Cultivating a charming personality at work is certainly worthwhile to make relationships with colleagues more enjoyable and less tiring. Developing a positive attitude accompanied by lots of smiles will increase your overall appeal, and whether it's directed towards a colleague you have a particular sentimental interest in or you're trying to keep your group motivated overall, be pleasant and capable will charm anyone.

Step 1. Impress colleagues with your intelligence and keeping your promises
What is more fascinating in a work environment than a awake person? A smart person who does what he promised himself to do! Intelligence alone not accompanied by action does not affect anyone, but doing things well in a reliable way is truly remarkable. In particular, demonstrate your vigorous wit when working on a project or presentation in collaboration with others, in a way that encourages everyone to participate without excluding anyone. Always be discreet: nobody wants your intelligence to be slammed in front of their eyes; it is through facts, the progress of things and the help you offer others to achieve their goals that you demonstrate your value towards them, not by praising your mental abilities.
- Be a reliable and uncommon employee, so that every colleague (and employer) knows that you will get the job done by exceeding expectations.
- Be the kind of person to turn to that everyone knows is the best for the job. More than just being someone to turn to, be a zealous guide, teacher, or mentor for others. When everyone knows that you are willing to both listen and provide useful advice, you will attract constant attention.

Step 2. Be confident
Impress others by showing confidence in your abilities and approaches. Likewise, be sincere when you have to rely on the skills of another person; helping someone to work on their own is inspiring. Another aspect of self-confidence that is deeply suggestive is courage; if you want to have a charming personality, be brave at work. You make decisions that you respect because you believe in their value, even when others don't believe them. Share your ideas on the results of a project even when others grumble that it is not possible. Having the confidence in yourself and the courage to express positivity above the usual monotony of the work environment can make you very fascinating.
Avoid being arrogant or aloof. Instead, be humbly confident in your abilities and aptitudes. While you should already be competent and capable in the role you currently hold, avoid looking presumptuous in what you do. There is a fine line between letting your intelligence shine and being a braggart. Avoid singing your own praise or pointing out that you think you are smarter or more capable than another co-worker

Step 3. Dress appropriately for your role
Your appearance plays an important role in attracting the attention and admiration of the people in the office. Opt for chic and classic solutions for the office, staying away from clothes that you might wear to go to clubs or for an evening at the bar with friends.
- Consider wearing classic lines, tailored suits, and beautiful office dresses. Refined, tailor-made garments are always a hit in the office. Often there are specialized tailors willing to make these dresses or you could order them on the internet. If you have to wear a uniform to work, you could embellish it with accessories or pointy shoes. If it is not allowed, always try to look after your appearance flawlessly.
- Choose models that flatter your figure, while maintaining a professional office style. If you wear a gown or uniform specification for your work, the best way to make sure you look good is that it is tailored to fit your figure. Alternatively, choose clothes that fit your physique. Avoid wearing low-cut tops or dresses that are too tight.
- Avoid leaving too much skin uncovered. While showing a little cleavage or sculpted biceps might be the usual socialization method to attract someone you care to at the bar, doing it in the office is unseemly and you could earn an unwanted reputation. Use common sense (and perhaps your employee handbook) to make sure you stick to the corporate dress code, highlighting your best features. Observe other people around you if you are not sure where to draw a dividing line.
- Develop distinctive traits. Maybe you want to impress with a particular type of jewelry or watches that you change every day or perhaps with a collection of ties or scarves. A distinctive element worn regularly in style can differentiate you from others in the office and can help increase your charm. Just be careful to avoid weird or tacky accessories, unless you're trying to attract someone with a sense of style similar to yours.

Step 4. Show interest in your colleagues
It is certainly noteworthy that a colleague who introduces himself in an elegant, thoughtful and intelligent manner shows interest in what you say or do. Your presence is the most precious gift you can offer to another person and if you are trying to please others in the workplace, it is the ideal way to impress.
- Be friendly without being too firm. There is a fine line between being interested in the life of your work colleague and being too intrusive and potentially intrusive. Be available and show interest in all your colleagues; just don't overdo it with personal comments or questions. Ask very open questions about your colleague's personal life and let him give you a signal about the amount of information he plans to share. Take the time to establish credibility regarding your discretion; when the other person knows that you know how to listen and that you are a trusted and understanding confidant, they will determine your value in order to be able to speak freely.
- Reach out to your colleagues to get their judgment and to get them to take part in a project or even a personal dilemma, depending on the level of trust your relationship is built on. During a group project, talk to a colleague and ask them what they think about a particular statistic or idea. Bringing people together and engaging them can be very inspiring, especially when they feel that you have worked hard to help make their talents shine in front of others.
- Be willing to help a colleague in need without seeking anything in return. Be generous with your time and earn a reputation as the kind of person who is unconditionally available.
- Similarly, know when to draw the line; do not support office gossip and do not undermine discussions. Let others know that you will not get involved in gossip and you will not denigrate anyone in the workplace. See the good in others.

