The medical term atherosclerosis refers to the obstruction or hardening of the arteries. It is a rather common heart disease and consists in the blockage of the arteries that "plug" due to a fatty substance; as a result, oxygen-rich blood cannot flow properly. Arteries can become blocked in the heart, brain, kidneys, intestines, arms and legs. It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of this pathology, especially if you belong to a risk category; by doing so you can get medical assistance as soon as possible.
Part 1 of 3: Identifying Common Symptoms of Blocked Arteries

Step 1. Look for symptoms similar to those of a heart attack
Some specific signs may indicate the onset of a heart attack, when oxygen-rich blood fails to feed the heart muscle. If the heart doesn't get enough oxygen, it begins to die. The damage can be reduced with drugs that are administered in the hospital, if promptly intervened within an hour of the onset of symptoms. Here are the warning signs:
- Chest pain or pressure
- Chest heaviness or tightness
- Sweating or cold sweats
- Feeling of fullness or indigestion
- Nausea and / or vomiting;
- Dizziness
- Dizziness;
- Extreme weakness;
- Anxiety;
- Rapid or irregular heartbeat;
- Shortness of breath.

Step 2. Recognize the symptoms of a blocked artery in the kidneys
They can be different than those of an arterial block in the rest of the body. You can suspect this type of problem if you experience: difficult to control high blood pressure, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, itching and difficulty concentrating.
- If the artery is completely blocked, then you may have fever, nausea, vomiting, and continuous pain in the abdomen or lower back.
- If the blockage comes from small obstructions found in the renal artery, then you may have others in different areas of the body such as the fingers, arms, brain or intestines.

Step 3. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor
While you can't be totally certain that the problem is just a blocked artery, it's better to be safe than sorry and you should call your doctor to describe your situation: he may recommend that you go to his doctor's office or to the emergency room.

Step 4. Stand still and do nothing in case you don't have immediate access to medical care
Try to rest and stay calm until help arrives. By remaining still, you reduce the oxygen demand and workload of the heart.
Do not It is advisable to take an aspirin with symptoms of a blocked heart artery until you undergo medical evaluation. Not all heart attacks can be treated with this drug, and in some cases the situation may even get worse.
Part 2 of 3: Undergo Tests for Blocked Arteries

Step 1. Know that you will undergo various blood tests and diagnostic imaging tests to assess the condition of your heart and arteries
Your doctor will order blood tests to check for certain sugars, cholesterol, calcium, fats and proteins which can increase the risk of atherosclerosis or clogged arteries.
- Furthermore, it will be necessary to study the electrical activity of the heart through an electrocardiogram to understand if you have had a heart attack in the past or if you are suffering from it at that precise moment.
- Your doctor may also undergo imaging tests, such as echocardiography, computed tomography, and MRI, to understand how your heart is working, to view blocked passages, and to identify calcium deposits that may be contributing to narrowing or block the arterial lumen.
- An exercise test may also be required. In this way the cardiologist can measure the blood flow that reaches the heart muscle under stressful conditions.

Step 2. Expect kidney function tests if you suspect blockage of the kidney arteries
Your doctor may order blood creatinine, glomerular filtration rate, and urea nitrogen tests to understand the health of your kidneys (these are different tests that are done on the urine). You will also need to undergo an ultrasound and computed tomography to view blocked arteries or calcium deposits.

Step 3. Get a consultation to see if you have peripheral arterial disease
This circulatory pathology is caused by the narrowing of the arteries, consequently the blood flow to the limbs is insufficient. One of the simplest tests that a doctor can do during a routine visit is to analyze the heartbeat. If different pulses are felt in your feet, then in all likelihood you have this disease. You are also at high risk if:
- You are under the age of 50, you are diabetic and present at least one of these factors: smoking, arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia;
- You are over 50 and diabetic;
- You are 50 or older and have been a smoker;
- You are 70 or older;
- Have one or more of the following symptoms: pain in the foot or toes that interferes with sleep, a foot or leg injury that heals slowly (over 8 weeks), fatigue, heaviness or tiredness in the leg, calf or to the buttocks which manifests itself with activity and disappears with rest.
Part 3 of 3: Preventing Blockage of the Arteries

Step 1. Understand the underlying causes of this disorder
Although many people think that the fatty substance that closes the arteries is generated by an excess of cholesterol, be aware that this explanation is too simplistic to describe the complexity of the various sizes of cholesterol molecules. The body actually needs cholesterol to synthesize vitamins, hormones and other chemical messengers. Researchers have shown that although some molecules are dangerous to the heart and block arteries, it is actually sugars and carbohydrates that trigger the inflammatory reaction that is a precursor to atherosclerosis.
- You may be avoiding saturated fat to lower your cholesterol level and protect yourself from atherosclerosis and clogged arteries, but you are actually making a big mistake. Consumption of healthy saturated fats has not been scientifically related to heart disease and arterial block.
- On the other hand, a diet rich in fructose, very sugary and low-fat foods, whole wheat has instead been related to dyslipidemia, which induces obstruction of the arteries. Fructose is found in beverages, fruit, jams, jellies or pre-sweetened foods.

Step 2. Eat a healthful diet high in healthy saturated fats and low in sugar, fructose, or carbohydrates
The latter are metabolized by the body and transformed into sugar which increases the inflammatory response. Large amounts of sugar, fructose and carbohydrates increase the risk of diabetes, which in turn raises that of atherosclerosis.
This also includes the consumption of moderate amounts of alcohol

Step 3. Stop smoking
The exact toxic substances present in tobacco that trigger atherosclerosis and blockage of the arteries are not yet known; however, the researchers confirmed that smoking increases the risk of inflammation, thrombosis and oxidation of low-density lipoproteins, all of which contribute to closing blood vessels.

Step 4. Try to keep your weight within normal limits
The more your body weight increases, the higher the risk of diabetes. This metabolic disorder, in turn, raises the chances of suffering from clogged arteries.

Step 5. Exercise regularly for 30 minutes a day
Lack of exercise is one of the factors that predict 90% of heart attacks in men and 94% in women. Heart disease and heart attack are just two of the consequences of clogged arteries.

Step 6. Try to reduce stress
Another factor contributing to this circulatory disorder is emotional and psychological tension. Remember to relax, and take a few breaks to try to relax. While measuring your blood pressure is hardly an indicator of cholesterol levels, it can tell you whether or not you need to worry.
- To prevent or delay the development of atherosclerosis, you need to make healthy choices regarding nutrition and lifestyle. These changes will lead to long-term results, resulting in better health and a satisfying life.
- Pay attention to symptoms of clogged arteries and ask your doctor for further tests if you suspect that a lifetime of eating poorly has increased your risk of atherosclerosis. Prompt diagnosis and treatment increase the chances of not suffering from severe symptoms.
- Although clogged arteries often cause the worst damage in the area where the blockage has formed, deposits on the walls can break loose and completely block blood flow to the brain or heart, causing a stroke or heart attack.
- Blocked heart arteries cause angina, a chronic chest pain that improves with rest. It is a condition that must be addressed and treated because it could lead to a heart attack.