Although the fashion for tattoos is increasingly rampant - on average one in five people have at least one tattoo - this does not mean that your mother, father or grandmother agree that you get a tattoo. Read tips on hiding the tattoo from your parents and on what to do in case they find out.
Method 1 of 3: Get the Tattoo

Step 1. Choose a small sized tattoo
This is not a good time to have a koi carp tattooed all over your arm. A smaller one will be much easier to hide and even cover up. If your parents suddenly arrive while your tiny tattoo is in plain sight, you might as well pat your hand on it, so that they don't see it. Hiding and caring for a large tattoo is much more complicated.
- A small tattoo shouldn't be overly detailed, as the fine lines will widen over time and make the design look less defined. A simple, bold pattern will last longer.
- Consider shapes like hearts and stars, arrows, crosses, musical notes, flowers, anchors, or footprints. If you are proud of your hometown, get a very simple and linear design tattooed that represents the sky of your city.
- A small tattoo might be easier to accept, if they find out or if you eventually decide to show it to them. This could be a great way to break the ice and then move on to larger tattoos.

Step 2. Get tattooed on a hidden or easy-to-cover body part
There are many spots that your parents rarely see, and these are ideal for hiding a tattoo. When you think of a good place, remember the summer - if you constantly go around in a bathing suit, your shoulder will always remain uncovered.
- The parts of the body that hide easily include the inside of the lower lip, behind the ear, the chest, the ankle, the foot, the inside of the wrist and the shoulder.
- Tattoos in places such as the inside of the lip, the sole of the foot and the hands will fade much faster, because they are subject to constant skin regeneration.

Step 3. Test the white ink
If you have fair skin and no freckles you may want to consider a white tattoo. The geometric designs are particularly striking in white and the white ink will be much less evident than other colors.
It is essential that you get your tattoo where it will be least exposed to sunlight, as even using a high protection factor cream the sun could fade the white color, leaving you with only bumps and the memory of your beautiful tattoo

Step 4. Contact a trusted shop
You may be tempted to go for a handcrafted tattoo, especially if you are under age, but think again. Even if you sterilize the needles, you risk getting a skin infection or in the worst case of contracting hepatitis or HIV. They also rarely give good results.
- Strengthen your friendship with your friend not by tattooing each other (and risking bacterial infection), but by going together to a specialized tattoo shop and supporting each other while you get tattooed.
- Take a look at the online center and choose a tattoo artist whose style best suits your ideas.
- Go to the tattoo shop to make an appointment and talk to the tattoo artist. The center must be thoroughly disinfected with antibacterial cleaners. If not, go elsewhere.
- In the case of a small tattoo you may be tattooed as soon as you arrive, but professional tattoo artists usually receive by appointment only.
Method 2 of 3: Hide the Tattoo

Step 1. Follow the instructions of the tattoo artist "exactly"
If you contract an infection, you will be forced to inform your parents, as you may need medical attention. However, you should avoid touching or scratching yourself all the time so as not to make them suspicious.
- Do not try to hide the tattoo by covering it with another bandage. The tattoo artist will cover the tattooed part immediately after completing his work and tell you when to remove the bandage. Do not cover it with a band, cloth or anything else.
- The tattoos must not come into contact with water for at least the next two weeks, so if you practice swimming, wait until the course closes.
- For a few days the tattoo may "sweat" secreting liquid (transparent or the same color as the tattoo) that can pass through the tissues. You should wear loose clothing so that it can breathe and heal.

Step 2. Cover the tattoo with makeup
When it is completely healed, you can hide it with make-up. There are specific tricks on the market for this purpose, which really work. Some are so resistant that they guarantee a perfect seal all day long, they do not stain and are even water resistant.
- When necessary, you can use white color stage makeup to camouflage the tattoo. Apply two layers of makeup on the tattoo (letting it dry between one layer and the other) and then cover with a liquid foundation of the same shade as your skin. To fix everything you can spray some hair spray.
- If the tattoo is very dark or has bright colors, buy a concealer as well. This neutralizes the colors in such a way that they are not visible through the make-up.

Step 3. Hide it with clothes and accessories
If you've chosen a strategic place for your tattoo, it should be easy to hide it under long sleeves, a watch strap, bracelet, band-aid or ring. By simply wearing your hair down, you can hide your tattoo behind the ear or on the nape of the neck.

Step 4. Try to be vague when dealing with the subject of tattoos
Don't show yourself peremptorily against this practice. It says something like, "I actually think they're really beautiful, when done right." You might even hint that one day you might decide to get one. If you say that you would never get one, not even a million years from now, and then your parents see what you are hiding, they will consider you a very big liar.
Method 3 of 3: Justify Yourself If You Get Caught

Step 1. Expect punishment
If you've been caught, be prepared to suffer the consequences. Whining, yelling, and making a scene won't help you prove to your parents that you're not just a thoughtless kid.

Step 2. Apologize for hiding the tattoo
Admitting that you have made a mistake shows that you are a mature person and they may eventually realize that you are adult enough to decide what to do with your body. This is another reason why you should avoid artisan tattoos: you would give a better impression if you made prudent and safe choices, preventing them from worrying about your physical condition.
To say that it is your body and that you can do what you want with it would not be appropriate, in the heat of the moment. It is a valid argument, but it should probably only be used when things have calmed down and you can rationally argue your decision

Step 3. Come up with a compelling excuse to justify your decision
It's a kind of dirty make-up, but if you say that your heart-shaped tattoo reminds you of your dear grandfather who passed away, your parents might soften up a bit. Or, if you have had a crucifix tattooed, tell them that it is linked to your faith and you need to remember that you are a good Christian.