First of all let's say that nose hair exists for a reason. They are in fact an integral part of the body's immune system. When you inhale any pollutant such as dust, pollen, animal dandruff, etc. through your nose. it is effectively trapped by the hair. The nose contains two types of hair: the eyelashes that are microscopic and very thin and the thicker ones that you see poking out of the nostrils. However, if too many protruding hairs are undermining your self-esteem and self-confidence, exposing you to unpleasant embarrassment, remove them! This is a simple, quick and inexpensive method that can improve your body image in moments. You will simply have to learn the techniques necessary to avoid damaging the inner skin of the nostrils, which is sensitive and delicate.
Method 1 of 3: With Scissors

Step 1. Use special scissors
These have rounded tips and are designed specifically for cutting hair inside sensitive parts such as the nose and ears.
Facial hair scissors are available in most supermarkets in the “hygiene and cosmetics” department

Step 2. Always trim the hair in front of a well-lit mirror
The light allows you to see even the subtle and lighter ones sticking out of the nostrils. The mirror is essential to see what you are doing.
Even though the scissors have blunt ends, you need to be very careful when using them. Always check their position and that of their hands

Step 3. Insert the scissors into the nose
Never push them all the way down as you will cause severe damage if you cut yourself.
Make sure they are clean before proceeding

Step 4. Carefully trim long hair
Eliminate only those that protrude from the nostrils. Hairs that are deep must stay in place because they prevent contaminants from reaching the lungs. If you take them off you could damage your health.
- Make sure the blades are sharp. Otherwise you would have many problems with cutting and you could even pull out the hair, causing pain and tearing.
- Lift the tip of your nose to get a better view of the area, also try to smile. Both of these actions allow you to see all the protruding hairs.

Step 5. Sterilize the scissors when done
Rub them with an antiseptic product before storing them.
Method 2 of 3: With a hair clipper

Step 1. Choose a manual or electric tool
They are both reliable and are often sold with an accessory kit that allows you to trim hair from other areas of the body such as the eyebrows or beard.
- The manual ones do not need batteries or an electrical outlet. They also do not cause the nose to tickle because there are no vibrations. To use them correctly you must use both hands.
- The electric ones are fast and accurate. For most models, only one hand is enough.
- Before using any hair clipper, read the enclosed instructions carefully, to avoid injury and get a good result.

Step 2. Tilt your head back and carefully insert the tool into your nose
This should be done in front of a well-lit mirror. The trimmer should enter the nostril without difficulty, never force it into the nasal canal.
- These are instruments specially designed to enter the human nostril. The blades are covered and will never touch the sensitive mucosa.
- Most trimmers do not cause any pain, and it is also very difficult to get cuts (unlike scissors). Sometimes, however, some hair is pulled at the root causing some discomfort.
- Do not insert a hair clipper too deep. You only have to cut the hairs that sprout on the outside, the rest of the hair is there to protect the respiratory system from pollutants.

Step 3. Once finished, clean the trimmer
Most models are washable in water.
Method 3 of 3: With Tweezers

Step 1. Choose a good pair of clean tweezers
The easiest to use are those with angled tips and a good grip.

Step 2. Stand in front of the well-lit mirror
Plucking hair with tweezers is a much more tedious and time-consuming job than trimming, and good lighting helps in the process.
Choose the hairs you want to remove. Remember not to overdo it, nose hair plays an important role in protecting the health of the lungs, and removing it is quite painful. Eliminate only those that are visible at a reasonable distance

Step 3. Grab the hair at the root firmly and give it a quick tug
- Don't hesitate and don't think about it. Pulling it out slowly out of fear only causes more pain.
- This is a somewhat painful operation, so hold a small ice cube on your nostril for a minute to numb the area.
- Your eyes will likely fill with tears and your face will turn red.
- Be warned, many doctors are against this practice because it is potentially dangerous. It could cause bleeding, leave small holes or deep cuts in the mucous membrane that can become infected.

Step 4. Once finished, wash the tweezers
Rub them with an antiseptic product or wash them with soap and water.
- Never cut the hair too short, it would be harmful to the immune and respiratory systems. Remember that you only want to have a neat appearance and not remove all the hairs that perform a useful action from the nose.
- Treat a sore nose by drinking hot tea or steaming boiling water.
- If you scratch yourself with tweezers or scissors, apply antibiotic cream right away. The last thing you want is a nostril infection!