How To Renew Your Wardrobe Without Buying Anything

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How To Renew Your Wardrobe Without Buying Anything
How To Renew Your Wardrobe Without Buying Anything

Everyone wants new clothes. Everyone wants the best of the best when it comes to fashion. However, many don't have enough money to buy trendy clothes. If your wardrobe is getting old, or you just want to change it, these tips will be perfect for teens and adults alike!


Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 1
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 1

Step 1. Clothes are often poorly organized

First, you need to get all your clothing and accessories out of the closet. Then, divide them: create a pile of pieces that you no longer want, you can donate or sell.

Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 2
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 2

Step 2. Look at your clothes

This is the most important step. Examine them, think if you always wear the same type of outfit or if all clothes are the same and only change the color. Make a pile of clothes you are tired of and clothes that are similar to others, but make sure it is different from the clothes you throw away.

  • The pile of duplicate clothes can be treated like this: use scissors to modify the garments (for example by cutting pearls and extra frills), so that they are different and do not look like the others.

    Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 2Bullet1
    Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 2Bullet1
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 3
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 3

Step 3. Match the outfits you usually wear

For example, maybe you always pair a pair of jeans with a green t-shirt with a logo. It would be a pretty common outfit. Try to understand what your weaknesses are. Maybe you always wear a red blouse and a black cardigan. Once you've gone through several matches and split all the stacks, read Step 4.

Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 4
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 4

Step 4. Try to match your clothes in a new way, different from what you usually do

You should also have shoes and jewelry available. Create a unique outift and add a beautiful necklace. Or, as far as makeup is concerned, choose a different lipstick, change eyeshadow or blush and combine them with a little colored outfit.

Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 5
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 5

Step 5. If you are feeling creative, try renewing your clothes

Get some fabric dyes and spray different dyes on a shirt you'd wear to go to the mall. Or, buy some patches and iron them on an item of clothing to transform it. You can also modify old and ugly jewelry by simply cleaning it so it looks as good as it used to be!

Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 6
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 6

Step 6. Search the internet for different motifs and decorations

If you know how to sew, you can easily modify your clothes. If you can't do it, you can ask a tailor for help.

Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 7
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 7

Step 7. Put your clothes back

When tidying up your wardrobe, be sure to clean it first (dust off, remove everything inside, etc). In this way, your closet will become more beautiful and interesting and it will be a pleasure to open it.

Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 8
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 8

Step 8. Now, put your clothes back on

But don't store the jeans together with the shirts. Create a space for the sweaters, one for the shirts, one for the skirts and jeans and one for the jackets. As you categorize the clothes, also divide them by color so you can easily find that red shirt.

Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 9
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 9

Step 9. Continue tidying up the closet following this pattern

Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 10
Make Your Wardrobe New Without Buying Anything Step 10

Step 10. Take a step back and take a look at your new closet:

good job!


  • Keep the closet clean! This is the most important tip! Don't make it too disorganized or else you will waste time looking for things and deciding what to wear.
  • If you have a black dress, you are good all year round! There are so many things you can do with the same item of clothing! Wear a skirt over it and it will turn into a shirt, or wear a blouse over it and it will become a skirt! There are tons of other things you can do with just one dress.
  • Do not always match clothes in the same way. Bills. Avoid always wearing the same yellow shirt with your usual jeans. Over time, you may end up buying the same clothes in different colors.
  • If you go shopping, think about what you already have. Also, if you find a skirt that you like but know you'll never wear, find a similar one rather than wasting money on something you won't wear.
  • Try to do this every year before spring begins, even to have a hobby around the house. You can do this even in the middle of summer, when it's too hot outside, so you'll avoid wearing the same shorts and tops all the time.
  • When you tidy up your shoes, put your boots in the same place, and the same goes for sneakers, sandals, etc. That way, you'll have a nice selection to choose from and won't waste your money buying new shoes.
  • Have fun! You don't have to do this! If you rearrange the closet of your own volition, you will get better results and the organization will be ideal.
  • If you sew your own clothes, try to be unique and original! Apply glue to an old shirt and cover it with glitter. If you have small shirts and a white t-shirt of your size, cut out the ones that no longer fit and sew the various pieces onto the white one. In this way, you will have a unique and special jersey. Be creative!


  • Do not throw away clothes in good condition! Try the advice from Step 5 to change them!
  • After finding new ideas for matching clothes, don't always dress the same! Change and modify outfits!
