How to Minimize Pores with Foundation: 8 Steps

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How to Minimize Pores with Foundation: 8 Steps
How to Minimize Pores with Foundation: 8 Steps

Many women, especially with combination or oily skin, suffer from enlarged pores. To reduce pore size and for less oily skin, you need to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your skin every day. It is impossible to completely eliminate enlarged pores, however there are techniques and methods of applying the foundation that reduce its visibility. Follow the steps below to minimize pores with foundation.


Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 1
Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 1

Step 1. Cleanse and moisturize your face before applying foundation or makeup

Proper skin care will give your face a healthy look.

Wait until your skin is dry before applying primer or foundation. If applied to non-dry skin, the foundation will appear uneven

Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 2
Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 2

Step 2. Before applying foundation, apply a good quality primer to your face

The primer has two functions: it prepares a better base for the foundation to adhere and fills the pores; therefore the foundation will not penetrate inside them. Without the primer, the foundation will emphasize your pores instead of hiding them.

Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 3
Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 3

Step 3. Select a liquid foundation suitable for your skin type

There are two types of liquid foundations: bright, for normal and dry skin, and mattifying for combination and oily skin. The mattifying foundation is ideal for skin with enlarged pores.

Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 4
Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 4

Step 4. Use only the amount needed to evenly cover your face

Too much product will highlight the pores instead of hiding them.

  • Smear an even layer using a sponge or liquid foundation brush. You can also use your fingers, but for a more covering and uniform result it is advisable to use the sponge or brush.
  • Apply the foundation from the center of the face outwards. Cover the whole face well, but also under the chin.
Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 5
Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 5

Step 5. Choose a powder that matches your foundation color

The powder gives your face a delicate touch that highlights the features and not your pores.

  • Purchase a brush to apply the powder evenly. The brush should have level bristles and not be concave.

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    Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 5Bullet1
  • Pour a small amount of face powder onto the lid of the container. Lightly cover the brush with the powder by dusting the bristles with the product until the entire tip of the brush is covered. Follow the same step for the liquid foundation, applying from the center of the face outwards. To get a more natural result it is advisable to pass the product several times instead of making a single heavy pass.

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    Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 5Bullet2
Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 6
Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 6

Step 6. Apply the powder several times throughout the day as needed

The powder gives a fresh and clean look to your face. Plus, a gentle face powder makes pores less visible.

Step 7. Remove make-up from your face every night before going to sleep

This is important for keeping the skin and pores fresh and clean.

Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 8
Minimize Pores With Foundation Step 8

Step 8. Moisturize your face before going to bed and exfoliate your face as needed

Exfoliation helps reduce the size of the pores.
