The lymphatic system acts as the body's drainage system, filtering and removing waste products; deprived of the lymphatic system, the cardiovascular and immune systems would gradually cease to function. When the fluids of the lymphatic system are thick, slowed down and loaded with toxins, the muscles do not receive the necessary blood, the internal organs are tense and painful, and the energy levels are low. Natural health experts stress the importance of keeping the lymphatic system clean. Since every cell relies on a well-functioning lymphatic system, every part of the body is affected by the negative effects of an occluded lymphatic system. Even serious diseases, such as heart disease, lymphedema and lymphatic cancer can be caused by an occluded or blocked lymphatic system.
Part 1 of 3: Changing Your Diet and Lifestyle

Step 1. Avoid processed foods
While scientific research hasn't shown that sugary foods cause toxin buildup, avoiding processed foods, especially those high in sugar, can help you reduce the amount of toxins in your body. Try to eat fewer foods containing simple sugars and carbohydrates, and avoid those foods that contain artificial flavors. The less waste the lymphatic system has to filter, the better its functioning and consequent cleansing of the body will be.

Step 2. Exclude red meats, seafood and hydrogenated fats from your diet
According to natural health experts, red meats and seafood are difficult to digest and can clog the lymphatic system. If you feel the need for animal protein, go for meats that come from organic farms.

Step 3. Reduce the amounts of dairy products and refined flours
Although no scientific evidence proves that they are capable of causing lymphatic problems, both dairy products and refined flours cause mucus to build up in the body, thereby congesting the lymphatic system. You can limit your intake of dairy products by replacing cow's milk with almond or rice milk. As an alternative to normal white flour, opt for wholemeal flour or try gluten-free flour.

Step 4. Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables
When you shop at the supermarket, visit the department dedicated to organic fruit and vegetables. If possible, also go to the agricultural markets that offer local products free of pesticides and fertilizers. Organically grown vegetables help you limit the number of toxins that must be filtered from the body through the lymphatic system; they also contain enzymes and powerful acids that are able to purify it.
- Organic products from Italy are identifiable by the fact that the first two digits of the barcode are 80 or 83 - but beware: it could also just mean that the product was assembled in Italy with ingredients from abroad.
- The word "organic" describes those raw or processed products and ingredients that come from organic farming. The use of artificial pesticides and fertilizers, sewage debris, genetic engineering, growth hormones, antibiotics or artificial ingredients or additives is prohibited during their cultivation.

Step 5. Opt for whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes
Whole grains, including brown rice, as well as seeds and nuts, such as walnuts, almonds and chia seeds, provide the body with important vitamins and minerals that help keep it healthy and the lymphatic system functioning properly..
- Vitamin A should be taken in an amount of about 75-90 mg per day. Helps the intestines prevent bacteria and germs from entering the body.
- The recommended amount of vitamin C is around 75-90 mg. According to Linus Pauling, it strengthens the immune system and prevents infections due to viruses.
- The daily amount of vitamin E is around 15 mg. It has an antioxidant action and prevents the redox reaction which can be potentially dangerous for the arteries and the lymphatic system.
- B's are a class of vitamins that help provide energy and strengthen the immune system.
- Zinc is a mineral that stimulates the immune system through the production of proteins.

Step 6. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day
To stay hydrated and allow toxins to filter and drain, your body and lymphatic fluids need water. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of filtered / purified water every day. Avoid carbonated or sports drinks, as well as high-sugar fruit juices.

Step 7. Find out if you have any food related allergies or intolerances
If you haven't done any specific tests yet, ask your doctor to undergo allergy tests to assess any intolerance or sensitivity to a particular substance and find out if certain foods negatively affect your digestion. The body's ability to purify itself begins in the digestive system, and any element that complicates it can risk causing a blockage of the lymphatic system. Knowing that you are allergic to a certain ingredient or product, such as gluten or dairy, will allow you to eliminate it from your diet and keep your lymphatic system healthy.

