How to Apply Steri Strips: 14 Steps

Table of contents:

How to Apply Steri Strips: 14 Steps
How to Apply Steri Strips: 14 Steps

Steri strips are adhesive strips used to keep small or superficial wounds closed so they can heal. Before applying them to your wound you need to make sure that the surrounding skin is clean and dry. During the application check that they are parallel and that they keep the wound closed. Once applied, keep the area dry. If you find them difficult to remove, you can wet them with warm water and they should come off more easily.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Skin Around the Wound

Administer to Rabies Vaccination Step 6
Administer to Rabies Vaccination Step 6

Step 1. Clean and dry 5cm of skin around the wound

You should remove blood and dirt with alcohol or a cleaner such as Phisoderm. Pour the product onto a clean cotton ball and use it to scrub the area around the wound.

Remove Steri Strips Step 10
Remove Steri Strips Step 10

Step 2. Dry the skin completely

If moisture remains, the adhesive may not function properly. Blot the area with a clean, dry towel or cloth.

Treat a Bacterial Infection Step 10
Treat a Bacterial Infection Step 10

Step 3. Apply dye to increase adhesion

A benzoin tincture can increase the adhesion between the skin and the Steri strip. Pour the liquid onto a cotton ball and rub the area around the wound.

Part 2 of 3: Applying the Stripes

Treat a Cramped Muscle Step 8
Treat a Cramped Muscle Step 8

Step 1. Peel the strips off the card

You should do this by placing your index finger under the end of each strip and pulling up. You can take them one at a time or three by three using index, middle and ring fingers under them.

Treat a Deep Scrape Step 9
Treat a Deep Scrape Step 9

Step 2. Close the wound flaps

Place the index finger of the hand not holding the Steri strip on one side of the wound, then place the thumb of the same hand on the other side and squeeze them together.

Remove Steri Strips Step 11
Remove Steri Strips Step 11

Step 3. Start in the center of the wound

Applying the first strip in the center ensures that the wound will close evenly. At that point you can apply the other strips starting from the first, working outwards. It doesn't matter if you move right or left (or up or down) first.

Remove Steri Strips Step 7
Remove Steri Strips Step 7

Step 4. Press the strips

While holding the wound closed, place one end of the strip over it. Press as you spread it over the wound and pin the other end under the cut. The strip should be perfectly centered on the wound.

Remove Steri Strips Step 5
Remove Steri Strips Step 5

Step 5. Put the other strips parallel to the first one

The number of strips needed depends on the size of the cut. You should leave 3-4 mm between each strip and apply them all in the same way. At the end of the operation, make sure that the wound is closed along its entire length.

Treat a Blistered Sunburn Step 8
Treat a Blistered Sunburn Step 8

Step 6. Place the strips parallel to the wound along the ends of the first ones

The strips applied in this way prevent the first ones from peeling off, so that the wound has time to heal. Put them 1 cm from the end of the first ones.

Part 3 of 3: Taking Care of the Stripes

Avoid Pregnancy Naturally Step 13
Avoid Pregnancy Naturally Step 13

Step 1. Keep the strips for 3-5 days for head injuries

Most head injuries heal faster than those elsewhere in the body. Check the strips every day to make sure the ends don't come off. In that case, apply another strip parallel to the wound to keep them in place.

Treat a Bacterial Infection Step 2
Treat a Bacterial Infection Step 2

Step 2. Keep the strips for 10-14 days for cuts near the joints

Wounds on the joints usually heal more slowly, because the movements reopen them all the time. In these cases, leave the strips on for about two weeks.

Remove Steri Strips Step 8
Remove Steri Strips Step 8

Step 3. Keep strips for 5-10 days for other wound types

If the cut is not on the head or on a joint, you should strip it for 5-10 days. When the wound heals it will take on a light pink color. Make sure you notice that coloring before removing the strips.

Remove Steri Strips Step 3
Remove Steri Strips Step 3

Step 4. Keep the wound dry until you remove the strips

If you get the strips wet, they may come off. You can take a shower, but be careful to keep the wound out of the water.

If it is impossible for you to keep the wound out of the water, you can do sponging until you are healed

Remove Steri Strips Step 6
Remove Steri Strips Step 6

Step 5. Remove the strips by wetting them with warm water

When you are healed, you probably won't have a hard time peeling them off gently. However, if you can't get them off, soak a cloth in warm water and hold it over the wound for 5-10 minutes. Once done, remove the cloth and the strips should peel off. If not, wet them again.


  • Do not apply Steri strips to deep wounds or those containing dirt that you cannot remove. In those cases, consult a doctor.
  • Do not tear the Steri strips. The adhesive securing them is very strong and can even tear the skin.
