How to get pregnant if your partner has had a vasectomy

How to get pregnant if your partner has had a vasectomy
How to get pregnant if your partner has had a vasectomy

Table of contents:


Unlike a tubal ligation, there are several techniques for vasectomy.

This article is for couples who have recently joined in a relationship. Not for those looking to "trap" a partner.

Decisions made in the past sometimes come back to haunt us, here are some tips for getting pregnant if your partner has had a vasectomy.


Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 1
Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 1

Step 1. Talk to your doctor

There are many alternatives available for couples trying to get through a vasectomy. In most cases they are not cheap options, but if your doctor uses alternative medicine then you may be able to save some money albeit at a higher personal safety risk.

Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 2
Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 2

Step 2. See whether to reverse the vasectomy

For those looking for the more natural way, the only option is to reverse the vasectomy (the vaso-vasostomy). This requires surgery, and a lot of luck. Success is often achieved, but not always, so consider other options as well.

Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 3
Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 3

Step 3. Evaluate the problem, and talk about it openly with your partner

There is a reason that led him in the beginning to be "determined" on this issue, and this should not be taken lightly. If he is absolutely against having children, then you need to do a serious and deep analysis and decide if you want to be with him or if you want a baby. Some men will say that they are willing to do whatever it takes to stay with their woman, but ultimately they are the ones who have to make the decision. Getting pregnant with another man and trying to pass him off as a miracle won't work because the vasectomy almost never gets undone.

Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 4
Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 4

Step 4. See if your partner has a supply of frozen sperm that were saved prior to the vasectomy

In a few cases, the man has a secret supply of sperm that his former partner is either unaware of or has no control over. In these cases, it will not be necessary to go to court and it will be much easier to go to the sperm bank to release the saved sperm.

Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 5
Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 5

Step 5. Consider for an in vitro fertilization

If there is a supply of sperm available, in vitro fertilization {IVF} is the best option. It is not cheap, but it has been shown to be 80% effective. Some health insurance companies, if you have one, may cover a portion of these expenses. Again, see your doctor.

Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 6
Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 6

Step 6. Consider other options

If a spare sperm is not available, you can still take a sample directly from the testicle. The fertilization rate decreases from year to year from the date of the vasectomy, but it is the most viable option. Again, IVF is the best bet for the desired outcome.

Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 7
Get Pregnant if Your Partner Had a Vasectomy Step 7

Step 7. You can use the "Extract and Inject" method

Although not recommended, due to the risk of infection for both parties and its low success rate of 20%, it is still an available option. A prescription for 16 gauge needles and 4cc syringes is also required in most areas. A brief description: spermatozoa will be taken from the testicle just after sexual intercourse; the liquid is then injected directly into the cervix, without a needle, between 20 minutes to two hours after ejaculation. Not only is this extremely painful for both parties, but it is not recommended due to the risk factor for infection and the possibility of immediate spread of unknown sexually transmitted diseases to the woman! Again, talk to your doctor before trying this method!


  • Consult your doctor before trying any of the methods listed.
  • Don't be afraid to leave your partner if he doesn't want more children. There are other men in the world who live for the chance to have a child with a woman they love and are loved by!
  • Be open and honest with your partner about wanting children.
  • Be aware of the risks, the possibility of birth defects increases by 40% when there has been a vasectomy!
  • Make sure you both want children. The vasectomy was originally done for a reason! Make sure it wasn't about avoiding the birth of babies!
  • Be open-minded, a vasectomy doesn't mean you won't be able to have a baby!


  • Most men don't want children after a vasectomy! Proceed with caution!
  • Be ready for multiple births! Most IVF procedures require 5-15 embryos to be implanted. Depending on the woman, 3 to 70% will survive! This leaves you with the possibility of a multiple birth, or a selective abortion. Not an easy choice under any circumstances!
  • Getting through a vasectomy is very expensive and not very successful!
