It has been found that about 70% of children by the age of three have had an ear infection at least once and many adults have also suffered from ear infections and ear pain. Although severe ear pain requires medical intervention and can lead to permanent hearing loss, milder situations can often be treated at home by following medical advice or by using home remedies that have been known to be effective for centuries. However, do not use these remedies as a substitute for medical recommendations; if you are unsure about any indications or procedures, talk to your doctor.
Part 1 of 3: Follow Verified Medical Recommendations

Step 1. Apply heat to relieve pain
It can be effective for quickly counteracting discomfort.
- Apply a warm compress to the affected ear. You can make one by wetting a towel with hot water and squeezing out the excess liquid, or by using a hot water bottle or a ready-made hot pack available at the pharmacy. Make sure it's not too hot to burn your skin. Keep the heat source resting on your ear for as long as possible. Before the heat, you can also try putting ice: apply a bag to the affected area for 15 minutes; then put the warm compress on for another 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
- Hold a hair dryer an arm's length from your ear and set the appliance to a "minimum" power and heat level. Do not use an airflow that is too strong or too hot.

Step 2. Take over-the-counter pain relievers
The most suitable are ibuprofen or paracetamol. Strictly follow the instructions on the leaflet regarding the dosage.
Keep in mind that the dosage for children generally depends on their body weight. Do not give aspirin to children under 18 as it has been associated with a rare but serious condition, Reye's syndrome, which can cause brain and liver damage

Step 3. Contact your doctor
If symptoms persist for more than 5 days in adults or more than 2 days in children, if a child less than 8 weeks old has a headache, if your neck is stiff or if you have a fever, see your doctor right away. Although earache is a fairly common ailment, if it is neglected it could develop a very serious infection with further complications.
- If the source of the ear pain is bacterial, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics to curb the infection and analgesics to manage the pain.
- An untreated ear infection can lead to permanent hearing loss, so it's important to get treatment if your symptoms get worse or don't subside.
Part 2 of 3: Try Unverified Home Remedies

Step 1. Free your nose
Often otalgia is caused by the accumulation of mucus in the Eustachian tubes, the thin tubes that connect the ears, nose and throat. By releasing the nose you can relieve pressure on the eardrums.
- Try gently squirting some salt water inside the baby's nostrils and then sucking it in.
- You can use a bulb syringe or a specific nasal aspirator (such as Nosefrida, which you can buy online) to clear secretions from your nose.

Step 2. Move your ear carefully
Otalgia can put pressure on the Eustachian tubes, which can be relieved by gently "popping" the ears (just like on airplanes when air pressure changes). This method can help drain trapped fluids in the ear canal.
Grab the pinna near the head with your thumb and forefinger, rotate it and gently pull it as far as possible without creating discomfort. You can also try inducing a yawn, which has a similar effect and makes the Eustachian tubes "pop"

Step 3. Breathe in soothing steam
The vapor helps the process of expelling the fluids present in the Eustachian tubes (inducing rhinorrhea), thereby relieving the pressure in the inner ear. By adding some medications or aromas you can get more benefits with this gentle analgesic remedy.
- Prepare a vapor solution for inhalation by adding several drops of eucalyptus essential oil or a teaspoon of Vicks Vaporub or other similar product to a bowl of nearly boiling water.
- Put a towel over your head and breathe in the steam through your nose. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day until the pain subsides. This solution helps open the Eustachian tubes, relieves pressure and helps expel fluids from the ears.
- Do not put a small child's head under a towel and over a bowl of boiling water, as they may burn or even drown in the water. Instead, apply a small amount of Vicks Vaporub (formulated specifically for babies and toddlers) on his chest or back and then take a very hot shower with him or let the baby play in the bathroom while running hot water from the shower.. The vapor formed in this way can combine with the vapors of the medicine and create a soothing effect.

