Many circumcised men are finding that they can get their whole bodies back, almost as they did originally. By taking advantage of the principle that skin grows when subjected to constant stretching, the process can be very effective, although it requires several years of patience. Even if the "regenerated" foreskin will never have the same sensitivity as the uncircumcised one, many men say they are satisfied with the result in terms of aesthetics, sensitivity and also the sensation of completeness.
Part 1 of 4: Making the Decision

Step 1. Ask yourself why you want your foreskin to grow back
There are many reasons why a man wants to do this.
- Some prefer the appearance of an intact penis and therefore are driven by aesthetic reasons, while others are resentful that they did not have a choice, as they were circumcised as a child.
- However, most men want to regrow the foreskin to achieve the increased sensitivity described by those who have undergone the regeneration process.
- Whatever the reason, a man should ask himself if he is ready to engage in a process that takes years and ultimately changes the innermost part of his body.

Step 2. Find out about regrowth
Currently, the most effective method is tissue dilation.
- This process works by pulling the skin of the penis shaft towards the glans and applying tension (with your hands or a device), until new epidermal cells are generated which allow the tissue to dilate.
- When the foreskin has stretched enough to cover the glans, the underlying tissue becomes less callused and some of the hidden nerve endings are restored, resulting in increased sensitivity.

Step 3. Do some research
There are many methods to regrow the foreskin and it's just a matter of deciding which one suits you and your lifestyle best. For example, men who use public showers or frequent gym locker rooms prefer a device that can be applied and removed quickly and discreetly. A college student who shares a boarding room with other classmates and doesn't have much money is likely to rely on manual traction. In any case, it is essential to do some research to carefully evaluate each of the factors (among other things) described below, before making a decision.
- Costs: although some techniques have no cost (manual traction), others require expensive equipment (from 30 to 250 euros).
- Level of commitment: The amount of time you want to spend on foreskin regrowth determines which method you should choose.
- Type of activity carried out during the regrowth period (work, training, etc.): Many regrowth devices involve the use of weights to be worn on the penis for a few hours a day and may prove impractical if you have an active lifestyle.
- The amount of skin folds left: Some traction devices (such as CAT II, DTR or TLC-X) can only be used if there is a certain amount of skin remaining. For this reason, if the cut has removed a lot of fabric, your chances may be limited, at least initially.
- Relationship between the amount of skin and mucosa: the skin of the penis body starts from the circular scar, extends to the base of the penis and is called the "external" epidermis. The mucosa instead extends from the circular scar to the crown of the glans. Since the mucosa will fold over the glans and be inside the foreskin, it is also called "internal" tissue.
Part 2 of 4: Using Manual Traction

Step 1. Understand the procedure
This technique involves using your hands to apply gentle but firm traction to the skin. Typically, it is done in 15-minute sessions three to four times a day.
This is the simplest and cheapest way to regrow the foreskin; however, it takes a lot of effort and a long time to notice noticeable results

Step 2. Get some privacy
On the days when you want to have your skin treated, you need to have plenty of time, during which you won't be disturbed, as it's a pretty obvious procedure.
- The morning shower is a good opportunity, because the water also prevents skin irritation.
- You can also do this while watching television (alone) or when you go to the bathroom (if you are using an enclosed booth and not a urinal).

Step 3. Try the basic method
A good beginner's technique is to bring the thumb and forefinger of both hands together to make the "ok" sign.
- Use one hand to surround the shaft of the penis near the scrotum and the other to hold the shaft close to the glans.
- Start gently pulling the skin in opposite directions. Hold the tension for five to thirty seconds and then release for several seconds before repeating the action.
- This technique is very effective, as it increases the tension on the entire circumference of the penis body.

Step 4. Start with an hour or two a day
The duration of the daily sessions necessary to obtain good results varies. Some men say it is imperative to apply traction for a minimum of four hours a day, while others report good regrowth even if it is limited to one hour a day.
- The best thing to do is to start slowly until you are used to the technique. In this way, you avoid inflammation or pain in the skin of the penis.
- Try pulling it every 15 minutes 4-8 times a day. Over time, you can increase the duration, the number of sessions per day, and even the intensity of the pull if you feel it is necessary.
Part 3 of 4: Using Regeneration Devices

Step 1. Consider using a pulling tool
There are many devices that simultaneously pull and push the skin on the penis, both external and internal. In Italy they are not very common, but you can buy them online. The most common are:
- TLC tugger: it is composed of a sort of silicone plug that is placed on the glans. The skin of the penis shaft must then be pulled onto the cap itself, which is held in place with a soft rubber cap. You can tie one end of an elastic strap to the device and the other end to your leg or knee to apply the pulling force. Sometimes weights can also be used.
- TLC-X device: the name is the abbreviation for "TapeLess Conical eXtensible" (extensible conical device without bandage). This accessory is effective because it can be stretched as the foreskin grows back and you can therefore use it for a long time. You can apply weights or straps to it to increase the pulling force. It is available online at a cost of $ 80 (approximately € 75).
- CATIIQ device: also in this case, the name stands for "Constant Applied Tension II Quick". The advantage of this tool is that it can be attached and removed from the penis quickly and easily. You can buy it online and on eBay for $ 80 (about $ 75).
- DTR device: the name stands for "Dual Tension Restorer" (dual voltage regenerator), you can buy it online for 90 dollars (83 euros approx).
- MySkinClamp: it is built with surgical stainless steel and works in a similar way to CATIIQ and DTR.
- Foreballs: to be able to use it you need to have some skin on the foreskin that is pulled over the balls and blocked with adhesive tape.
- Penile Uncircumcising Device also called PUD, it is a device that is placed on the glans, the skin is extended over it and fixed with adhesive tape. The weight of the tool itself generates the tension.

