Nose hair helps block foreign particles that pass through our airways. When they become too long, however, they can be annoying and cause unpleasant itching, or simply be unwelcome to the eye. Read the guide and find out how to eliminate them effectively and safely.

Step 1. Purchase a nose hair clipper
Look for it in the pharmacy or on the web, it will not cost more than 15-20 euros. There are two models of hair clippers, with rotating or oscillating blade. Each of the two styles has its pros and cons, and it might be useful to try both styles and then make a choice based on your preferences.

Step 2. Using a mirror, gently guide the hair clipper into one nostril
Use it in a circular motion, moving inside the nostril. Continue until you get a result that fully satisfies you. Then move to the second nostril.

Step 3. Blow your nose gently to remove any hairs trapped in the nostrils
- Use a magnifying mirror, it will help you.
- If you continue to have problems with your nose hair, consider removing it with laser hair removal.
- Nose hair clippers have been designed not to injure the skin and shouldn't cause any bleeding. If so, you may have applied too much pressure. Contact your doctor to avoid infection.
Don't pluck your nose hair!
You would expose the follicles to the risk of infection.
He never uses scissors!
A sudden movement could be very dangerous.