How to be bold (with pictures)

How to be bold (with pictures)
How to be bold (with pictures)

Table of contents:


Do you feel like nobody appreciates your talents? Are you tired of others stepping on you? The time has come to get impudent! Follow the steps in this guide to reinvent yourself as a self-confident individual who knows how to take command. You will learn to appreciate yourself, to think and act confidently and, above all, to walk as if the streets belong to you.


Part 1 of 3: Thinking boldly

Be Cocky Step 1
Be Cocky Step 1

Step 1. Believe you are the best

The bravado comes from the confidence (which many would call "arrogance") that you are the most competent, most interesting, and best-looking person in a room (even if you aren't!). You also have to believe in the reverse situation, which is that most of the people you meet are flat, boring and / or incompetent. If you sincerely believe that you are number one and that almost everyone else cannot touch you, the following steps will be much easier. They may even begin to take their place on their own.

Try to be mentally high and worship the things you are good at, while you give little importance to those you are not good at. Are you a great student but a bad athlete? So think like this: "I'm the smartest person I know. Someday I'll get a good job. Who cares about these brawny, brawny athletes who seem to like people so much? Sports are not important, alone. a few years these guys will wash my car."

Be Cocky Step 2
Be Cocky Step 2

Step 2. Take it for granted that everyone loves you

A bold person is the soul of the party, of any party. It's the reason people have fun. Keep this mindset at social gatherings; Since everyone already likes you, you can skip the petty and boring conversations and jump straight to interesting topics, like yourself! Get some level of familiarity with everyone - if everyone is your friend, you can step straight into each other's conversations and even tease them lightly (like a friend would).

  • For example, let's pretend a swagger has just arrived at a party. He sees a semi-intimate acquaintance who is having a conversation with someone in the corner. The impudent person could, without hesitation or saying anything, sneak in by approaching the acquaintance, staying right outside the line of his gaze, and then unexpectedly intrude into the dialogue, as if it were a shocking and funny joke. The assumption of familiarity is crucial, a less bold person could have simply approached his acquaintance, introduced himself in a clumsy and forced manner and then retired with an excuse from the conversation.
  • Sincerity is the key here. People naturally observe others for social clues, so the more you sincerely believe you are the center of attention, the more other people will agree with you.
Be Cocky Step 3
Be Cocky Step 3

Step 3. Let your opinions be known

The only time a swagger is uncertain is when they have to decide which supermodel to ask out first. Impudent people have a strong opinion on almost everything and are almost never afraid to share it. They don't worry about offending others because they know they are right; if someone else doesn't want to admit it, it's not the brave person's problem. An impudent individual is not afraid of a good debate; after all, he is sure to win him because he knows reason is on his side.

  • On the other hand, a bold person will never embarrass themselves by getting too emotionally involved in an argument. He feels no need to waste energy yelling or resorting to personal insults. After all, he's right, so why on earth would he need it?
  • A bold person will not hold back from correcting someone, but he will do it politely. For example, an impudent person's teacher mistakenly says that East Germany and West Germany were reunited in 1989, not 1990. This person will raise his hand and politely (but firmly) explain the professor's mistake: " Excuse me, I think Germany formally reunited in 1990. My grandmother was there."
Be Cocky Step 4
Be Cocky Step 4

Step 4. Assume everyone thinks you are sexy

Just knowing that someone wants you gives your self-confidence a boost, imagine how your confidence will skyrocket if you assume everyone believes you're hot! Feel very proud of your looks and your charm. Are you wearing a new outfit for the first time? Proceed with a straight head - be sure everyone will admire you. Smile winkly at the person you're interested in. If you believe everyone is already in love with you, you have no reason to worry.

Really bold people give off an air of calm self-assurance, so while it takes a lot of effort to look or behave a certain way, you act as if there is no fatigue behind you. If they compliment you on a bold style choice, you say "Oh, this? It's just something I found in the closet", instead of "It took me four hours to create this outfit, so there is more to it than me. was fine!"

Be Cocky Step 5
Be Cocky Step 5

Step 5. Don't let your detractors get you down

It's sad, but true: no matter how excellent you are, you will eventually come across people who will refuse to give you the respect you deserve. You may even find a casual person who doesn't like you. Don't blame these mean people. If they don't adore you, there is something wrong with them, not you.

