Teeth whitening at home is easy, with just a few ingredients. In this article we will explain how to make a treatment using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
Make Teeth Whitener Step 1
Step 1. Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide to a small bowl
Have White Clean Shiny Teeth Step 2
Step 2. Mix thoroughly until you get a consistency similar to that of toothpaste
Maintain White Teeth Step 6
Step 3. Use the mix immediately
Leaving it exposed to air for an extended time can cause it to harden.
It doesn't taste good. If you want, add some orange or mint extract.
If you don't like the taste, don't use lemon to improve it. In practice, sodium bicarbonate is basic and lemon acid; if you mix them, bubbles will form.
This method is used by many smokers and coffee consumers, so give it a try if you fall into one of these two categories.
If your gums are infected, sore or inflamed, have tooth decay, gingivitis, or other ailments, or have a small cut in your mouth, don't use it.
Baking soda removes dirt on your teeth and enamel, exposing them to various bacteria.
Overdoing the use of this product can be harmful to the enamel; talk to your dentist first.
Do you like to make people more beautiful? Are you looking for a way to make someone feel special? Learning how to perform a beauty treatment on another person's face can be of great interest both as a hobby and for a possible new career. Ingrediants Sugar or dried fruit granules to use as exfoliating particles Honey, mayonnaise, cucumber, strawberries or chocolate are among the ingredients you can use to make a mask.
Teeth whitening strips are becoming more and more common. Some may be difficult to use or may flood your mouth with the gel. Follow these steps to avoid expensive surgery and use your new whitening strips. Steps Step 1. Read the instructions on the package carefully They should give you a basic idea of what you will need to do.
Instead of going to the dentist for an expensive whitening treatment, try transforming your smile at home. The whitening strips are easy to use to combat yellowing from carbonated drinks and other products. Before starting the treatment, find out how to make the most of them.
If you are undergoing tooth whitening treatments, you have probably already experienced the pain and tingling sensation that often accompanies them. This reaction is caused by the whitening agents that irritate the dental nerves, causing sensitivity.
Being outdoors is good for the mood, but it can also cause a lot of damage to the skin. In addition to cancers and other obviously serious conditions, the sun can cause spots or darken the complexion in general. If you want to lighten or brighten your skin, try using a homemade whitening cream.