How to make a joke by making the bed

How to make a joke by making the bed
How to make a joke by making the bed

Table of contents:


This is a fun and harmless prank you can play on someone who wants to go to bed. The sheet is folded up so that your victim will find himself trapped under his own blankets!


Know how the person's bed is made normally Step 1
Know how the person's bed is made normally Step 1

Step 1. First you need to know what the bed of the person you want to prank on usually looks like

The more normal they seem, the less suspicious (and more surprised) your victim will be.

Drape the fitted sheet on the mattress as usual Step 2
Drape the fitted sheet on the mattress as usual Step 2

Step 2. Arrange the fitted sheet as usual

Spread the flat sheet over the mattress Step 3
Spread the flat sheet over the mattress Step 3

Step 3. Spread the sheet over the mattress and, instead of tucking the sheet under the mattress at the foot of the bed, tuck it in on the head side only

Take the edge of the flat sheet near the foot of the bed and fold it up toward the head of the bed in order to make it resemble a properly installed flat sheet Step 4
Take the edge of the flat sheet near the foot of the bed and fold it up toward the head of the bed in order to make it resemble a properly installed flat sheet Step 4

Step 4. Take the ends of the sheet on the foot side of the bed and bring them towards the head of the bed and arrange them so that it looks like a properly fitted sheet, while it will be folded in half in the center of the bed

Place pillow and additional blankets and or bedspreads normally Step 5
Place pillow and additional blankets and or bedspreads normally Step 5

Step 5. Arrange pillows, other blankets or bedspreads to cover the fold of the sheet

Watch the person try to get into bed Step 6
Watch the person try to get into bed Step 6

Step 6. Watch your victim try to get into bed

His feet will be stuck in the crease!


  • Make sure that once you have the bed ready for your joke it looks exactly the same as ever.
  • Folding the sheet towards the head of the bed is the fundamental step, it must be done so that it looks like a bed made properly.
  • If the sheets look different, don't try to play your joke, because the bed won't look as made as it always does


  • All bed linens should be the same color and pattern. Or your victim will notice that his bed is made up.
  • You cannot put your joke into practice if there is no blanket to put on top of the sheet.
  • It won't work if your victim doesn't like sleeping under the sheets but prefers to just get under the covers.
  • Be prepared to make your victim's bed if she didn't like the joke or didn't have a good time!
