How to Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage

How to Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage
How to Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage

Table of contents:


Constipation is a common ailment that affects people of all ages. The subjects who are affected are able to evacuate on average a little more than three times a week; stools can be hard, dry and small, painful or difficult to pass. This is generally not a particularly dangerous problem and for many it only lasts for short periods. However, you can relieve constipation by doing an abdominal massage, manipulating your belly, and combining this technique with other natural remedies.


Part 1 of 2: Manipulating the Abdomen to Relieve Constipation

Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 1
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 1

Step 1. Recognize the benefits of abdominal massage

If you suffer from constipation, you may feel uncomfortable and in pain; massage not only helps alleviate the problem but also offers other benefits, including:

  • Reduces the need to take laxatives for a long time;
  • Relieves intestinal gas production;
  • It reduces the chances of having to go to the doctor for this problem;
  • Relax yourself and your muscles to make it easier for you to evacuate.
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 2
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 2

Step 2. Find a convenient place to proceed

You can decide to lie down; this position offers greater relaxation and allows you to manipulate the belly more easily than standing upright. Give yourself at least half an hour of time, in order to feel comfortable and to be able to perform the massage correctly; rushing can increase your stress and prevent you from adequately relieving constipation.

  • Perform the massage in a comfortable and quiet place, for example in the bedroom; turn off the lights and minimize noise to create an even more peaceful environment.
  • Consider putting yourself in a tub of hot water; the heat of the water helps relaxation, favoring the expulsion of faeces.
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 3
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 3

Step 3. Start the massage

The intestinal tract begins below the breastbone and ends in the anus; when the body uses food and turns some of it into waste, fecal matter is processed in the intestine. You can massage the abdomen following any movement or pattern you want; however, sticking to a specific one can better relieve constipation. Practice the sequence of movements described below:

  • Start at the pubic bone and tap the abdomen three times as you approach the navel;
  • Move both hands in a circle towards the pubic bone;
  • Gently strike the area between the navel and pubic bone by making circular motions.
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 4
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 4

Step 4. Continue the massage

To relieve constipation you need to do full circles; Once you have finished the larger movements, focus on the small areas and do the following:

  • Make a circular motion with one hand just below the navel and then quickly make another circle with the other hand;
  • Continue the movements in this way descending towards the pubic bone and then back again towards the navel;
  • Do another massage following circular movements with one hand at a time up and down;
  • Then proceed from the left side towards the right of the belly;
  • Make swinging movements with your hands and fingers on the navel area.
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 5
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 5

Step 5. Repeat the massage

Continue to manipulate the abdomen for 10-20 minutes to stimulate the intestines and then stop. Take a break and consider if you feel the need to defecate; if not, have another massage or wait a bit.

  • Avoid hitting or squeezing the abdomen too hard or too fast, otherwise you could compact the fecal material and make it more difficult to evacuate.
  • Do the massage every day to relieve the ailment, even if you have to follow another method to get relief; by doing so, you avoid further bouts of constipation or gas formation.
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 6
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 6

Step 6. Move your legs

Bring it close to your belly to compress part of the intestinal tract. Consider alternating the knees towards the abdomen or to the sides as you massage the abdomen; this technique can further "awaken" the intestines and find relief from discomfort.

Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 7
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 7

Step 7. Don't neglect the need to go to the bathroom

During the massage you may feel the need to defecate; in this case, do not ignore the stimulus, go to the bathroom and give yourself plenty of time to free yourself. Holding back the urge to evacuate can lead to:

  • I made harder;
  • Effort in the moment of evacuation;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Damage to the anorectal nerve.

Part 2 of 2: Combine Massage with other Natural Remedies

Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 8
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 8

Step 1. Drink lots of water

Constipation is often associated with dehydration of the colon; By drinking 250ml of water every hour you can regain hydration and relieve the ailment.

Drink tap or bottled water. avoid the fizzy or flavored one because both contain gas and can aggravate abdominal bloating

Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 9
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 9

Step 2. Try fruit juices

They are an alternative to water, if it does not relieve the discomfort. Try drinking 60-120m of prune or pear juice with each meal; if you don't notice any difference, you should drink even more.

If the juice is too concentrated for you or the flavor is too strong, mix it with an equal amount of water; if you don't like the taste of plum or pear, try apple juice

Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 10
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 10

Step 3. Eat foods rich in fiber

In addition to drinking plenty of water and / or fruit juice, be aware that products rich in fiber are also useful, because they can soften the stool and stimulate the intestine; Aim to eat 14g of fiber for every 1000 calories you consume. Among the foods richest in fiber useful for your purpose, especially when combined with massage, are:

  • Peas;
  • Plums;
  • Pears;
  • Plums;
  • Peaches;
  • Broccoli;
  • Beans;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Flax seed;
  • Carrots;
  • Pineapple;
  • Whole grains.
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 11
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 11

Step 4. Get moving

Movement and physical activity help a lazy bowel to work. Do some low-impact exercises to encourage him; you can combine them with abdominal massage to speed up the process.

  • Keep in mind that all types of exercise are fine, but low impact ones are best. You can evaluate running, walking, biking or swimming; yoga is also helpful in finding relief from the ailment.
  • Try to do as much movement as you can, even 15 minutes of physical activity can stimulate the intestinal tract.
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 12
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 12

Step 5. Proceed with caution with mineral oils, stimulant laxatives, and enemas

There are different opinions regarding these methods of treating constipation, because they could cause chronic constipation, injuries to the muscles of the colon or anus, and you could become dependent on laxatives to be able to defecate. Check with your doctor to find out if these methods are suitable and safe for you.

Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 13
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 13

Step 6. Get castor oil

It is a home remedy that has been used for generations, as it acts as a natural laxative; it breaks down into a substance that favors the expulsion of feces, thus alleviating the problem. By combining it with the massage you get even faster results.

  • Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of oil on an empty stomach, you should be able to evacuate within eight hours.
  • Mix it with a sweetener, such as orange juice, to reduce the bad taste.
  • Do not take more than the recommended dose, otherwise you could overdose; Symptoms of overuse are: abdominal cramps, chest pain, dizziness, hallucinations, diarrhea, shortness of breath, rashes and throat constriction. If you have any of these symptoms, call your local poison control center. the telephone operator can instruct you on how to proceed.
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 14
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 14

Step 7. Incorporate psyllium husk into your diet

Adding fiber supplements to the diet improves the effects of the abdominal massage; these are very fine flakes of psyllium bran that help soften the stool. To relieve discomfort, consider incorporating them into your normal diet. you can find them for sale under various trade names, such as Metamucil.

  • You can buy them at health food stores or health food stores.
  • Mix 1/2 teaspoon of psyllium husk with 250ml of water. You can take the mixture in the morning or in the evening, but only increase the dosage if you really need it.
  • If you prefer, you can add it to smoothies; fruit intensifies the laxative effects of the supplement and abdominal massage.
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 15
Relieve Constipation with Abdominal Massage Step 15

Step 8. Make use of flax seeds

The seeds, like the oil and flour of this plant, are able to relieve constipation; they can also supplement some nutrients that you are missing out on due to health conditions. Add flaxseed products to all meals to "awaken" the gut, but do not exceed the dosage of 50g per day (about 5 tablespoons) of whole seeds. Here's how you can incorporate them into your diet:

  • Add a tablespoon of ground flaxseed to breakfast cereals (both hot and cold);
  • Mix a teaspoon with the mayonnaise or mustard that you spread on the sandwich;
  • Add a teaspoon of ground seeds to 250ml of yogurt;
  • Use them when cooking baked goods, such as cookies, muffins, and bread.
