How To Avoid Making Mistakes With Makeup

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How To Avoid Making Mistakes With Makeup
How To Avoid Making Mistakes With Makeup

Make-up products can be a powerful tool to enhance your natural beauty. However, if you use them the wrong way you can run the risk of having the opposite effect. Whether it's knowing how to choose and apply foundation, define your brows to look natural or remember to wash your brushes regularly, the tips in this article can make a difference to your look and how you feel when you use your favorite makeup products.


Part 1 of 4: Apply Concealer and Foundation without Making Mistakes

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 1
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 1

Step 1. Prepare your skin before using foundation

Applying it to dry, cracked or greasy skin due to excess sebum, it would become a mask. You should always wash your face before applying makeup and exfoliate it 1-2 times a week to keep the skin smooth and free of impurities. Also, remember to moisturize her with a cream before applying makeup.

It is also useful to use a face primer before applying the foundation to allow it to adhere better to the skin and last longer. The function of the primer is also to minimize the appearance of enlarged pores, small imperfections and wrinkles

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 2
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 2

Step 2. The jaw is the ideal area to apply foundation to to check if it is the right color

When you go to the perfumery to buy a new foundation, don't just test it on the back of your hand because often the skin in that area has a different color than that of the face. The risk is to buy a product that is too dark. The ideal is to test it along the profile of the chin to be sure that it is suitable for both the skin tone of the face and that of the neck.

  • Remember that it is essential to observe the result in natural light.
  • Even if you are sure that your foundation matches naturally also with the neck, it is still better to try to blend a small amount on the profile of the chin to avoid the risk of creating an unsightly detachment line between the neck and the face..
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 3
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 3

Step 3. Apply foundation using a foundation brush or sponge

You may think that it is easier to spread it with your fingers, but the risk is that the result is not uniform or that the so-called mask effect is created. The ideal is to apply the color in different points of the face with clean fingers, not directly from the bottle, and then spread it with a specific brush or an egg-shaped sponge. By using them correctly you will be able to give the skin a uniform and smooth appearance.

  • Flat brushes, similar to those used for painting, are not suitable for applying foundation. The risk is that they leave unsightly streaks on the face. To be able to blend the color effectively, you should use a round, thick-bristled one.
  • If you prefer to use a sponge, moisten it before starting. Put it under running water, then squeeze it to get rid of the excess. This trick is to prevent it from absorbing too much foundation.
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 4
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 4

Step 4. To mask dark circles, choose a concealer that is only a shade lighter than your skin

You might think that using a very light one allows you to better lighten the area under the eyes, but in that case you run the risk of highlighting the problem instead of masking it or worse of having two completely unnatural white lunettes instead of dark circles. So choose a concealer that is only slightly lighter than your foundation.

Make-up artists generally recommend applying the concealer by tapping it on the skin with clean fingers rather than using a brush or sponge. The reason is that the warmth of the hands allows you to work it more easily and get a more natural result

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 5
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 5

Step 5. To cover other skin imperfections, choose a concealer of the same color as your foundation

Using a lighter one to mask acne, scars, blemishes, or signs of aging would end up attracting the viewer's attention to those areas rather than distracting them. Then choose a concealer of the same color as your foundation so that they blend perfectly together.

To blend the concealer into other parts of the face (not dark circles), it is best to use a brush or sponge. The reason is that these tools allow you to work the product on the skin without the risk of removing an excessive amount of the pigments that serve to mask imperfections

Part 2 of 4: Continue Correctly with the Base

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 6
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 6

Step 1. Apply the powder strategically

Using too much of it would risk getting an unnatural effect, also highlighting enlarged pores, wrinkles and expression lines. To fix the foundation, simply apply a veil of powder on the areas that tend to shine more easily. For most people this is the so-called "T-zone": made up of the chin, nose and forehead. If you want, you can also dust a veil on your cheeks.

  • If you have dry skin, it may be best to avoid using face powder.
  • Exceeding when using compact powder is really very simple. To avoid an unnatural effect, it is best to choose a transparent loose powder, formulated to fix and even out makeup and not to cover or add color.
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 7
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 7

Step 2. Use a light hand when using bronzer or other contouring products

Their function is to warm the complexion and give more definition to the face, but by exaggerating with the quantities it is likely that you will end up looking ridiculous. For a natural effect, add only a little product at a time using a small, soft brush. The areas of the face on which to apply the bronzer or bronzer are the forehead, temples, area under the cheekbones and the profile of the jaw. Basically, looking in the mirror, you have to draw a "3" or an "E" on each side of the face to be gently blended.

Make sure you blend the color well to avoid an unnatural detachment

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 8
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 8

Step 3. Apply the blush to the top of the cheeks only

To avoid stiffening facial features and looking fresh and bright instead of tired and worn, the blush should not be applied to the lower part of the cheeks. Start by applying it to the center of the top of the cheeks, then blend it towards the top of the cheekbones.

  • Another fundamental rule is to apply only a little product at a time, adding more only after observing the result. Gently blend the color to match that of the rest of the face and achieve a natural look.
  • Using an angled brush can help you apply blush only where it's needed.