Step 2. Try using "T" shaped medical adhesive tape
It is a special tape with a "T" shaped section, used to wrap the penis and pull the skin towards the glans. You can find many video tutorials and forums dedicated to foreskin regeneration that explain how to make a "T" tape from normal medical tape.
- This method is practical, effective, adapts to the lifestyle of many men and can be used 24 hours a day, even at night.
- The disadvantages are the time required to apply and remove the tape, the discomfort during removal and the lack of spontaneity in sexual intercourse.

Step 3. Consider using O-rings
They are simple rubber rings, basically gaskets, which you can buy in any hardware store. The major advantage of this method is that it can quickly reverse the glans keratinization process by increasing its sensitivity.
- The skin of the penis is pulled over the glans and passed through the ring. In this way, tension is generated between the epidermis that tries to return to its original position and the o-ring that blocks it on the glans.
- To perform this procedure, you need to have more loose skin than most circumcised men, so it's a good solution only when the foreskin has already partially regrown.

Step 4. Use commonly used tools
Instead of buying expensive devices, you can make a foreskin regeneration tool yourself using simple home-grown material. Typically, pill tubes, old camera film containers, long sleeves and trombone mouthpieces are used.
- Pill tubes and film containers: By cutting the base of a cylindrical 35mm film container or pill tube, you can pull the skin of the penis onto the cylinder itself and fix it with adhesive tape. You can also apply tension with an iron wire attached to an elastic band to attach around the leg or knee. Pad the cylinder with cotton wool and close it at the tip to apply internal tension as well.
- Long compass: A stainless steel compass is heavy and effective enough to stretch the foreskin. Secure it to the skin with waterproof tape. It weighs around 300g and has an opening that allows you to urinate.
- Mouthpiece for trombone: It is applied like the Foreballs and PUD devices, usually also need tape to hold it in place. The most used model is the Monette TT5 because it is heavier, but the Bach 5G is fine too.
Part 4 of 4: Things to Remember

Step 1. Be patient
The foreskin regrowth process, both with manual traction and with devices, takes time and a lot of effort.
- While some men report some improvement at first, don't expect to see immediate results. Remember that in this case the winners will not be the fastest or the strongest, but those who hold out until the end!
- If you feel that one method is not effective, move on to another. You may find that you need a different manual technique or that a new device is more effective for your body.

Step 2. Don't hurt yourself
The traction should not be painful and should not cause any type of injury to the skin, as long as it is done correctly.
- Listen to your body and stop treatment if you notice redness, pain or irritation.
- If you feel pain, you may have been pulling too hard or for too long, you should be more gentle or stop.

Step 3. Keep a digital photo diary
While this idea may seem strange, many men who didn't follow it eventually regretted not having a picture of the penis "before" the treatment.
- Since the process is so long, you won't notice the gradual changes as the months go by. However, comparing the situation with the previous year's picture, you may be really surprised.
- Try to take a very close-up photo (the penis should fill the whole image) both front and side. Always take photos in the same place and under the same lighting conditions.
- Take a series of monthly photographs and don't forget to write down the dates. Keep them on a computer that only you have access to or on a password-protected device.

Step 4. If you have time problems, you can consider surgical solutions
If you believe that the methods described in the article take too much time or effort or the appearance of the penis is a major problem for you, you should consider surgical reconstruction.
- The procedure involves a transplant of skin taken from another part of the body (typically the scrotum which has similar tissue) onto the end of the penis shaft.
- The surgery is a quicker solution than foreskin regrowth; however, it is very expensive and many men have since expressed dissatisfaction with the result.
- Surgical reconstruction is mainly performed on men driven by aesthetic reasons, as it is unable to regenerate sensitivity.
- Every man and every circumcision are different, from the physical conformation to the amount of skin removed. Choose the method that best suits your needs. You may need to try different techniques and even change your approach in the process.
- The reconstruction of the foreskin Not it is an indispensable intervention for health and is therefore not covered by the National Health Service; you will therefore have to pay for the treatment out of your own pocket.
- The point where the skin of the penis shaft and the mucosa join is called the "balance point". In circumcised men this point coincides with the circular scar (N. B.: most men around the world are not circumcised after birth or even during their lifetime).
- Consider joining a discussion group - either in person or online - to meet other men who have already reconstructed their foreskin or intend to do so. They will undoubtedly provide you with many opinions on this matter.
- Become an "Intactivist". Join a group that wants to end circumcision in children.
- Remember that you are trying to regrow the foreskin and not lengthen it; do not overdo it.
- There are many myths about the foreskin and in some countries, such as the United States, it is rare for men to still have it due to the negative connotations attributed to it. You may have to work a little to convince your partner that this is a good choice for you. Even if your opinion is important, remember that it is the your body.
- Do not overdo it! Applying too much pressure can damage the skin even irreversibly. The principle of this technique consists in a slow, constant and gentle tension.
- The "new" or regenerated skin will not be exactly like the original one.
- This article is not a substitute for medical advice and treatment. Visit your doctor on a regular basis and see a professional for more information on this or any other health-related topic.