House of Horrors is the fun part of Halloween parties. In this article, an actor who works at one of these attractions gives some useful advice on what to do and how to use common sense when entering a house of horrors.

Step 1. Don't waste time trying to be tough, we know you're terrified
Pretending not to be smart or trying to be smart is wasting money on you, not us.

Step 2. Be sure you want to enter a house of horrors, there is nothing worse than a customer who keeps his eyes and ears covered or runs

Step 3. Make sure that you will not react negatively to the environment
Fog machines and strobe lights are used very often. Remember this and be aware that some conditions can be aggravated by these tools.

Step 4. Do not enter if you are drunk or under the influence of drugs
You won't have more fun, your friends won't have fun, much less the actors. Also you could be a danger to yourself and others.

Step 5. If there are rules, follow them

Step 6. Even if it is not explicitly stated, do not touch the actors
You risk being thrown out and possibly arrested.

Step 7. Unless they are non-professionals, the actors will not go out of character, no matter how many nasty and un-witty lines you can tell them
You may think it's fun to ask an actor for a phone number or comment on how hot he can be in that costume, trust me it's not at all.

Step 8. Don't stay in the scene refusing to move until you force the actor out of the character to make you move
It's not funny. This ruins the experience of the customers behind you and forces the actor to break concentration.

Step 9. Constantly stating that you are not terrified lets the actors know that you are
If an actor peeks out from behind a curtain, it means he wants to be seen. Then say, "Ah, I saw you!" it does not prove that you are brave.

Step 10. Pushing the curtains aside in search of the actors who are waiting to scare you, ruins the scene
Do not do it.

Step 11. It's not your job to scare people, it's the actors' job
Let them do what they are paid for.

Step 12. Don't try to scare the actors
It doesn't work and you look like a fool.

Step 13. Do not touch the props, do not play with them, do not move them and do not try to steal them

Step 14. If you are too afraid to continue, ask out
Don't ask, though, if you're not firmly convinced you want to. A false retreat can only irritate the actors who have to leave the role to escort you to the exit.

Step 15. Asking an actor not to scare you doesn't work
In fact, you only encourage him to terrify you even more. If you are really terrified, ask out.

Step 16. Don't force your friends to stay if they are too scared

Step 17. Try to have fun while walking through the house of horrors, otherwise you ruin the experience for everyone

Step 18. Running into a house of horrors is dangerous and destructive, avoid it

Step 19. Don't walk slowly and don't loiter around the house
Try to keep pace on average fast. In this way you will not be a stopper for the large groups that are behind you, making the experience less frightening for everyone.

Step 20. Join small groups (2-4 people is best)
Thus the situation is more manageable and it is easier to monitor the people inside.

Step 21. The more time you wait at the end of each corridor or at the entrance to each room because you are afraid to enter first, the more time you give the actors to prepare to scare you

Step 22. When you have finished the journey, do not tell the customers who are waiting at the entrance what will happen
It is like saying the ending of the film to the people queuing to enter the cinema.

Step 23. Don't take photos or videos while walking
You spoil the fun for others. If you post the images on Facebook, Instagram or where everyone can see them, you will ruin the expectation and the fun and hurt those who have worked hard to create this form of art. You also blind the actors for a few minutes making their job even more difficult.

Step 24. If you know one of the actors personally, don't shout his name or any personal information, and especially don't argue with him about the details of the evening you will be spending together
Also in this case you will ruin the experience for all those who are in front of and behind you. In addition to the fact that it also ruins the actor's scene. Many hours of rehearsal were required to guarantee you an exciting passage inside the house of horrors. Furthermore, communicating the names of the actors could be a cause for concern for them.

Step 25. Leaving your party to hide and try to scare them is not only rude to the actors but can be dangerous
There are electrical cords and other accessories that are intentionally removed from the passage to prevent them from being a danger to customers. By exiting the path, you may get injured or lost.

Step 26. If you see an actor preparing to scare someone in your group, don't try to 'help' him
You are probably not as brave as you think and your friend is not as stupid as you think. Say: 'Look out!' pointing the finger at the actor is just like saying: 'Look, there's a monster over there ready to scare you!'
- Making fun of the actors or trying to get them out of character is neither witty nor funny.
- Don't try to be tough. Don't insult or hit an actor just because he scared you. After all, you paid for it. If you can't stand it, stay home.
- If an actor tells you something like, "Wait", "Quick", "Go over there" and so on, listen to him.
- If you've been in the house before, don't be obnoxious by telling what you already know. Enjoy the experience as if it were the first time.
- A house of horrors usually frightens you because of the unexpected things there are. If you enter it more than once, you ruin the experience for both you and the actors, unless you are respectful and are only there to enjoy those details that you may have missed on your first visit.
- Remember the closing times of the house. If it closes, for example, at midnight, do not show up at that time. The actors are probably preparing to go to their house and the attraction may already be closed.
- When you decide to go to a House of Horrors, consider your clothing. Closed shoes are always best (like tennis shoes). With all the often sudden and involuntary movements of your group, someone may step on your toes. Also there may be elements you might stumble upon.
- As mentioned earlier, don't touch the actors. Do not hit them: no kicks, pushes, bites, slaps, scratches or pinches, for no reason do not attack them. The same goes for the mannequins, they could be actors pretending to be them.
- Do not rush. You could damage the house, hurt yourself and others.
- If you have a tendency to lose control when you're terrified, don't walk into a house of horrors. Actors don't want to get punched in the face for just doing their job. It doesn't matter if you do it unintentionally, if you can't control yourself, stay home. Some "thugs" claim that keeping their hands in their pockets allows them to control their aggressive instincts. Try to see if it works for you too, but do it before you enter the house.
- Don't bring torches. Their light ruins the atmosphere for which the house was designed, and deprives you and the whole group of the emotion of the experience.