Bamboo is a sturdy plant that grows very quickly. It is used for many purposes: building furniture, partitions and booths, laying floors, etc. Bamboo should be considered more as a type of grass than as a plant, in a short time it can reach considerable heights and it is quite easy to propagate by cuttings.

Step 1. Fill a planting tray with soil and use the handle of a wooden ladle to drill holes

Step 2. Put 30 g of rooting hormone in a separate container or plastic bag, being careful not to contaminate the original container of the hormone by inserting the cuttings directly

Step 3. Use a knife or sharp shears to cut a section of bamboo with a length of 25 cm; cuts at a 45 degree angle
Make sure each section consists of at least 2 nodes and 2 internodes. The knot is the seam that separates the rod into sections, while the internodes are the green sections found between the knots.

Step 4. Dip the upper end of the cutting into the wax
Keep the cavity inside the barrel clean to prevent the plant from dying while developing its roots.

Step 5. Dip the lower end of the cutting into the rooting hormone
Gently shake the cutting to remove excess powder.

Step 6. Insert the cuttings into the holes made in the soil, with the cut end facing down
Gently press the soil around the cuttings to eliminate any air pockets.

Step 7. Pour a little water inside each barrel until the central section is full

Step 8. Sprinkle the soil with water until it is moist
Cover the cuttings with cling film and put the container in a bright place, but so that it does not receive direct sunlight, which could burn the seedlings.

Step 9. Once a day, for about an hour, remove the film to let the seedlings take air
When the water inside the reeds dries up, add more.

Step 10. When the roots begin to grow, the bamboo is ready to be transplanted in a pot or in the ground, outdoors
- Leaves should grow from the top node within 14-21 days.
- Get cuttings from healthy plants no older than three years. Plants that are one or two years old are ideal for this type of propagation. Plants should be at least 2.5cm in diameter (it is generally easier to propagate larger plants).
- Use knives, shears, or saws that are sharp. It is very important to make a precise cut.