 2. Have the parrot perch on one finger
After a while that you have allowed him to eat from your hand, try to place him on your finger without offering him food, slowly bringing your hand towards him and pushing him to the base of the abdomen, near the legs.
Maybe he'll jump on the finger right away, but keep trying, without putting him down. Give it some time between attempts and keep moving slowly. If you are patient, it will spontaneously begin to rise on your finger over time

Step 3. Get the budgie out of the cage
The next step in this training is to take the bird out of the cage while it perches on your hand. Since he feels protected within his space, he may drop out of his hand near the exit. However, keep trying, just like you did when you encouraged him to eat from his hand or lean on his finger. Eventually he will trust enough to come out of the cage accompanied by your hand.
Part 3 of 4: Interacting with the Parrot

Step 1. Talk to your bird for a long time
Whenever you pass him, take a minute to talk to him. If you repeat the same phrases or noises (like a whistle) when you are chatting with him, he may even begin to do the same. Parrots can mimic sounds just like other pet birds.
By talking to him, you will also encourage him to give you his trust, enough to make him a loving budgie

Step 2. Try stroking it
Budgies sometimes groom each other, and since you are part of his flock, he may appreciate when you gently pat him on the feathers in different places. Try gently scratching it on the head, brushing its back, or rubbing it on the abdomen.

Step 3. Always remember to handle it carefully
Budgies are small and very delicate animals. If you touch him gently, you will gain even more his trust and will be able to establish an emotional bond.
- Don't hit him or treat him brutally.
- Don't kiss him on the beak or anywhere else; human saliva, even in small quantities, is toxic to these birds.
Part 4 of 4: Caring for the Parrot

Step 1. Offer your budgie a varied diet, including meat
A sated bird is a happy bird, especially when it doesn't get bored with what it eats. From seeds, pelleted feed, fruit and vegetables.
- Start with natural pelleted foods that do not contain any added dyes or sugars.
- Seed separately, not mixed with pelleted food.
- Some foods should be avoided, such as avocados, eggplants, mushrooms and onions.

Step 2. Fill it with games
The parrot loves to play, so if you meet this need, you will make it a happy and loving animal. Get him shiny objects, swings, rings, bells and so on.

Step 3. Keep the cage clean
The parrot is an animal that appreciates cleanliness just like all of us. The difference is that it lives near its waste. Therefore, by keeping his environment clean, you will allow him to reduce contact with his droppings and be a beautiful and healthy bird.