Step 8. Use a natural deodorant
Normal antiperspirant deodorants based on aluminum salts block natural sweating and prevent the necessary escape of toxins. Natural medicine experts claim that these chemicals can cause blockage of the lymphatic system.
- Likewise, you should avoid using cosmetics that are high in chemicals. Most beauty products that come into contact with our skin, including creams, toothpastes, make-up products and sunscreens, are loaded with chemicals that end up in our lymphatic system.
- Choose to buy natural and organic cosmetic products that contain limited doses of chemicals or are completely free of them. Better yet, search the web and learn to prepare them yourself to be fully aware of what you are putting on your skin.
Part 2 of 3: Exercise and Physical Therapy

Step 1. Exercise regularly
A regular routine that involves lots of movements, including running and jumping, will stimulate the lymphatic system. By moving the muscles massage it and improve lymphatic flow.
Walking, running, or playing a sport that involves a lot of movement is a great way to stimulate your lymphatic system. Try to get at least 30-60 minutes of exercise a day

Step 2. Perform a drainage massage to promote lymphatic flow
The lymphatic vessel system also flows under the skin and supports blood circulation. When lymphatic flow slows, the skin appears dull or slightly yellowish. The draining massage is performed with rhythmic movements aimed at improving the flow of the lymphatic circulatory system through the body.
- If possible, massage after a long hot bath or while in the shower. Use a body brush with natural bristles, preferably with a long handle. Rub the skin vigorously, but without applying excessive pressure, and make long movements from the elbow to the armpit and then to the navel. The skin will be stimulated and dead cells will be removed.
- Brush the neck, chest and abdomen area in short, gentle strokes towards the center of the body, moving sideways to the breasts. Use the brush to massage the legs and feet, from the soles of the feet to the groin and then up to the navel. Continue brushing the entire body, including the back of the legs and back, making long strokes. The last touches should be circular and concern the abdominal area; do them clockwise, which is the direction in which the contents of the intestines move, to stimulate the digestive system and lymphatic flow.
- You can enrich the massage by using sea salt and an essential oil for aromatherapy. Apply a small amount to the brush before starting the treatment. Both substances will help stimulate the skin and drain its toxins.

Step 3. Practice yoga and do twists
The yogi masters stating that the twisting positions, such as the "position of the rotated chair" and the "position of the sage Marichi", squeezing the body, can promote the expulsion of toxins.
- To perform the "Rotated Chair Pose" (Parivrtta Utkatasana): Stand on the mat and open your legs by aligning your feet with your hips.
- Join your palms in front of your chest in a prayer position. Inhale and exhale bring the left elbow to the outside of the right thigh, just above the knees. You will need to twist your torso to the right, with your hands together and also facing the right side of the room.
- Make sure your knees are aligned with each other and your pelvis is facing forward. With each inhalation, gradually increase the push of the left elbow against the outside of the right thigh to encourage a deeper torso twist.
- Hold for 5-6 breaths before rolling your torso forward again and bringing your hands together in front of your chest. Repeat on the other side, bringing the right elbow to the outside of the left thigh.
- To perform the "Sage Marichi Pose" (Marichyasana III): Sit on the mat and extend your legs forward, keeping your toes pointing towards you.
- Bend your right knee and bring your foot and ankle closer to the inner left thigh. If you want to do an even deeper twist, you can put your right foot past your left thigh. Alternatively, you can also bend your left knee and bring your foot to the outside of your right hip.
- Bring your right knee to your chest with the help of your left arm. Raise your right arm and rotate your body to the left. Place your right hand behind you, on the mat, about ten inches away from your body.
- Keep bringing your right knee closer to your chest as you rotate your torso to the left. To deepen the twist, push your left elbow against the outside of your right thigh. Inhale, straighten your back and exhale deepen your twist by turning your torso further to the left.
- Hold for 5-6 breaths and then repeat on the other side.

Step 4. Do some breathing exercises
While there is no scientific evidence to confirm that deep breathing stimulates the lymphatic system, performing breathing exercises can help improve your overall health, including that of the lymphatic system. As you inhale, the pressure in your chest decreases while the pressure in the abdominal area increases. This movement stimulates the lymphatic flow in the legs by pumping it upwards and attracts fluids from the arms and head to the drainage points behind the collarbones. The collarbones are one-way valves that prevent toxins from flowing back in order to aid the body's cleansing process. To take deep breaths:
- Lie down on a flat surface, such as a bed or yoga mat lying on the floor. Inhale deeply through your nose and, as you do so, tilt your head back slightly and straighten your feet pointing them forward. Hold your breath as you count to 5.
- Slowly exhale through your nose and, at the same time, direct your toes towards your head. Tilt your head forward by bringing your chin closer to your chest.
- Repeat by inhaling and exhaling deeply 8-10 times, exclusively through the nose. Don't worry if you feel dizzy, it is a natural consequence of deep breathing.
- Try to repeat the exercise at least once a day, for the duration of 8-10 breaths.

