After training, sports or just everyday errands, you may feel some pain in the abdominal muscles. This soreness is caused by a lack of blood flow and inflammation of the muscles. If you want to keep busy with your schedule despite this problem, you can promote circulation and reduce inflammation. Also, you can take precautions to prevent your muscles from hurting in the future.
Method 1 of 3: Promote Circulation

Step 1. Take a break
If your muscles hurt a lot, take a day off from the activity that causes you pain. This allows the muscles to regenerate and repair broken tissues during physical activity.
Abdominal pain from overtraining is usually temporary. Take a break from exercising to give your body time to recover

Step 2. Warm up your abs
A hot water bottle or sauna can help you relax sore muscles. Be careful not to apply heat for too long or you risk getting burned. Be sure to read the instructions of the hot water bottle before using it. Saunas and hot yoga can also be helpful.
If you have decided to warm up your muscles with a sauna, be sure to drink plenty of water, as the steam will dehydrate you. Muscles take longer to heal when you are dehydrated

Step 3. Stretch your muscles
Based on how severe the pain is, stretching is a great way to relieve abdominal contractures. Do specific core stretches. If you feel pain, stop and see a doctor.
- Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended. Stretch your body as much as possible.
- Bring your back back from a seated position. Arch only until you feel your abdominal muscles stretch. Be careful not to bend over too much.

Step 4. Take a yoga class
These lessons involve a lot of breathing and stretching exercises. They promote circulation, during lessons and beyond. Inform the instructor of your situation before the start of the workout, so that he pays more attention to the core stretches.
- Get into the upward facing dog position. This common yoga position starts prone. At that point, put your hands under your shoulders and push until you feel the muscles stretch. Look towards the ceiling for greater effect.
- Assume the position of the locust. This yoga posture also starts prone. Keep your arms along your body, lifting your head and upper torso off the floor. Stay flat on the ground with your pelvis.
Method 2 of 3: Reduce Swelling

Step 1. Take ibuprofen
Take 200 mg of ibuprofen in the morning after breakfast. Before doing this, however, consult a doctor and make sure you don't have allergies. If this drug is not available, you can achieve the same effect with acetaminophen. These anti-inflammatories help relieve muscle pain.

Step 2. Bathe with Epsom salts
Spend 30 minutes in a tub with warm water and Epsom salts. These salts help the muscles to expel toxins. In addition, they relieve inflammation. When in the tub, massage your abs firmly to promote circulation in those muscles.
There is no scientific evidence that Epsom salts help expel toxins. However, many people testify that they felt better after taking a bath with these salts

Step 3. Apply ice to the muscles
Ice packs help reduce inflammation if used within 72 hours of training or injury. They help relieve pain when applied at 10 minute intervals. Do not use ice right before strenuous physical activity; if the muscles are cold, the risk of injury increases.
Avoid applying ice directly to the skin and doing it for more than 20 consecutive minutes
Method 3 of 3: Preventing Abdominal Pain

Step 1. Hydrate yourself well
By maintaining good hydration, your muscles will recover faster. Drink at least two bottles of water before workouts and about 60ml of water per pound of weight throughout the day. Avoid drinking tea and coffee, as they can dehydrate you.

Step 2. Raise your legs
Before engaging in activities that work your abs a lot, you should avoid sitting or standing for too long. Raise your legs for 5 minutes before your supine lying workout. In this way, you promote blood circulation in the upper body, allowing the muscles to expel toxins.

Step 3. Properly replenish your energies
Proteins are essential substances for muscle recovery. Make sure you have a protein-rich meal (around 20 grams) within 30 minutes of training. Protein bars and shakes are a convenient way to get this amount of protein when you're not at home.