The right plate can become a very beautiful decoration when hung on a wall. Dishes are usually hung with iron or adhesive hooks, but you can also build a suitable hook yourself.
Method 1 of 3: Iron Hooks for Plates

Step 1. Measure the plate
The hooks for dishes come in different sizes, so you need to know the size of the dish in order to buy the most suitable one. Use a ruler or tape measure to measure the vertical of the plate.
- If you have a round plate, you just need to know its diameter. Similarly, if you have a square plate, you just need to know the size of one of its sides.
- If you have an irregular dish, such as oval or rectangular, you must first decide which way you will hang it, and then measure its vertical length.

Step 2. Buy an iron hook
You should find dish hooks at any hardware store or DIY store. Take the one that best fits the size of your plate.
Usually the different sizes are:
- 13 to 18 cm.
- From 20 to 25 cm.
- From 25 to 35 cm, for a weight up to 13-14 kg.
- 35 to 51 cm.
Hang a Plate Step 3 Step 3. Attach the hook to the plate
You should have some metal wires joined by a long spring. One of the metal wires is hooked to the top of the plate, on the front, while the others are hooked to the base of the plate.
- Make sure the spring remains hidden on the back of the plate.
- Due to the positioning of the spring, the plate will protrude slightly from the wall. Remember this when you decide to use these hooks.
- These hooks are especially suitable for plates of normal shape and size. If you have to stretch the springs too far to position the hook, the platter may become unstable and fall off the wall.
Hang a Plate Step 4 Step 4. Drive a nail into the wall
Decide where you want to hang the plate and make a mark on the wall with a pencil. Drive a nail in that spot. The nail should be inserted at least half its length, but also make sure there is enough space to hang the hook.
To decide where you want to hang the plate, hold it in your hand and slide it along the wall until you find the right position. Mark the top edge of the plate with your pencil.
- Lay the plate down, then measure the distance between the edge of the plate and the tip of the hook. Make another mark on the wall at the same distance.
- The nail must be placed in correspondence with this second mark.
Hang a Plate Step 5 Step 5. Hang the plate
Gently hang the hook on the nail; that way you should be done.
- Check the plate after hanging it. If it is not perfectly aligned, you may need to reposition the hook on the plate.
- If the plate is not stable, change the position of the hook or nail until it is. Alternatively you can try hanging it using another method.
Method 2 of 3: Adhesive Hooks for Plates
Hang a Plate Step 6 Step 1. Clean the plate
Wash the plate thoroughly with warm soapy water, then dry it with a clean cloth.
- The sticker may not adhere perfectly to the plate if there is dirt, dust or grease on its surface.
- For best results, use an abrasive pad on the back of the plate in the area where you will apply the adhesive.
- Adhesive plate hooks work especially well with plates of particular shapes or with particularly thick edges. You can use them with any type of dish, however.
Hang a Plate Step 7 Step 2. Choose a suitable size hook
Adhesive hooks usually come in five different sizes. Make sure you choose the one that best suits your dish.
The five measures are:
- 3 cm, for dishes up to 10 cm in diameter.
- 5 cm, for dishes up to 15 cm in diameter.
- 7.5 cm, for dishes with a diameter of up to 20 cm.
- 10 cm, for plates with a diameter of up to 30 cm.
- 14 cm, for dishes weighing up to 3 kg.
Hang a Plate Step 8 Step 3. Wet the disc
Dip your fingers in some water and then rub them on the sticky side of the disc. Wait a few minutes, until the adhesive becomes tacky.
Hang a Plate Step 9 Step 4. Attach the disc to the back of the platter
Look at the plate to decide how you want to hang it. Once you have determined where the center point should be, apply the corresponding adhesive to the back of the plate.
- Apply pressure to the entire surface of the disc to ensure that it grips.
- You should let the sticker dry overnight before hanging the plate.
- Test the tightness by pulling lightly on the hook. If the disc begins to peel off, it is not glued well. If, on the other hand, the disc remains fixed to the platter, you can hang it.
Hang a Plate Step 10 Step 5. Drive a nail into the wall
Decide where you want to hang the plate and make a mark on the wall with a pencil. Insert a nail at the mark. At least half of the nail should go into the wall, but make sure there is enough room for the hook to hang.
- Make sure the nail has a wide head so that the hook cannot slip. Alternatively, you can use a special nail for paintings.
Slide the plate along the wall to decide where you want to hang it. Make a mark with the pencil at the top edge of the plate.
- Lay the plate down, then measure the distance between the edge of the plate and the tip of the hook. Make another mark on the wall at the same distance.
- The nail must be placed in correspondence with this second mark.
Hang a Plate Step 11 Step 6. Hang the plate
Gently hang the hook on the nail. Step away and watch your work; if you are happy with the results, you are done.
- If it seems to you that the plate is at an angle you will need to remove the hook and start over.
- Should you ever need to detach the hook, you can do so by submerging the dish in water. After a few minutes the adhesive should melt, and you can remove the hook.
Method 3 of 3: DIY Dish Hooks
Hang a Plate Step 12 Step 1. Fold the wire in the shape of a hook
Use pliers to bend a wire that is 45-60 cm long, and give it the shape of a hook. The recess for the hook should be about halfway up, and 10 cm deep. Bend both ends of the wire so they form a spiral.
Make sure the wire is strong enough to hold your plate. 1.1mm diameter wire is usually sufficient, as it can hold weights up to 23kg. However, there may be variations based on the manufacturer, so check the exact specifications to be sure
Hang a Plate Step 13 Step 2. Glue the thread to the back of the plate with hot glue
Look at the plate to decide how you want to hang it. Once you have established the center point, turn the plate and position the thread so that the indentation is at the point and oriented upwards. Use a heat gun to glue the wire.
- Apply some hot glue to the plate and the ends of the wire. The more glue you use, the safer the grip will be.
- Be careful not to glue the hook too.
- Wait 5 to 20 minutes for the glue to dry.
- Hot glue can be difficult to remove, so only use this technique if you don't plan on reusing the plate for other purposes.
Hang a Plate Step 14 Step 3. Use some duct tape as reinforcement
Apply several layers of masking tape to the wire and back of the plate.
- You should cover all parts of the thread except the hook.
- Make sure that the thread does not protrude from the edges of the plate.
Hang a Plate Step 15 Step 4. Fold the hook back
Gently fold the hook back so that it protrudes from the surface of the plate. You should make sure to create a gap of 1-2 cm.
- As you bend the hook, the thread should not move or come off. If necessary, you can add more glue or other adhesive tape to reinforce the seal.
- This bent part of the wire is the one that will rest against the nail.
Hang a Plate Step 16 Step 5. Drive a nail into the wall
Slide the plate across the wall to decide where you want to hang it, and mark its top edge. Lay the plate down and measure the distance between the edge of the plate and the hook. Make a second mark on the wall at the same distance, then insert the nail at this second mark.
- Use a pencil to make the marks so you can erase them later.
- Use a nail with a large head or a special hook for pictures.
- At least half of the nail needs to be pushed into the wall, but make sure there is about 1-2cm of space for you to hang the hook.
Hang a Plate Step 17 Step 6. Hang the plate
Gently lay the thread on the nail. By doing so, you have completed the work.
- If the hook seems to be unstable, reinforce it with more glue or tape. If the nail doesn't feel safe, you can try replacing it, or using another spot on the wall.
- If the plate seems to be at an angle, try bending the wire slightly so that it rests on the nail in a different way. If that doesn't work, you'll need to remove the glue and tape and reposition the thread.