Step 5. Take a sauna or steam bath
A weekly sauna or steam room promotes healthy sweating and allows you to expel toxins. Natural health experts claim that saunas and Turkish baths are also able to promote the proper functioning of the lymphatic system.
After a long period spent in the sauna or steam room, it will be of fundamental importance to drink plenty of water to let the toxins flow out of the body and allow the lymphatic system to do its job

Step 6. See an experienced acupuncturist and undergo treatment of the lymphatic system
Acupuncture is an alternative medicine native to China. His general theory is based on the patterns of the flow of energy (Qi), essential for our health, flowing in our body, and argues that any interruptions in the flow can be the real cause of disease and ailments.
- One of the main objectives of acupuncture is precisely to cleanse the lymphatic system of any blockages. Before undergoing any treatment, make sure your chosen acupuncturist has the necessary certifications and experience.
- Among the side effects of acupuncture it is worth mentioning infections due to improperly sterilized needles and partial lung collapse due to accidental perforation. In the presence of an experienced and properly trained acupuncturist, the possible side effects should be minimal.
Part 3 of 3: Natural Supplements and Detox Products

Step 1. Consult your physician regarding enzyme supplements
Before taking any enzyme supplement, discuss with your doctor and find out what its effects are on the body. According to natural health experts, enzyme supplements help the lymphatic system break down complex fats and proteins, thus supporting the digestive system.
- You can take digestive enzymes while you eat and systemic proteolytic enzymes between meals.
- Proteolytic enzymes are the main tool with which the body digests organic debris present in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. By taking them in supplement form you will be able to improve that capacity of your body.
- Proteolytic enzymes also help remove circulating immune complexes (CICs) from the body, which build up in your system and can damage it or trigger an allergic reaction from the immune system. Taking systemic proteolytic enzymes means relieving your body of this danger and allowing the immune system to do its job correctly, thus preventing the onset of diseases and disorders.

Step 2. Perform a three day cleansing of the lymphatic system
There is no scientific evidence to support the benefits of lymphatic cleansing on general health, however some natural medicine experts claim that by purifying your lymphatic system you are able to reactivate it and cause more toxins to be expelled. If you want to cleanse your lymphatic system, and have never done it before, try a three-day cleanse - which is the minimum recommended period for anyone wishing to cleanse their lymphatic vessels. A week before the cleansing treatment begins, stop eating meat and eliminate all foods that contain sugar or flour. On the day or two before cleaning, feed only raw fruit, seeds, nuts, sprouts, and vegetables.
- Choose a fruit juice to drink during the three days of treatment - you can opt for apple, grape or carrot. The only other juice you will be able to drink while cleaning will be plum juice.
- In the morning, drink a glass of water followed by 250-300 ml of prune juice mixed with the juice of one lemon. It will favor the expulsion of feces present in the intestine. Sip the juice slowly and chew it so it can mix with your saliva.
- During the three days, alternate glasses of filtered water and fruit juice until you reach the quantity of 4 liters of juice and 4 liters of water. In both cases, you can add lemon juice.
- Blend 1 tablespoon of wheat germ, flaxseed, or borage, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of kelp or dulse kelp powder, and ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Drink the result 1-3 times a day.
- At the end of each of the three days you must have taken about 8 liters of fluid. You can also take antimicrobial herbs, such as garlic or echinacea, if you wish. Stools will need to be expelled daily. In case of a lazy bowel, before going to sleep, drink another glass of prune juice with the addition of lemon juice to stimulate it.
- During the three day cleanse you will need to stimulate the lymphatic system with 30-60 minutes of exercise. If you feel sluggish, though, be careful not to over-exert yourself. As your body releases toxins, you may experience annoying side effects, such as nausea, headaches, back pain or dizziness. Each of these symptoms indicates that the body has begun to release and eliminate toxins and should gradually subside after the first day.

Step 3. Try an herbal lymphatic system cleanse for a duration of 7-10 days
Natural medicine experts say that some herbs, including echinacea, hydraste, red clover, phytolacca decandra, and licorice root, can improve lymphatic functions. The same herbs eliminate the waste stratified on the filtering systems of the lymphatic structure. Go to a herbalist's shop and let yourself be advised by a person who is expert in choosing herbs. Never extend the use of such products beyond 7-10 days.
- Echinacea also helps, in theory, help the immune system function better.
- If you are taking any medications, consult your doctor or herbalist before using any cleansing herbal blend. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, postpone the use of herbal teas, herbs or supplements.