How to Have a Truly Fantastic Room: 7 Steps

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How to Have a Truly Fantastic Room: 7 Steps
How to Have a Truly Fantastic Room: 7 Steps

When you were about five, did your parents decorate your room with butterflies and unicorns? And now you feel very embarrassed when you invite a friend because your room is very strange? So here's a guide on how to make your room truly awesome without spending too much money!


Have a Really Awesome Room Step 1
Have a Really Awesome Room Step 1

Step 1. Check your room

Take a look at your room. What's the most embarrassing or ugly thing you see? Is it the Barbie bedspread or the green and orange striped lampshade? Look for all the weird things you hate in your room. Make a list if it helps you the most. Eliminate all the quirky things that you can easily remove, like posters. If the strange or ugly element is the bedspread, don't throw it away! Leave it as it may come in handy later when you need to paint.

Have a Really Awesome Room Step 2
Have a Really Awesome Room Step 2

Step 2. Rearrange the furniture

Move the bed next to the window, the mirror near the door and the desk near the wardrobe. Swap the position of the bed and bookcase. Changing the place of the furniture makes a totally different room appear; you may decide that it is enough to move the furniture and that there is no need to paint the walls or buy new furniture. Either way, your bedroom will undergo a radical transformation. It will look completely different!

Have a Really Awesome Room Step 3
Have a Really Awesome Room Step 3

Step 3. Find the main color for your room

Even if you don't want to paint the room, you will need one or two main colors for the furniture so that the room doesn't feel extravagant and mismatched. If you have a tint of your choice, that color will be fine, as long as you are sure you will continue to like it for a few years to come.

Have a Really Awesome Room Step 4
Have a Really Awesome Room Step 4

Step 4. Paint your room

Painting the room will really make a huge difference. Removing that pastel pink and replacing it with a bright orange will have a major impact on the new room style! It is a good idea to paint the walls in the dominant color of the room. If you want, you can paint one wall a different color than the other three, or paint two walls one color and the other two differently. If you do this, we recommend that you keep the color a few shades darker or lighter than the other walls, so that they still match. When painting the room, keep in mind that dark colors such as black, dark green or dark purple will hardly reflect light and make the room seem smaller than it actually is.

Have a Really Awesome Room Step 5
Have a Really Awesome Room Step 5

Step 5. Get a new bedspread

The bedspread is the central element of your room. If you still have that ugly bedspread, here's what you can do with it: turn it over and check the other side of the bedspread, because sometimes it could have a nice color. If the other side is also very bad, rummage around the house looking for spare blankets. Maybe your older brother's old bedspread would look good in your room. If not, go out and buy one that matches the room's main color scheme. You can buy one in solid color or with a brightly colored design if you like flashy things. If you are looking for a bargain, you may want to go to the market and see if you can get one that is cheap. If you don't want to buy anything, but have a large blanket / slipcover lying around the house, use it to cover your weird bedspread. You can also ask your friends if they have any more or an old one.

Have a Really Awesome Room Step 6
Have a Really Awesome Room Step 6

Step 6. Get some furniture or system that you have

If you want to buy some new furniture, go out and buy it. You can find very beautiful furniture at the flea markets without spending a fortune. If you like the furniture you have, but hate the color, paint it and finish it with a high-gloss varnish to set the color. If your furniture is fine as it is, don't feel like you have to change it.

Have a Really Awesome Room Step 7
Have a Really Awesome Room Step 7

Step 7. Put something in your room that reflects your personality

Remember, it's your room! Consequently, if you are an animal lover, hanging a poster of a kitten on the wall would be a great idea! If you like soccer, find a place to display all your trophies and medals! Decorate the room with something that matches your color scheme, but still represents you. Whatever you do, make sure the room isn't too cluttered. Find items that totally reflect you. Remember: you get more with less.


  • Before you do anything, clean the room and go through your belongings. It's always easier to redo the room if it's less cluttered and if you don't continually step on the junk on the floor.
  • Make sure that whatever you do, it can be easily redone or removed. If you like the Jonas Brothers, don't paint a mural on your bedroom wall, because in all likelihood after about a year the mural will become a source of great embarrassment.
  • If you are a girl, decorative pillows are a fantastic idea! You can buy some or ask your parents if you can get the ones from the sofa. You can also ask your friends if they give you any. If none of this works, you can always sew one yourself. They are very simple to make, as long as you know how to sew and have some nice fabric.
  • If you are a girl, you may want some stuffed animals on the bed. However, if you are over the age of 11, don't go crazy and don't cover your bed with stuffed animals. It will seem a bit childish. Take some of your favorite stuffed animals (3-4 at most) and put them on the bed. If you want to add an extra cute touch, take some strips of colored fabric to match your room and make small scarves or bandanas.
  • Get permission from your parents or guardian before doing anything! You live in their home, so they have the right to decide if you can fix your room or not. Most parents will be willing to have your room redone as long as you don't spend a fortune.
  • If there are any murals you want to cover, you can easily paint over them. Another quick solution is to place a white board or bulletin board on the mural or hang a poster.
  • If you paint the walls, arrange newspapers or slipcovers on the floor and furniture so they don't get stained with paint.
  • In stores specializing in the sale of items for parties and events you can buy many items that look good in your room. You can also establish a theme based on the articles chosen.
