Are you always bored? Find out how to change things!

Step 1. Find yourself something to do
This step is not always that simple. If you really don't know what to do, read on. If you think there might be something interesting, you've already found the solution!

Step 2. Make a list of things to do when you get bored
They will help keep you busy the next time you feel bored. For example, think about things like, “Could I clean my house or my room? Shall I start learning a new language?”, Or make some new friends to spend time with.

Step 3. Play a board game
Don't think only of Monopoli, Scarabeo or Risiko. Try German-style games like Agricola, Carcassonne, Puerto Rico, or Settlers of Catan.

Step 4. Play "mental" games like Pente, Blokus, Chess, Quoridor

Step 5. Play card games like Bohnanza, Tichu or Pit

Step 6. Once you are done with the tasks, repeat Step 1
If it still doesn't work, try picking one of the things on your list.

Step 7. If the above steps didn't work, go to bed and rest for 5 to 10 minutes

Step 8. Open the closet, look for the most beautiful clothes you have and wear them to feel more comfortable

Step 9. Take a shower with cold or warm (preferably cold) water
Step 10. Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea, however you like

Step 11. Take a ride in the fresh air

Step 12. Call your best friends and suggest a picnic, a club or a movie theater

Step 13. Get a gift for your mom or someone close to you

Step 14. Fix the closet if it's messy

Step 15. Play games like Bingo or Patty-cake, as long as they last a long time

Step 16. Do something relaxing, even sleep

Step 17. Find something fun to do; watch TV or internet videos

Step 18. Invite friends to your home, you never get bored with other people
- Use your imagination, be creative and try to invent games of your own.
- Play video games with friends or family.
- Invite a friend to your home. Two brains are better than one!
- Look at your old photo album and think of all your memories.
- Bring your to-do list with you in case you come up with new ideas or get bored.
- Make a nice long list, it will take you more time.
- Create a group of good friends and call them to do something.
- Go to the store to buy some seeds and plant them in a pot. Or in the garden. It's a quick and fun manual activity that somehow helps the world. You can make a difference!
- Try to collect good memories, they will help you a lot.
- Plan a trip with your friends.
- Don't quickly do everything on your list; invest your time wisely, or you will soon be bored again!
- Don't complain to your parents that you're bored. If you don't complain, they may be the first to decide to take you somewhere.