Step 5. Be provocative, within reason
When you have an interest in someone at work, be discreet with your flirtatious ways. Make simple comments emphasizing your particular interest in that person, perhaps with a friendly nod of encouragement or a pleasant comment or compliment on the positive outcome of your colleague's work. You could perhaps leave a bouquet of flowers or a muffin she likes on her desk, accompanied by a funny note. Find gentle ways to flirt and carefully find out if the other person reciprocates your interest.
- Control your flirtatious behavior so you don't cross the line between flirting and sexual harassment. You certainly do not want to enter the area where you could be accused of sexual harassment, so monitor your behavior by avoiding any inappropriate physical contact or comments of a sexual nature. Also, find out about your company's policy regarding romantic relationships within the office and sexual harassment.
- If you feel like your deepest interest is being paid, try inviting your colleague on a date. You will have to start somewhere to understand if the attraction is really mutual.

Step 6. Treat your trusted and esteemed colleagues as you treat your friends
Make yourself more interesting in the eyes of others in the office by forming more personal relationships with colleagues you feel you have a connection with.
- Try to form a close bond with these colleagues. Plan trips, dinners and events with your colleagues to get you closer.
- Involve as much as possible other colleagues with whom you are less likely to spend time together outside working hours. Have a chat in front of the water dispenser, find out about their pets or children, learn about their interests on a regular basis, and connect with these colleagues when you have tea in the morning or at other work events, so that you don't see you as friendly only to other colleagues. In other words, unleash your charm around you.

Step 7. Be a happy and positive person
People are attracted to positive and charming personalities rather than grumpy and detached people; while the saying goes badly common means joy, misery is easily attracted to effervescent, cheerful and uplifting personalities who offer everyone something more positive to aspire to. Laugh and smile as often as you have the opportunity. People are more attracted to individuals who seem to laugh and smile more often. Spend time appreciating the little things at work and when you see colleagues in the morning, catch their eyes, smile and call them by name when you greet them. Praise what they do when you notice it, instead of putting off for a later performance review or just never acknowledging others' merits.
- As for office parties, try to be the life of the party without becoming everyone's laughing stock. Avoid being harshly criticized and doing something very embarrassing (in this way you would certainly be ousted from the current list of charming people in the office). Rather, keep your mind clear and consider the holidays as occasions to get acquainted, as an opportunity to make your majesty shine even more.
- Be open and sincere, but keep the mystery alive. Don't reveal all your secrets when you go for a drink with your colleagues. Keep some aspects of your life mysterious, so that your colleagues think and wonder how to find out what you are hiding. Mystery tends to intensify the fascination.

Step 8. Feel comfortable with yourself
Self-confidence manifests itself in the way you put yourself and show up at work. Don't brag about how big you are, walk proudly instead, meet other people's gazes and smile.
- Always maintain good posture; the way you carry conveys a very clear message to those who observe you. Standing or sitting with your back straight and walking confidently in a natural way will send others signals of interest in you because you show that you have respect for yourself and that you are someone they can trust.
- Remember people's names and some little information about them. People tend to find you more charming when you keep calling them by name and if you show that you actually know something personal about them. For example, you could say: "Hi Bob, how was your mom's 75th birthday party last weekend?". Remembering these little details shows your interest, which undoubtedly makes you fascinating in the eyes of others.
- Be willing to let your personality shine; a person who feels comfortable with himself will always attract the interest of others.
- Tranquility is always more fascinating than anger, aggression or hostility. In the work environment this is even more pronounced, since people are attracted to those who are calm, controlled and reliable to think clearly under pressure. Be the calm and controlled person, even if it means exercising continuously until it becomes an ingrained habit. Meditating, practicing the "mindfulness" method, following therapy, and being active are some ways to master negative feelings that could otherwise undermine your resolve to remain calm.