Congratulations. You have taken the first step: deciding to face your obstacles. Many people choose instead to ignore them or treat them as if they were permanent barriers. On the contrary, you go to yours and give them a good push to move them.
Part 1 of 2: Analyzing the Obstacles

Step 1. Understand what stands in your way
Sit down and carefully consider what is stopping you from achieving your goals. Try to be as specific as possible about where you would like to go and the difficulties you are encountering along the way. You will need to call upon all of your awareness to establish a plan of action. Try not to bring up your usual list of complaints because they often give rise to excuses.
- If you said to yourself "I don't have enough time", consider how you manage your days and your energies. The real obstacle could be procrastination, reach or external events.
- If you've said to yourself, "I don't have enough money," the problem is likely to be priorities. The most immediate obstacle could be a lack of time or motivation or perhaps you need to learn how to make more money and save what you already have.

Step 2. Reflect on your relationship with this obstacle
How long has it been in your path? What are the negative behaviors or thoughts that keep him alive or prevent you from being able to deal with him? Answering these questions can help you understand what changes you need to make in your lifestyle.
For example, if you have felt "stuck" ever since you moved into a new home, there may be something wrong with your new environment or lifestyle. One possible hypothesis is that living away from friends and family is sapping your motivation

Step 3. Look for similarities with previous obstacles
Reflect for a moment on what has hindered your plans in the past. Whether your approach worked or not, learn from your experiences to overcome new challenges.
For example, if in the past you have been overwhelmed by a sense of tiredness and exhaustion from making a decision that is too ambitious for the new year, this time try to proceed more slowly

Step 4. Determine what you can check
Some obstacles may seem inevitable, and not knowing how to handle them can make you feel noticeably discouraged. In many cases, fear can also set in or another strong emotional reaction can be triggered. Grab a pen and a sheet of paper, take a deep breath, and ask yourself what you can control.
- You can check your attitude.
- You can control the amount of effort you put into it.
- You can check your decision when an opportunity is offered to you.
- You can control what you eat, how much exercise you do and how you sleep - factors that affect your mood and your mental clarity.

Step 5. Analyze your interpersonal problems
Some of the most frustrating obstacles are those that involve other people. Emotions or gut reactions can cloud your judgment and make difficulties seem worse than they actually are. Try to break down the problem to understand what is really stopping you from getting where you want:
- Generally it is both people who contribute to the obstacle. Keep your reactions in check with a "halt!" mental, for example mentally counting to ten or taking deep breaths.
- Listen to the other person's problems or try to analyze the situation from their perspective. Help her overcome her obstacles, and your problems may be solved as a result.
- In the worst possible scenario you will have to rearrange your interactions to avoid situations where disagreement develops.
Part 2 of 2: Overcoming the Obstacles

Step 1. Break down your goals by setting milestones
No one can reach the top of Mount Everest in a single leap. Feel more confident by planning intermediate steps that are easier to reach. Make a to-do list, then ask yourself what obstacles are preventing you from taking the "first" step.
For example, if you dream of becoming a doctor, an imminent hurdle could be going to college. After breaking it down, the first step to take will become to fill out the application form. Grab a pen and face your first obstacle

Step 2. Evaluate possible creative solutions
After listing what your obstacles are, think for a moment to see if there are alternative solutions. Is there a way to reach your goal without running into any hindrance? It is not often that you have a faster route, but it is worth stopping for a moment to collect your ideas.
- Talk to someone who has already reached your goal. It could give you important information and make you discover solutions that you have never considered before.
- For example, many companies prefer to make room for applications that come from within. Perhaps you may be able to get hired by the company of your dreams for a less competitive role and move up a career slowly or ask to be transferred to another department.

Step 3. Keep your action plan active
First, write it down, starting with what you need to do today until you reach your goal. The second step is to recognize that the plan will inevitably change along the way. This is only the first stage, the one where you put your feet on the starting line. As you learn, grow and encounter new obstacles, adjust your plan to find the best way forward.

Step 4. Track your progress
As you progress towards your goals, record developments and setbacks with the help of a journal or chart. Set numerous intermediate stops along the way and remember to compliment yourself and reward yourself every time you reach one.

Step 5. Seek advice and support
Find people who have similar goals to yours or friends who can encourage you. Feel more responsible by telling others what your ultimate goal is and what you intend to do to achieve it. Seek advice from people who are more experienced than you because they have likely faced the same obstacles as you in the past.
There are thousands of other people who have problems with their hobby or job or who have bad habits or difficult interpersonal relationships. Look for local organizations or online forums where you can talk about your experiences and exchange advice

Step 6. Give up bad habits
While they aren't obstacles you're trying to get around, bad habits can get in your way. Treat them as a whole new obstacle: set goals and create an action plan to overcome them, including the necessary milestones.

Step 7. Visualize your goal to motivate yourself
If you happen to feel discouraged, close your eyes and visualize when you have managed to overcome the obstacle. Frequently remind yourself why you are putting in so hard and what your sacrifices are for. When even the last hurdle is shattered, you will feel it was worth it.

Step 8. Hone your problem solving skills
If you tend to make decisions instinctively, try taking a more analytical approach. These are some strategies you can apply when you are trying to make a decision:
- Cost-benefit analysis: Write down what the pros and cons of making that decision would be and evaluate if the former outweigh the latter.
- Worst hypothetical scenario: If you were to try to do something and fail completely, what would happen? Make a plan B to cope with the consequences.
- List all your concerns and treat each one as a separate problem. For example, if you have to move elsewhere, you may be apprehensive about the expenses you will have to incur, about being away from friends and family, and why your children will have to change schools. Address and solve each problem separately.