The correct positioning of a western saddle is essential for the safety of the jockey and for the comfort of the horse.

Step 1. Stand on the left side of the horse, place the saddle pad on the horse's back, on the withers (the protrusion of the horse's shoulders), just ahead of where it should be
Slide it back into the correct position to follow the direction of the hair.

Step 2. Make sure the stirrups and girth are facing up on the saddle seat before trying to place it on the horse

Step 3. Still remaining on the left side, lift the saddle and place it directly on the horse's back, making sure it is centered

Step 4. Moving to the other side, lower the girth and stirrups

Step 5. Again from the left side of the horse, hook the left stirrup to the horn, then pull the girth towards you by passing it under the animal's belly

Step 6. Pass the latigo strap from the left side through the ring on the end of the girth and the D ring (ring attached to the striker) twice

Step 7. Pull hard, then pass the latigo belt behind the D ring to the left, wrap the ring by passing the belt in front and then back through the ring
Take the end that will come out of the center of the D ring and thread it down through the knot formed (as for tying a tie knot). Pull hard again.

Step 8. If your saddle also has a girth or rear strap, fasten it like a normal belt and tighten leaving enough space for you to pass a hand between it and the horse
- Brush your horse thoroughly before saddling to remove dirt and fallen hair. Don't forget to check the clogs too.
- If the horse is restless, holding him in snaffle or cross-ties can help, but first make sure the animal feels comfortable this way.
- After adjusting the girth, take the horse a few steps and then tighten the strap again. After placing the girth, in fact, the horse's breathing can loosen the saddle.
- Before getting on the horse, check the saddle to make sure it is firmly tightened and does not slip.
- Once you have finished adjusting the saddle, check again that you have done everything correctly. Also, check that it is positioned correctly before mounting.
- The most important part of the horse to check before riding is the belly and the area where the girth is placed. Make sure there is no dirt, mud or dirt that can rub and irritate the horse.
- When you mount the horse, do not let yourself fall on the saddle, in fact you could damage the back of the animal in this way. You can use a mounting block to relieve the stress caused to the horse.
- Gently place the saddle on the horse's back trying not to let it fall violently.
- Make sure a tie connects the back strap to the front girth so that the back strap doesn't slip back and become uncomfortable for the horse. He could kick and unseat you in no time!
- Make sure the horse is properly tied up before saddling it.