Sadness prevents you from living well. You certainly have every right to feel disheartened, but a perennial state of affliction is of no use. In fact, the truth is that you are destined to do great things for yourself and for the world. It is easier to give up and stay in bed, or move forward in a state of survival, but right now you have a great gift in your hands. The gift of life. Don't underestimate it. Every day you have the opportunity to find happiness. Read this article to start feeling better about yourself and your life.
Method 1 of 4: Bring the Peaceful Back into Your Life

Step 1. Focus on the positives
When life holds challenge after challenge, nothing seems to go right. However, people often tend to generalize too much because they view the world with the filter of prejudice and pessimism. The truth is, your life still has many positives.
- If you have a roof over your head and food on your table, you are better off than most other people.
- If you have friends and family who love you, you need to be grateful.
- If you have a job and earn a salary that helps you pay your bills, you need to be grateful, even if it's not your dream profession.

Step 2. List everything that goes right
You can write down whatever comes to your mind that you find appropriate for this list. If you have a hard time identifying the positives in your life, start by practicing gratitude, even for the little things, and make a list.
- Job.
- Food.
- Roof on the head.
- Clothes.
- Dear people.
- Car.
- Health.

Step 3. Make a journal about the good things in life
Keeping a diary has a positive effect on one's psychophysical well-being. When you write down all the good things that happen to you, you will tend to remember a lot more of them. By starting to collect all these positive thoughts, you may begin to feel better, because you will remember that basically not everything is wrong.
- You better write a few lines every day. This way, in the future you will be able to browse the pages of the diary and remember all the good things that have happened to you.
- Make a journal about the things you feel proud of so you can read it when you are sad. If you want to talk about bad times too, keep a special diary for bad days. Can't come up with any ideas? Try these topics: what you like about yourself, what needs you have right now, what you are grateful for every day, why your friends love you.

Step 4. Ask a friend for help
Friends are by your side even in times when life becomes difficult. They help you remember why you are a great person. Remember that a true friend must think you are special. To learn how to focus on the positives, ask him to help you spot them. Once found, you can use the other methods suggested above, such as compiling lists or writing in the journal.
- Invite a friend to have lunch with you and let off steam with him.
- Invite him to your home to have a chat on the sofa.
- Call him to help you remember that your life is better than you think.

Step 5. Do what makes you happy
When you feel low, you probably don't feel like moving a finger, but doing something is very effective in getting better.
- Spend time with your friends.
- Take a bath.
- Sip a cup of chocolate. A hot and tasty drink can give you the comfort you need in difficult times. After you have refreshed, you will feel a little better.
- Pamper an animal for a few minutes. According to research, this is very beneficial to health. It fights stress, so it lowers blood pressure.
- Indulge in a pastime you enjoy. Maybe you don't feel like it because you feel grounded. But if you force yourself to start, your mood could change dramatically. It is no coincidence that you have chosen this hobby: it makes you feel good. Take advantage of it in difficult times.
- Find a new hobby. If you are not interested in your past pastimes, now is the time to find another one.
- Listening to music. Sad people tend to choose depressing music. Avoid it, as this will make you feel worse. According to research, listening to rhythmic music can be good for the mood.
Method 2 of 4: Take Control of the Situation

Step 1. Find out what you can control
Take a few minutes to think about your situation and what you can do. Remember that it is not always possible to control major stressors, but it is possible to control the smaller ones, which exacerbate a problem. This should help relieve the stress at least a little.
- You may not be able to decide where you will move, but you can control what you can do in this new place.
- You may not be able to lose weight, but you can eat right and exercise more often for better health.
- You may not be able to get back together with a person, but you can look at your photos or read old letters.

Step 2. Take action
When a person goes through a crisis, they may feel paralyzed. He doesn't know what to say or do because anxiety takes over. If you recognize yourself in this description, remember that such a reaction will only make you feel worse. You can start feeling better by getting to work. Have a plan to determine what you will do so that your intervention is more likely to be effective.
- You may not be able to decide where you will move, but you can make the most of this experience by signing up for a course to make new friends.
- You may miss your friends, so look for flights and hotels. Take your vacation to visit them.

Step 3. Change your perception to change the situation
This means that you may have more control over your life. You can do this by looking at your situation with different eyes. You should look at it positively, putting aside all negativity.
- You may not be able to buy a new car now, but you already have a fully functional car that drives you to work every morning.
- Maybe you broke up with your partner, but that also means you don't have to put up with constant fights anymore.
- You may not be able to see your children for now, but in the future you will have the opportunity.