The purpose of detractors is often to get a reaction from you. Don't give them what they want by allowing them to make you angry or frustrated. Casually dismiss them with a phrase like "You're just jealous because you'd like to have my flawless taste in everything."

Be Cocky Step 6
Be Cocky Step 6

Step 6. Be confident

Swagger is an exaggerated form of personal security. To be truly cheeky, you need to have a good foundation of self-esteem to build on. Bravado without true self-confidence is perceived as a pathetic attitude, which is the opposite of what you want. If you don't give the idea that you don't care about the opinion that people have about you, you will appear too busy with what others think of you.

If you are unsure of yourself, there is no magic potion that will allow you to become one overnight. However, to embark on the path to safety, start working towards the milestones that make you proud. The good feeling you get from these goals will give you the fuel to reach other, greater goals, and ultimately to become more skilled, experienced and confident

Part 2 of 3: Behaving boldly

Be Cocky Step 7
Be Cocky Step 7

Step 1. Let everyone know how amazing you are

Don't be afraid to share your greatness. If you've gotten used to thinking of yourself in terms of the person in charge, it's time to start spreading the word. In this case, a little subtlety is required. If you just go around telling everyone you meet that you are great and that they are trash, people will think you are a bully or a psycho. Rather, just use the opportunities you get from regular conversations to slip into the swashbuckling mentions that have you as the protagonist.

  • For example, if your friends are discussing last week's big football match, you might say, "Yes, I liked Beckham's goal, but his overall game was pretty neglected. When I was playing football, I didn't. never left the ball so often away from me ".
  • When you find yourself in a competitive situation against someone, it is very bold to get involved with slightly critical words about your rivals. If you are competing against someone you have a romantic interest in, it can even give rise to a touch of flirtation. Just make sure you stay away from low blows - if you are really cruel, you can be penalized or expelled.
Be Cocky Step 8
Be Cocky Step 8

Step 2. Accept compliments like an expert

If they give you a praise (and it will happen to you), accept it while subtly acknowledging that you already know you are the best. Instead of saying "Really? Uh, thanks!", When they give you a compliment, you say "Thanks, it's great to hear that from you." You want to give other people the impression that you aren't surprised that everyone is jealous of you. Show the world that you expect to be adored.

Be Cocky Step 9
Be Cocky Step 9

Step 3. Show off your achievements

Really bold people have things that need to be flaunted. Take pride in whatever you have achieved in life. Bring these things up whenever you get the chance. Whenever you reach a new milestone, taste your victory. Celebrate with your friends. Behave in an especially confident way of yourself and your abilities afterwards. You might even consider changing your appearance after getting something (as far as possible). After a big win at a game, you could, for example, put on your team shirt or jersey to go to school the next day.

Be warned: constantly reminding your opponent that you have lost is not fair swagger behavior. It's embarrassing for everyone involved, especially you. Being an angry winner indicates low self-esteem; bold people know they will win ahead of time, so they aren't hard on their opponents when their predictions come true

Be Cocky Step 10
Be Cocky Step 10

Step 4. Make real friends

A bold person doesn't have to have millions of fake friends and followers. In fact, a person who cares too much about how many friends they have seems insecure, which is the opposite of being swaggering. Instead, you should surround yourself with a group of people that you can confidently call your true friends, even siblings. Knowing that you have people you can count on when life gets tough will make you more confident and willing to take risks. Plus, good friends make great companions and wingmen for your daring missions!

Be Cocky Step 11
Be Cocky Step 11

Step 5. Be generous in conveying your affection

A properly used sense of touch can help you create a lasting impression that you are confident in your body. However, if you are too generous about when and where you touch people, you will be labeled "slimy". The distinction can be a fine line, so start with small, simple signs of affection. When greeting someone, hug them instead of shaking their hand. If a person says something funny, gently tap their shoulder as you laugh. Stay close to someone you like by rubbing your hand "accidentally" against this person. Making all these small gestures of affection can be really impactful to show that you are confident and that you do not care about the reactions of people towards your manifestations, in short, you will make it clear that you are bold.

Swaggering touching is excellent for flirting, provided this is done in a limited way. Adjust your body language according to that of your partners; if at some point the other person seems uncomfortable or embarrassed, make your displays of affection less expansive

Be Cocky Step 12
Be Cocky Step 12

Step 6. Flirt like a heartbreaker

Bold people know they are universally wanted, so they have no problem flirting with people they like. They approach their romantic interests without hesitation. They are cool and confident when they talk to people they have some interest in. They are never afraid of being rejected. After all, they know that people should be flattered by the opportunity to be won over by someone who is so utterly bold and confident!

