Access to clean water is essential for the health of humans, animals and plants. This precious substance can be contaminated with pathogens, minerals or other impurities that can trigger diseases and other ailments. Whether you are in nature without clean water or you don't have a water source at home, there are many different techniques to purify it, remove sediments and contaminants.
Method 1 of 4: Eliminate the Larger Particulate

Step 1. Filter the water
If it contains large contaminants such as gravel, insects, plant material or earth, you can do a first cleaning through filtration. Line a fine-knit colander with muslin cloth, cheesecloth, a clean tea towel, or even a clean cotton T-shirt. Place the sieve on a bowl and pour the water through it to remove particles.
This procedure removes only the largest impurities, but not pathogens, heavy metals or other contaminants
Step 2. Make a handmade filter
You can build one to get rid of the larger caliber sediments. You will need some materials for this project, but you can also use something alternative if needed:
- Use cone-shaped wrapped birch bark in place of the corked bottle;
- Use a shirt or cloth to replace the coffee filter;
- Take dried fruit, roots, or grass to make up the filtration medium.
Step 3. Take advantage of the sedimentation process
When you don't have the material to build a makeshift filter, you can get rid of larger particles by dropping them to the bottom. Collect the liquid in a jar or bowl and leave it undisturbed for an hour or two; meanwhile, the heavier particles sink and the lighter material floats on the surface.
- To get rid of light impurities, skim them away.
- To get rid of the heavier ones, gently pour the water into a clean container, stopping when you approach the bottom of the first jar where you leave all the sediments.
Method 2 of 4: Treating Water with Chemicals

Step 1. Use tablets to purify and disinfect the water
They are composed of chlorine dioxide or iodine and are capable of killing bacteria and viruses. To use them, fill a pitcher or jar with water and add enough tablets to treat it. Usually, one tablet is enough for a liter of water and it takes a variable waiting time (from 30 minutes to four hours) for the process to be completed.
- These products are unable to purify water of chemicals or protozoa.
- Usually, iodine tablets are not suitable for pregnant women and people with shellfish allergies.

Step 2. Disinfect the water with a minimal dose of bleach
This substance is effective against bacteria and viruses, but it is essential to calculate the exact amount to avoid poisoning; also, for it to work, it must not be expired. Here's how to proceed:
- Fill a carafe or pitcher with water;
- Add 4 drops of bleach (about 0.3 ml) for every liter of water;
- Shake or stir the mixture;
- Leave it undisturbed for half an hour.
Step 3. Purify the water with iodine
Liquid can be used to kill pathogens, but many people don't like its bad taste. To make the water drinkable with this method, collect the amount of liquid you need and add a 2% solution of iodine. Drop 4 drops of substance for every liter of water and wait half an hour.
Method 3 of 4: Filter the Contaminants
Step 1. Use a commercial filter
It is the simplest and most effective device for eliminating sediments, pathogens, metals and other pollutants. The filter contains special material, such as activated carbon, ceramic, sand or fabric, which is capable of retaining hazardous substances. There are many different models you can use, including:
- Domestic filters that purify all the water that reaches the home;
- Localized ones that are installed on specific taps and treat only the one that comes out of these;
- Countertop, which allow you to manually purify the water you put into it;
- Bottles and straws equipped with filters;
- UV handheld devices that kill bacteria, viruses and eliminate other contaminants from small amounts of water.
Step 2. Eliminate pathogens with pine
Some plants are effective for purifying water and of these, pine is by far the best. Take a small branch from a tree, remove the bark and put the "naked" stick in the bucket. Slowly pour the water, letting it run over the branch and then into the bucket.
As the water flows over the wood, the resin retains pathogens
Step 3. Get rid of heavy metals with cilantro
Just like pine is able to eliminate bacteria and viruses, coriander is perfect for eliminating excess metals. Fill a jug with water and add a handful of leaves. Stir and let the liquid sit for at least an hour; remove and discard the cilantro before drinking.
This plant has proven effective against lead and nickel, but has not been tested for other heavy metals such as arsenic and mercury

Step 4. Pour the water into a clay pot to kill bacteria
Ceramic and terracotta are porous materials that let the liquid filter while retaining bacteria, protozoa and sediments; thanks to this characteristic, they can be used to purify water, especially that which contains Escherichia coli. Here's how to proceed:
- Place the bottom of an earthenware pan over the opening of a similarly sized jar or bucket;
- Fill the pan with water;
- Let the liquid soak into the material and drip into the jar or bucket below.
Method 4 of 4: Kill Pathogens with Heat or Sunlight

Step 1. Boil the water
Boiling is a perfect method for killing bacteria, viruses and parasites. Fill a saucepan with the liquid to be treated and heat it over medium-high heat or over a campfire. Bring the water to a boil and let it boil for about 10 minutes; before drinking it, wait for it to cool down.
- Purification takes about 3-5 minutes, but when you are at high altitudes, you need to boil the water for longer.
- Boiling doesn't get rid of heavy metals or chemicals, but if you add the inside of a cactus to the pot, you can get rid of other contaminants such as arsenic.
Step 2. Distil the water with a solar still
It is an effective method of eliminating many pollutants, including heavy metals, pathogens and even radiation. You can build a solar still to collect and distil the water from the aquifer; all you need is a jar, a shovel and a sheet of plastic.
- This device works best in wet soils where there is a lot of moisture to collect.
- To make a still that you don't have to take apart every time, insert a straw or tube into the container.

Step 3. Use the SODIS method
This term stands for "solar disinfection" and when the technique is put into practice in the right way, it is very effective in killing the pathogens present in the water. Fill a clear, smooth plastic bottle with water; screw the cap on and place the container on its side exposing it to direct sunlight for six hours. By doing so, you kill parasites, bacteria and viruses.