Do you want to know how to clean your guinea pig's cage? Well, you are in the right place! This article will show you the best way to keep your furry friend's house clean. Your little rodent will surely be delighted!

Step 1. Remove the guinea pig from the cage and place it in a safe enclosed space, from which it cannot escape
Make sure someone is keeping an eye on him and that there are no loud noises around that could scare him. If you wish, you can entrust the guinea pig to someone during the cleaning phase.

Step 2. Remove all toys and items from the cage, including the food bowl, water bottle and hiding place
Empty the water container and bowl. Put them in the sink and rinse them along with the hiding place, if it can be washed. Then, open the hot water tap to run it over the bottle and the food bowl. Leave the items to dry while you clean the cage.

Step 3. Get the cage and get a large garbage bag
Using a brush, carefully put everything into the bag. If the cage is very large, it is convenient to have a scoop like those for collecting cat feces to scrape the cage. However, don't use the same for your cat, dog or any other pet.

Step 4. Spray the inside of the cage with a 50% mixture of white distilled vinegar and water
This solution is very effective and safer for your guinea pig than any other cleanser. If you don't use it, the cage will get dirtier every time! For deeper, more stubborn stains, use undiluted vinegar, but be sure to rinse well afterwards! Dry with a towel or, if you have time, you can let it dry in the fresh air. Subsequently, you can also spray the base with a product suitable for animal cages to reduce the odor. Find a safe deodorant, which you can buy at any pet store where guinea pigs, ferrets, hamsters, or rabbits sell.

Step 5. Line the cage with new, fresh, clean newspaper, then insert some material to make the cage, about 3-7cm thick
Make sure it is not cedar wood shavings and kiln dried pine is not recommended either, due to the strong scent that guinea pigs do not like. Check carefully that the cage is completely dry, otherwise mold or other fungi may grow in it.

Step 6. Put the objects back in the cage (if you had removed them), put the toys and various things in different positions, or put new ones, to create a slightly varied environment and entertain your pet
Hide his favorite treats from him by rolling them up in a paper towel or hanging them on a piece of string (make sure your little rodent can reach them). Now, you can take the guinea pig back into the cage and watch her search for all her items and her favorite toy!
- Put something to nibble on in the cage.
- To make cleaning easier, place a layer of newspaper under the bedding material. That way you can throw it away by simply rolling it up when it comes time to clean the cage.
- Use a sponge or small fresh rag with a 50% solution of water and 50% distilled white vinegar to clean / spray your guinea pig's home. Do not use commercial cleaners and products of any kind, as they can be harmful to your pet.
- If you can afford it, put a thick layer of poplar shavings (just shavings, without the whole bits) and then put on an anti-odor litter. This way, you will reduce any unpleasant odors that can form and provide a softer base for your furry friend's paws.
- You can also put a fleece blanket in its kennel.
- There are many spray or scrubbing products that are safe for cage cleaning available at pet stores.
- Cleaning the cage at least once a week is very important to keep your pet healthy.
- Make sure there is always someone to monitor your guinea pig. It is a curious animal by nature and could get into trouble.
- Do not use shavings or sawdust, they can harm the guinea pig. Cedar material can cause many health problems, as can pine. You can use dried pine as a dog bed if you have nothing else available.