Bold people are not ashamed when they flirt. Be scandalous! Let someone you care about know exactly how you feel, while you may want to stop if you think you are giving them shivers… of terror

Be Cocky Step 13
Be Cocky Step 13

Step 7. Turn the page to distance yourself from the inevitable difficulties of life

Nobody's life is perfect. Even the safest and most self-assured people in the world face periodic setbacks and problems. Take them as they come, there is no way to avoid every single difficulty in life. Don't feel the need to keep a bold facade when you feel bad. If, for example, you lose a relative you loved, your normal swagger will seem very unnatural and forced. Everyone has a difficult time occasionally; if you pretend it doesn't happen to you, you will only make it difficult for you to progress. Give your problems the attention they deserve and you'll eventually return to your classic state of swagger.

Swagger is partly an illusion. Impudent people create idealized visions of themselves in their minds and act as if these "perfect" visualizations are reality when, in fact, they are not. Temporary difficulties are great opportunities for self-reflection. Ask yourself questions like "In what ways did I get an unrealistic image of myself?" and "Was I too bold?". The hardships of life can intervene to keep out-of-control egos at bay and to prevent impudent people from becoming unbearable narcissists

Part 3 of 3: Looking bold

Be Cocky Step 14
Be Cocky Step 14

Step 1. Maintain a strong and secure posture

A great way to let everyone in attendance know that you are swaggering is to show this trait with confident body language. You will want to have a wide and upright posture at all times, as if it were your classic way of standing. Keep your shoulders and head high as you pull your chest out. It sounds crazy, but it works; Going from a habitually curved or hunched posture to one that emphasizes your dignity more can make a marked difference to what people think of you (and what you think of yourself).

Be Cocky Step 15
Be Cocky Step 15

Step 2. Show your bravado with your face

Impudent people know they are the coolest on the face of the earth - their looks should reflect that. A bold individual is perpetually entertained by himself. Keep a proud smile on your face whenever you can. When interacting with someone, especially if they are someone you have a romantic interest in, you may want to add a touch of mischief to your expression, as if you consider conversation a fun game.

These relatively small changes in your expression can cause significant changes in your behavior. Pretending to feel a certain way can actually make you feel that way, which will make your swagger feel as natural as possible

Be Cocky Step 16
Be Cocky Step 16

Step 3. Show your swagger in your moves

Impudent people always know what they are doing and where they are going. Your movements should reflect this. Walk confidently, keep your head and shoulders high as you make your way fairly fast towards your goal. Whenever possible, walk along a straight path to your intended destination. Don't slow down or hang around unless you see something or someone you care about.

In theory, you want to give the impression that everything you do is important, so walk as if you need to get to an important date right away. Most people will naturally assume that you are a big shot

Be Cocky Step 17
Be Cocky Step 17

Step 4. Show your best qualities

Bold people know they are sexy! Dress to show off the hottest parts of your body. If you have nice muscular arms, wear sleeveless tops so that the ladies pass out when they see you. Do you have long and sexy legs? Show them off with skinny jeans! Don't be shy - you are the best looking person you know, so it would be a disservice not to brag about what you have.

Be Cocky Step 18
Be Cocky Step 18

Step 5. Try to look bold, but don't get defensive

Brave people are confident in their opinions - the way they gesticulate and their body position should reflect this. Always look straight ahead and make eye contact with whoever you are talking to. In general, you should position yourself so that the front of your body is facing the person you are conversing with. A good rule of thumb is to keep your navel pointed at whomever is most interesting to you at any given time. That way, even if you have to momentarily look away for some reason, the full weight of your body language will still be made to turn towards the person you're talking to.

  • Don't get defensive during comparisons. For example, if you get involved in a fight or debate, don't cross your arms or look away. Instead, aim your body directly at your opponent or look him in the eye.
  • Make gestures that denote self-confidence. If someone asks you which way north is, instead of pointing faintly with a finger held close to your body, extend your entire arm.


  • Never doubt what you say if you want to be confident and bold.
  • Always maintain good posture. Even if they point out to you that you have done wrong, your body should never give up.
  • Never ever be boring. Try to always have something interesting in mind to talk about or do.
  • Remember to enter school wearing sunglasses to surround yourself with an aura of mystery and have high self-esteem.