Step 4. Accept the lesson that life is trying to give you
All experiences can teach you something. You have to step back and look at the full picture to capitalize on these lessons. When you know what you should learn from a situation, you will feel much calmer and more in control because you will have more awareness from your own.
Method 3 of 4: Move More Often

Step 1. Get more physical activity
It releases endorphins, so it can make you feel good. Exercise is even more effective when it increases the heart rate, which helps blood circulation. You can do this in the following ways:
- Go for a jog or run outdoors. An exercise like this gives you two benefits. It will speed up your heart rate and allow you to fill up on vitamin D, which can improve mood.
- Train in the equipment room. Aerobic activity is great for getting your heart rate up, but lifting weights benefits your metabolism. This benefit will also help you feel better about yourself and your life.
- Sign up for a course. It allows you to learn movements that will help you make your body stronger and more flexible.

Step 2. Start playing sports
It can help you vent your aggression and feel much better, especially when you feel angry as well as being sad.
- American football is a good option because it allows you to tackle opponents.
- Baseball allows you to hit a ball with all the strength in your body, so this can release tension.
- Tennis can have the same effect as baseball, as long as you can control the direction of the ball when you hit it.
- Soccer can be cathartic because you have to run as much as possible and kick the ball with all the strength you have inside of you.

Step 3. Take more walks
They can make you unwind after a bad day, allowing you to develop a different perspective.
- Take the dog out. Having your four-legged friend accompany you can be much more fun.
- Invite a friend to accompany you. It can do you good to talk to someone while walking.
- Observe the beauty of nature. This can help you appreciate the world more and improve your mood.
- Park farther than usual so you have to walk more.
- Take the stairs whenever possible.
- Wear a pedometer to measure how many steps you take each day. You can set yourself goals and try to achieve them.
- Use a dedicated video to help you. For example, Leslie Samson's videos can allow you to walk miles every day.
Method 4 of 4: Gain Courage with Words

Step 1. Change your inner dialogues
Everyone has them. Everyone has a little voice in their head and it has the power to make a person feel a certain way. Many do not realize that they are speaking negative words and becoming deeply depressed by themselves. Maybe that's what's happening to you right now: try to reverse the trend.
- Tell yourself that you deserve happiness. It's easy to feel guilty, but everyone makes mistakes. Remember that you have done many good things in life and that you deserve to be happy.
- Look at yourself, smile and think of something that makes you proud. This can vary from one person to another, for example you can remember that you are a good friend or that on birthdays you are always quite considerate towards the birthday boy. You have to see yourself happy, even if you have the mood under your heels. According to several studies, people who try to smile end up feeling calmer. Also, reminding yourself that you are awesome even when you feel the other way around can change your mood, as you may not be repeating this to yourself very often.
- Remember you gave your all. It is impossible to do more than that. Learn to accept it by repeating to yourself, "I did my best." This can greatly relieve the pressure and expectations you have of yourself.
- When talking to yourself, use the first person singular. Instead of saying, "You really should start exercising more often," try saying, "I'll be exercising more often."

Step 2. List what you love about yourself
Once you write down the things you are proud of, you will realize that you are a fantastic person. Whenever you feel down, you will be able to remember that your life isn't that bad after all.
- Do the same with your short and long term goals. Tell yourself that you can reach them. Think of some useful strategies to get closer and closer to the finish line.
- Remember all the successes you have reaped over the years. Congratulate yourself on every milestone achieved.

Step 3. Learn not to worry too much, otherwise you will end up putting yourself under too much pressure
You can encourage yourself to be less apprehensive - this can help you at least partially ease the tension and be more understanding towards yourself. If you talk to yourself right, it can work.
- You can try to tell yourself that at work they will be able to get by without you for a week. You have everything prepared and your colleagues will appreciate it.
- You can tell yourself you've done everything you can to save the relationship. For a relationship to work, it is necessary that both members of the couple commit themselves, among other things you cannot force someone to be with you.
- Just because someone is angry with you doesn't mean you've done them wrong. Maybe he has inner conflicts that have nothing to do with you. Reminding yourself of this can help you cope better with this situation.
- Just try one of the tips in this article to see if it helps you get better. If not, try another one. It will take some time to figure out what is right for you.
- When you feel low, it can be difficult to start doing something to start feeling better. Be understanding with yourself and do what you can.
- Before starting an exercise program, consult your doctor.
- If the problem continues for a long time and you are unable to feel better, seek help from a therapist.