"She" is the name of the garland that is given and placed around the neck in Hawaiian and Polynesian cultures to show affection or celebrate important occasions. Many "Lei" are made of natural objects such as flowers, feathers or shells. The "Lei" made with ribbons are interesting because they protect the flora and avoid an indiscriminate collection of flowers and plants, in addition to the fact that they last for years. You can make your "She" by weaving or sewing ribbons.
Method 1 of 2: Sewn Ribbon "Lei" Garland

Step 1. Tie two 7.5cm wide by 4m long satin ribbons together
Make sure that the "straight" of both tapes is facing inwards.

Step 2. Fold the two ends down and inwards
Secure them with pins.

Step 3. Sew the ribbons
Use a sewing machine to sew along the entire length of the ribbons on both edges. Do not sew the ends closed. Flip and turn the tape on the right side. This way you got a tube.

Step 4. Pass a satin ribbon through the tube
Use a tape that is 1 meter long and approximately 1.5cm wide.
Insert a safety pin into the end of the thinnest ribbon. This will allow you to easily maneuver the smaller tape along the tube. Quietly let some tape come out of both ends of the tube.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 5 Step 5. Attach 2 beads on each end of the smaller ribbon
Tie a knot before and after each bead to secure them.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 6 Step 6. Join the two ends of the smaller ribbon and form a bow
Make Ribbon Leis Step 7 Step 7. Shape the wreath
Move the tape tube until the folds resemble flower petals.
Method 2 of 2: "Lei" Wreath with Woven Ribbons
Make Ribbon Leis Step 8 Step 1. Purchase satin ribbons in 2 complementary colors
The ribbons should measure approximately 1.25 centimeters wide. Take at least 6 meters of each tape.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 9 Step 2. Put the two ribbons close together and tie a knot
Leave at least 6 inches of tape at the end. It will be useful for finishing.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 10 Step 3. Grab the knot with your right hand on the smooth side
Make Ribbon Leis Step 11 Step 4. Make the first loop
Use your left hand and the ribbon at the bottom to make a 5cm long loop. The ribbon will be under the knot.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 12 Step 5. Grab the ribbons with your left hand
Make Ribbon Leis Step 13 Step 6. Pull the top ribbon to the right with your right hand
Pull the top ribbon tightly behind the first loop and very close to the knot.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 16 Step 7. Move the ribbons to the right hand
Make Ribbon Leis Step 14 Step 8. Create a ring
Pass the left ribbon towards you, passing it between the left thumb at the top and the index finger. Wrap the ribbon to form a loop and hold it with your index finger above and thumb below and the loose ends.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 15 Step 9. Fold the ring up and pass it through the first ring
Always keep the free end up when passing a ring through other rings.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 18 Step 10. Grab both rings with your right hand
Make Ribbon Leis Step 17 Step 11. Pull the ribbon end of the first loop with your left hand
This will stop (fix) the second ring. If necessary, pull the bottom of the larger ring for a tighter weave.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 19 Step 12. Grab the ribbons with your left hand
Make Ribbon Leis Step 20 Step 13. Grab the right ribbon with your right hand and start making the third weave or loop
Pass the third loop through the second.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 21 Step 14. Move the ribbons to your right hand
Make Ribbon Leis Step 22 Step 15. Pull the end of the second loop with your left hand to secure the third loop
Make Ribbon Leis Step 23 Step 16. Repeat this procedure
Move the ribbons from hand to hand after each loop to secure them properly. Alternate the ribbons on each ring.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 24 Step 17. Weave the ribbons into these loops until you have about 20 cm of ribbon left at the ends
Make Ribbon Leis Step 25 Step 18. Use the ribbon that was to be used for the next ring and pull it through the previous ring
There should be two loose ends of tape.
Make Ribbon Leis Step 26 Step 19. Take the two colored ribbons and join them together
Knot them together twice.