The spirit of Halloween is in the decorations: you may not want to settle for traditional ones that you can buy in stores. Try these homemade projects to make the whole neighborhood envious. You can make a scary head in a jar, an army of zombie dolls, or recreate a blood-filled crime scene inside your bathroom.
Method 1 of 3: Put a Head in a Jar

Step 1. Print the image of a head
If you are good at photo montages, you can use a front and side view of your head to create a 3D image. Alternatively, then download a ready-made one here: The illusion will be more believable if you print on A4 size paper.
Make sure you print in color to get the desired effect. It will take a lot of ink, so check that the cartridges are full enough

Step 2. Laminate the sheet
You will need to immerse the image in a jar full of water, so it is important to laminate it, otherwise the paper will melt. Once that's done, you can carefully cut out any excess material from the outside of the image. However, avoid getting too close to the card.
Use a laminator if you have one available, otherwise you can find large laminating sheets at stationeries or stores that sell DIY items

Step 3. Fill a large jar with water
The best option is a 5-liter jar, because it's just the right size for a head. Fill it almost completely with water. To create a better effect, pour a few drops of green and yellow dye into the jar to give the water a rotting look.
- Make sure you use a jar with a lid so you don't get dirty all over.
- A glass jar with a lid closed by an external hook gives the impression of being very old.

Step 4. Put the image in the jar
Take the laminated image and roll it up. Slide it into the jar, so that it opens inside, pressing it against the glass walls. It doesn't have to stick to the glass, so if it floats in the center that's no problem.
You may find that you need to change the size of the jar based on the image you printed. The photo must fill almost the entire container for the illusion to be convincing

Step 5. Place the jar wherever you like
The biggest advantage of this decoration is that you can put it in many different places. You can keep it in the fridge if your guests are going to get drinks or snacks, or on the kitchen counter or dining room table.
Method 2 of 3: Create a Zombie Doll Army

Step 1. Get some realistic dolls
For this decoration to have the desired effect, you need to use dolls that can stand up on their own. If you have old dolls that you don't mind ruining, you can use those, otherwise look for them at flea markets. You will probably want to avoid buying new ones, but the choice is up to you.
- It is not a problem if the dolls are dirty or already half broken. It will be even easier to achieve the desired effect.
- If you use dolls that do not stand on their own, you will need to position them differently or hold them upright with support.

Step 2. Paint some wounds
You can use red paint to create scratches or stitches. You can use brown or gray to give the skin a sick look. You decide how much space to leave for your creativity and what look to give to the dolls.
- You can paint all the dolls' skin to give them a gloomy, gray look, or you can just draw some blood marks.
- If you have no other solution, red nail polish is ideal for this project!

Step 3. Ruin the dolls
Tear off their clothes and stain them with red to represent blood. You can also cut their hair to give the impression that they have lost it. Don't be afraid to take off an arm or leg to create a real zombie look.
- You can step on the dolls to create dents and break them.
- If the eyes are removable, taking one off is a great way to create an even scarier doll. You can also paint them to make them appear hollow.
- If the dolls are stuffed, then unfold them and pull out some of the stuffing to mimic the guts coming out of the body.

Step 4. Place the dolls in the front yard
You can give the impression that some are coming out of the ground, or you can put them all on their feet as if waiting in formation. Another option is to place them in various places in the house, inside and out, to make it look like they come from all over.
If you have dolls that don't stand up, you can lean them in a corner or put them on a chair. Then also keep them straight with a stake if you decide to put them outdoors
Method 3 of 3: Create a Crime Scene in the Bathroom

Step 1. Stain an inexpensive shower curtain with red paint
Purchase a shower curtain that you will throw away after the holidays. Make handprints on the curtain with the red paint. Let some of the paint run off and create more stains.
- It is probably best to do this outdoors on the grass or in the garage.
- Don't smudge the paint too much, or the curtain will look like a single red spot.
- Let the curtain dry completely before hanging it in the bathroom. Make sure the painted side is the inside.

Step 2. Write a notice on the mirror
Draw a phrase on the bathroom mirror using washable red paint or lipstick. "You will be next" or "I see you" are classic horror movie phrases. You can smear the mirror with other paint or create streaks of blood under the writing.
Another creepy decoration idea is to hang a terrifying image on the wall facing the mirror. Position it so that when people look at each other in reflection, they can see the image behind them

Step 3. Turn the floor into a trail of blood
You can put down a carpet for a few euros and create "bloody" footprints that come out of the door. If it is not a problem for you to soil the floor, then draw the footprints on the ground as well. Make sure the material you use is washable.