Part 3 of 4: Enhancing Eye and Lip Makeup

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 9
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 9

Step 1. Define your brows with a special eyeshadow or pencil

Remember that they shouldn't appear too thick or heavy. To avoid getting an unnatural effect, which would risk hardening or closing your eyes, use a product of their same color or at most a lighter shade. Instead of a single line, draw many small delicate and light strokes.

  • Generally it is easier to get a soft and natural result using a powder product.
  • After redesigning them, brush them with a clean pipe cleaner to blend the color.
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 10
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 10

Step 2. Apply an eye primer

If you want the eyeshadow to last long and not to accumulate in the natural folds of the skin, you can't help but use an eye primer. Pat a small amount all over your eyelid, then blend it gently, in both cases using your fingers.

If you don't have an eye primer available, you can use a common concealer. Apply it exactly as you would with the primer

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 11
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 11

Step 3. Use a ploy to draw the "tail" at the outer corner of the eye with eyeliner

Many women consider it an impossible feat. Instead of going freehand, stick a strip of clear duct tape on your skin or use a piece of paper placed at 45 degrees at the corner of your eye to guide you. At this point all you have to do is trace the line of eyeliner along the lash line and then follow the profile of the "guide" once you reach the end of the eye.

If you choose to use a piece of duct tape, attach and peel it off a couple of times on the back of your hand before placing it on your face. Doing so is to remove some of the glue to avoid pulling the delicate skin around the eyes too much

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 12
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 12

Step 4. Curl your lashes before using mascara

The eyelash curler is used to open the gaze and make the eyes appear larger. Remember that you need to curl them before applying mascara otherwise you risk weakening or even breaking them.

If the idea of using the curler scares you, you can use an alternative method to curl them. For example, immediately after applying mascara, push the tips of your lashes back slightly using the brush. Hold it in that position for a few seconds so that the mascara, drying, keeps them in the fold

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 13
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 13

Step 5. Exfoliate or moisturize your lips before applying make-up

Whether you want to use lipstick, lip gloss or tint, you won't be able to get a beautiful, even result if you have dry, chapped lips. It is best to remove dead skin cells with a gentle scrub and apply a moisturizing lip balm immediately afterwards. This way, when you apply the lipstick, your lips will be perfectly smooth and free of blemishes.

  • You can purchase a lip scrub at a perfumery or you can make your own using some natural ingredients you have in your pantry. For example, mix 1/2 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil with 1 teaspoon of sugar, then rub the mixture on your lips to exfoliate them. After massaging it into your skin, remove the scrub with a damp cloth.
  • Exfoliating and moisturizing your lips is essential, especially if you intend to use a matte (or mat) lipstick. In fact, these products tend to further dry the skin, risking highlighting the cuticles or ending up cracking themselves.
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 14
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 14

Step 6. Use the pencil to color all the lips, not just the outline

Defining the contour of the mouth with the pencil serves to obtain a more precise result and to prevent the lipstick from smudging. If the two products are of the same shade, it is advisable to color the rest of the lips as well to prevent the line from being visible, especially when the lipstick begins to fade.

If you can't find a pencil that is the exact same color as your lipstick, choose one that is as close as possible to your natural lip color

Part 4 of 4: Avoid Making Other Common Mistakes

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 15
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 15

Step 1. Always take off your make-up at the end of the day

Going to bed with makeup on is one of the worst things you can do to your skin. The possible negative consequences are many and include the appearance of acne, wrinkles, expression lines and, more generally, an unhealthy and dull-looking complexion. Always wash your face with a good cleanser before bed to keep your skin healthy.

  • If you've used water-resistant products or a very opaque foundation, it's best to use a makeup remover specifically formulated to remove waterproof or long-lasting makeup.
  • Keep some makeup remover wipes on the nightstand. You can use them on evenings when you feel too tired to go wash your face in the bathroom.
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 16
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 16

Step 2. Do not store cosmetics in the bathroom

It is generally the room that offers the best lighting and a large mirror perfect for makeup, so most women tend to store their makeup there. Unfortunately, however, the heat, humidity and germs typical of that area can cause cosmetics to spoil more quickly. It is therefore best to keep them in a dry and cool place, for example in the bedroom.

Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 17
Avoid Making Makeup Mistakes Step 17

Step 3. Wash your brushes regularly

Keeping them clean can be a hassle, but remember that dirty bristles can make your skin greasy and expose it to numerous bacteria every time you use them. Makeup brushes should be washed once a week using a special or mild shampoo; moreover, every day you should clean them before use using a specific alcohol-based product (for example the "Brush Cleanser" from the MAC cosmetic house).

If you want, in this article you can find instructions for making a DIY brush cleaner


  • Many famous makeup artists have written books and created blogs that can teach you how to do your makeup properly.
  • If you are not sure whether you know how to apply makeup correctly, consider asking the sales staff of your trusted perfumery for some advice. In many shops it is also possible to speak directly with expert make-up artists, whose job is to help customers choose the products that best suit their color and skin type and to show how to apply them in the appropriate way.
  • While some makeup techniques can help you keep your skin healthy and look good, you should still feel free to experiment. If you like yourself and feel comfortable, don't worry too much about breaking some "rules".
