How to Draw a Face (with Pictures)

Table of contents:

How to Draw a Face (with Pictures)
How to Draw a Face (with Pictures)

The face is a fundamental part of the human anatomy and can express many different emotions. In a portrait or in any work that depicts people, the faces are the main element. Each trait has its weight in representing a certain expression or emotion. Being able to draw faces well means taking an important step on the road to becoming a great artist. In this article you can get an idea of the techniques for drawing certain types of faces.


Part 1 of 3: Drawing a Woman's Face

Draw a Face Step 1
Draw a Face Step 1

Step 1. Draw the outline of the face with light strokes

Remember that heads are never round, but oval - draw an oval with the underside narrower and tapered, like an egg.

Draw a Face Step 2
Draw a Face Step 2

Step 2. Divide the oval into sections

The easiest way to start is to draw lines to delimit the different parts of the face. Divide the oval in half with a vertical line; then divide it in half again, this time horizontally.

Draw a Face Step 3
Draw a Face Step 3

Step 3. Draw the nose

Divide the bottom half of the oval in half by drawing another horizontal line. At the point of intersection of this second horizontal and vertical line, draw the lower outline of the nose and the nostrils.

Draw a Face Step 4
Draw a Face Step 4

Step 4. Add the mouth

Draw a third horizontal line to divide the bottom quarter of the oval in half. The lower lip will rest on this new line. Draw the lip line and add the upper lip. You can then finish drawing the lower lip.

Step 5. Draw the eyes

  • Draw two large circles at the horizontal line in the center of the oval; will delimit the orbits. The top of each circle corresponds to the position of the eyebrow, the bottom to the top of the cheekbone.

    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet1
    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet1
  • Draw the eyebrows at the top of the circles.

    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet2
    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet2
  • Work on the shape of the eyes. Keep in mind that the eyes have an almond shape; the rest is up to you: there are all types and sizes. As a rule, the distance between the two eyes is equal to the width of one eye.

    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet3
    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet3
  • Draw the pupil (the black circle in the center of the eye) inside the iris (the colored circle of the eye). Color most of the pupil black, leaving a small white space. Lay the lead of the pencil flat on the paper to make shades at the base. Creates gradations of shades in the iris, from medium to light; outlines the space between the pupil and the white of the eye with short, closely spaced lines. Apply less pressure in some areas, so that the stroke is lighter and clearer: this way you will get a nice effect. Draw the eyebrows and then erase the guidelines under the eye.

    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet4
    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet4
  • Draw the top of the eyelid over each "almond". The bottom should cover the iris slightly.

    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet5
    Draw a Face Step 5Bullet5
Draw a Face Step 6
Draw a Face Step 6

Step 6. Shade the area under the eyes

Add some shadow under the eyes and where they meet the nose to define the eye socket area. To give the face a tired look, intensify the shadows and draw curved lines under the lower lids, at a sharp angle.

Draw a Face Step 7
Draw a Face Step 7

Step 7. Draw the ears

The base should be aligned with the nose, the top end with the eyebrows. Remember that the ears should stick to the sides of the head.

Draw a Face Step 8
Draw a Face Step 8

Step 8. Draw the hair

Draw them going from the parting outwards.

Draw a Face Step 9
Draw a Face Step 9

Step 9. Draw the neck

The necks are wider than you think. Draw two vertical lines downwards, starting from the points where the lowest horizontal line crosses the contours of the face.

Draw a Face Step 10
Draw a Face Step 10

Step 10. Add the details

Add some shading under the nose and accentuate the chin. Draw expression lines around the mouth and make some shading at the corners. Then outline the bridge of the nose. The more these features are marked, the older the face will appear.

Draw a Face Step 11
Draw a Face Step 11

Step 11. You can also add clothes, using a drawing technique such as cross-hatching

Draw a Face Step 12
Draw a Face Step 12

Step 12. Clean up the drawing

Use an eraser to erase any unnecessary marks.

Part 2 of 3: Drawing a Girl's Face

Draw a Face Step 24
Draw a Face Step 24

Step 1. Draw the shape of the head you have in mind

Draw a Face Step 25
Draw a Face Step 25

Step 2. Draw lines to locate the center of the face and the position of the eyes

Draw a Face Step 26
Draw a Face Step 26

Step 3. Outline the width, height and position of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears with rough strokes

Draw a Face Step 27
Draw a Face Step 27

Step 4. Outline the eyes, mouth, nose, ears and eyebrows

Draw a Face Step 28
Draw a Face Step 28

Step 5. Add the hair and neck

Draw a Face Step 29
Draw a Face Step 29

Step 6. Use a fine-tipped drawing tool to work on the details

Draw a Face Step 30
Draw a Face Step 30

Step 7. Trace out the contours using the sketch as a guide

Draw a Face Step 31
Draw a Face Step 31

Step 8. Erase all unnecessary marks for a clean, well-defined design

Draw a Face Step 32
Draw a Face Step 32

Step 9. Color and shade the drawing

Part 3 of 3: Drawing a Male Face

Draw a Face Step 13
Draw a Face Step 13

Step 1. Draw a circle with a light stroke

Draw a Face Step 14
Draw a Face Step 14

Step 2. Draw a vertical line

Start at the top of the circle and stop where you will draw your chin (this line determines that the face is facing you).

Draw a Face Step 15
Draw a Face Step 15

Step 3. Sketch the outlines of the cheeks, chin and jaws

Draw a Face Step 16
Draw a Face Step 16

Step 4. Outline the width, height and position of the eyes, mouth, nose and ears with rough strokes

Draw a Face Step 17
Draw a Face Step 17

Step 5. Outline the eyes, mouth, nose, ears and eyebrows

Draw a Face Step 18
Draw a Face Step 18

Step 6. Add the hair and neck

Draw a Face Step 19
Draw a Face Step 19

Step 7. Use a fine-tipped drawing tool to work on the details

Draw a Face Step 20
Draw a Face Step 20

Step 8. Trace out the contours using the sketch as a guide

Draw a Face Step 21
Draw a Face Step 21

Step 9. Erase all unnecessary marks to get a clean and well defined drawing

Draw a Face Step 22
Draw a Face Step 22

Step 10. Color the drawing

Draw a Face Step 23
Draw a Face Step 23

Step 11. If necessary, add shadows


  • You don't have to draw the same faces represented in this article; this is just a basic guide. Try to draw what you imagine or see.
  • Pencils are the best allies of budding artists. You can find all kinds of them and you can delete them. Take advantage of it.
  • Don't waste too much time on specific details like symmetry and exact proportions.
  • If you want the drawing to be a little more realistic, focus on the shading of the eyes to make them as expressive as possible.
  • Once you have drawn an oval, divide it into sections and follow the various steps described above.
  • Go over all the contours with a darker shade to make the face stand out.
