Ear ache is often due to an infection and the degree of pain intensity can range from moderate to severe. Ear infections generally go away on their own within a week or two, as a result many doctors recommend simply keeping them under observation. In the meantime, it is still necessary to find effective methods to combat pain. You can try several home remedies. Just be sure to see a doctor if the pain is severe or you don't see any improvement. Also, it is important avoid inserting drops or objects into the ear canal until the ear has been examined by a professional with an otoscope, to ensure that the tympanic membrane is still intact.
Method 1 of 3: Traditional Approach

Step 1. Apply a warm compress
Using a warm compress is the easiest way to relieve ear pain. To perform this treatment, take a clean cotton towel and wet it with warm tap water. Then, squeeze it to get rid of the excess fluid and place it on the affected ear. Let it sit until it has cooled down. This treatment can be repeated as often as desired.

Step 2. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever
Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, are also effective in relieving ear pain. Be sure to read and follow the instructions on the package insert of any pain reliever you use. If you have any doubts about the doses or questions about which active ingredient to choose, consult your primary care physician.
Aspirin should not be given to patients under the age of 20 as it has been associated with the risk of getting Reye's syndrome

Step 3. Learn about ear drops
Your doctor may prescribe drops to relieve pain caused by more acute infections. They may not be recommended for patients wearing ear ventilation tubes. Do not use the drops without first consulting a doctor.
Method 2 of 3: See a Doctor

Step 1. If you notice severe symptoms, see a doctor
In the most worrying situations, it is good to consult a doctor immediately to treat the earache. Here are some cases in which it is good to go to a specialist immediately:
- Loss of hearing
- Intense pain;
- Dizziness;
- Stiffness of the neck muscles and fever
- Redness, swelling and / or pain around the ear
- Inability to move the facial muscles around the ear.

Step 2. Learn about ear ventilation tubes
These devices are often recommended for patients suffering from recurrent ear infections. For example, if a person has more than three infections in six months or more than four in a year, they may need to be applied.
The implantation of the tubes takes place by means of an outpatient surgery. Some of them come out on their own after six months or a year, while others require surgical removal

Step 3. If necessary, take antibiotics
They may be needed in case of severe otitis. Many doctors prefer to avoid prescribing them to treat episodes of simple or first-time infections, as they tend to pass on their own and / or are viral in origin. Consequently, this cannot justify the increased risk of antibiotic resistance. Ask your doctor if he thinks it is appropriate to take antibiotics. If you deem them useless, you should avoid insisting.
Method 3 of 3: Try Unverified Natural Remedies

Step 1. Talk to your primary care physician before trying these remedies
Sticking a foreign object into the ear canal can be quite dangerous, even if it comes with seemingly harmless products like olive oil or garlic. It is imperative that a doctor examine the ear canal and make sure it has not suffered any damage. Otherwise there are various risks, including permanently damaging the hearing if the membrane is perforated, the likelihood of altering the microbiome and causing further inflammation. There are natural remedies that can help relieve pain. However, as is advised with any other type of complementary medicine, it is important to seek medical attention before giving it a try.
- Keep in mind that ear oils should not be applied to a perforated eardrum, a disorder that is difficult to identify without careful examination by a doctor. Ear oils can prevent the specialist from examining the ear thoroughly.
- Some natural remedies may cause ear canal irritation and consequently more pain and discomfort.

Step 2. Use olive oil
Olive oil helps relieve ear pain and treat otitis. Try pouring a few drops into your ear using a dropper. Repeat several times a day. If you don't have a dropper, soak a cotton ball, squeeze out the excess oil and put it in your ear. You can also leave the olive oil to infuse with various herbs to make this treatment even more effective. Here are some of the most suitable:
- Garlic. Garlic has antifungal properties. Chop a few cloves of garlic and let it rest in a tablespoon of olive oil for about 15 minutes. Then, pour it into a colander to filter it before use.
- Ginger. Ginger has analgesic properties. Chop about a teaspoon of fresh ginger and let it rest in a tablespoon of olive oil for about 15 minutes. Then, pour the oil into a colander to strain the ginger bits before using it.

Step 3. Make an onion wrap
This treatment also helps relieve the pain caused by ear infections.
- To prepare it, chop half an onion and fry it in olive oil until it wilts. Remove it from the heat and let it cool. Before using it, make sure it has reached room temperature.
- Once the onion has cooled, place it on cheesecloth or a thin cotton towel. Fold and secure the cloth by collecting the onion in one place to make sure it doesn't fall out.
- Place the tablet on your ear for about 10 to 15 minutes and let the onion juice flow into your ear.

Step 4. Pour a few drops of honey into your ear
Honey also helps treat ear pain. Using a dropper, pour a few drops of honey into your ear, repeating the treatment several times a day.

Step 5. Try a ready-to-use ear oil
If you don't feel like making an oil or using cooking products, you can try a natural ear oil. There are ready-to-use herbal and oil infusions that help relieve pain.