Step 4. Try olive oil
To relieve pain, put a few drops of warm olive oil in your ear, which works by relieving ear irritation.
- You can put the oil bottle in a small glass of hot water for a few minutes to warm it up. Pour the drops directly into your ear and plug it with a cotton ball without compacting it.
- If you use this method on a baby, do it when the baby is sleeping and place it on its side so that the oil stays inside the ear. In this case, do not put the cotton ball.
- Be aware that no evidence has been examined to show that this remedy is anything more than a placebo.

Step 5. Use garlic and mullein flower oil
Garlic has been found to have antibiotic properties and is believed to be a natural anesthetic.
- You can find these products on Amazon or in health food stores.
- Heat the oil (make sure it's not too hot by pouring a few drops on your wrist), then with a dropper put some in your ear twice a day.
- Again, keep in mind that the method is not supported by verified evidence.

Step 6. Try lavender oil
While you don't have to put it directly into your ear, you can still massage it in the outer area, as it is believed to improve blood circulation and allow for better drainage of the inner ear. Plus, its scent can be soothing.
- Mix a few drops of lavender oil with a few other drops of carrier oil (such as fractionated coconut oil or olive oil) and gently massage the outside of the ear throughout the day, depending on the need.
- Other essential oils with beneficial properties against pain and to improve circulation are those of eucalyptus, rosemary, oregano, chamomile, tea tree and thyme.
- This method is supported only by anecdotal evidence. There are no studies demonstrating the wholesome effects of essential oils on health.
Part 3 of 3: Preventing Oralgia

Step 1. Avoid flu viruses
A major cause of earache is the common cold, and although there is no cure for this virus, you can first take precautions to avoid contracting the disease.
- Wash your hands regularly, especially after being in public places and before eating. If you can't wash them with soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The cold virus is known to be hardy and can survive for hours on surfaces; therefore, even if you don't hang out with a sick person, you can still get infected simply by going to the library or supermarket.
- Exercise regularly. People who exercise regularly have stronger immune systems and their bodies are better able to fight infections and resist cold viruses.
- Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins. Eat whole, nutrient-rich foods, focusing mostly on lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits. Phytochemicals found in vegetables such as peppers, oranges and dark green leafy vegetables can help the body absorb vitamins, which are essential for strengthening the immune system. For this reason you should focus on natural foods.

Step 2. Get tested for allergies
Allergic reactions can cause itchy ears and ear pain, whether it's environmental or food allergies.
Call your doctor to make an appointment for allergy tests, which may also include a blood test or prick test. From the results of the tests you will be able to understand which type of allergen triggers your ear irritation, such as ragweed, animal hair or dairy products

Step 3. Prevent ear infections in infants
They are actually quite common, but they can be reduced by implementing specific breastfeeding strategies.
- Vaccinate the baby. One of the most popular infectious agents for ear infections is part of the routine vaccine series.
- If you can, breastfeed your baby until he is 12 months old. Breast milk contains antibiotics that are known to reduce ear infections, so fewer ear pains may develop when breastfeeding than in formula milk.
- If you are bottle feeding your baby, be sure to hold the baby at a 45 ° angle and never breastfeed him while he is lying down or supine in the crib, otherwise some of the liquid could flow into the inner ear, resulting in ear pain. Try to wean your baby to an educational cup from the age of 9-12 months to reduce the chance of bottle-induced ear infections.
- Inserting something into your ears can create serious side effects, such as a worsening of the infection or even hearing loss (temporary or permanent).
- Put cotton in your ears when taking a shower or bath.
- When you breathe in the steam, place the water container in the sink to avoid accidents and burns by knocking over the bowl.
- Do not pour liquid into your ears if you are concerned or certain that your eardrums are perforated.
- Never insert cotton swabs into the inner ear, as this can break the eardrum.
- Try to avoid the foods that cause allergies most easily: wheat, dairy, corn, oranges, peanut butter, and all simple carbohydrates, including sugar, fruit, and fruit juices.