Yippee noodles are a type of instant noodles, similar to Maggi and Top Ramen. They are very popular in India and allow you to choose from a wide range of spices and flavors. If you are abroad and you don't know how to cook them or if you bought them on the internet or in an Asian food store, in a few minutes they will be ready and steaming on your plate. Yippee noodles are easy to make and should be cooked on the stove. With a few additional ingredients, such as eggs or vegetables, you can turn a simple plate of noodles into a full meal that will make your mouth water.
Yippee Noodles in the Basic Version
- 1 pack of Yippee noodles
- 250 ml of water
For 1 person
Yippee Noodles with Vegetables
- 4 packs of Yippee noodles
- 1 l of water
- 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of oil, separated
- 1 teaspoon (2 g) of fennel seeds
- 350 g of vegetables, chopped
- 1 teaspoon (2.5 g) of the desired spices
- Soy sauce, to taste
- 60 ml of water
For 4 people
Spicy Yippee Noodles with Eggs
- 4 packs of Yippee noodles
- Half a liter of water
- 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of oil
- 1 red onion, chopped
- 2 green chillies, chopped
- 1 tomato, chopped
- 2 eggs, lightly beaten
- A hint of chilli powder
- A hint of turmeric powder
- 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of ketchup
- Half a teaspoon (3 g) of salt, to be added a little at a time
- 2 tablespoons (5 g) of fresh coriander
For 2 people'
Method 1 of 3: Prepare Basic Version Yippee Noodles

Step 1. Purchase a package of Yippee noodles of the flavor of your choice
Yippee noodles come in a wide variety of flavors, depending on the spice blend used. In India they are very popular and you can find them in most shops. If you want to try them while staying in Italy, you can buy them online or in Asian grocery stores.
- This recipe assumes you are using a 70g package of Yippee noodles.
- The types of Yippee noodles available include Magic Masala, Mood Masala and Classic Masala. The word "masala" indicates a combination of spices, including chilli, garlic, ginger, galangal and many others. Each type of Yippee noodles is prepared with a mixture of different spices.

Step 2. Boil 250ml of water
Pour it into a saucepan and heat it on the stove over high heat to bring it to a boil. The time it takes to bring it to a boil can vary, but it shouldn't take more than 2-3 minutes.
If you want to make Yippee noodles for more than one person, add 250ml of water to each package
Step 3. Add the noodles and seasoning
Open the package and take out the sachet containing the spice mixture. Dip the dry noodles in the water, immediately open the sachet, pour the contents into the water and then mix.
Stir only long enough to dissolve the powdered spice mixture in the water
Step 4. Flip and break the noodles with a wooden spatula
Turn the nest of pasta upside down in the water so that it gets wet on the other side as well, then press it in several places with the spatula to break and separate the noodles.
Like most instant noodles, Yippee noodles will float on the surface of the water. Because of this, if you don't break them and separate them, they won't cook evenly
Step 5. Cook the noodles on high heat for 2-3 minutes, making sure to mix them often
They will soften slowly and as soon as they are all sufficiently soft they will be ready. Make sure there are no dry portions left before serving.
If the noodles aren't cooking fast enough, turn the heat up slightly

Step 6. Serve the noodles
There may be some liquid left in the bottom of the pot. You can pour it on the plate with the noodles or, if you prefer, you can drain them with a colander before serving.
If the noodles are left over, transfer them to an airtight container. You can keep them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days
Method 2 of 3: Make Yippee Noodles with Vegetables
Step 1. Cook the Yippee noodles without adding the powdered spice mix, then drain them from the water
Boil a liter of water in a large pot. Open the 4 packs of noodles and immerse them in the boiling water, but without adding the spice mixture. Let the noodles cook for 2-3 minutes, then drain them using a colander.
- Don't worry the spice mixture won't go to waste, you'll add it later.
- Rinse the noodles under running water to stop cooking and to remove excess starch.
Step 2. Drizzle the noodles with a tablespoon (15ml) of oil, then temporarily set them aside
After draining them, pour them into a large bowl and pour a spoonful of your favorite oil over them. Mix them with salad cutlery to distribute the oil or alternatively cover the bowl with a plate and then shake it. After seasoning them, set the noodles aside.
Drizzling the noodles with oil helps prevent them from sticking while you prepare the other ingredients on the dish
Step 3. Saute the vegetables with fennel seeds
Pour a tablespoon (15 ml) of oil into the karahi or wok. Let it heat over high heat, then add a teaspoon (2g) of fennel seeds and 350g of vegetables of your choice. Cook the vegetables for 5 minutes, stirring often with a wooden spatula.
- Wash the vegetables and cut them into small pieces before cooking.
- For a classic combination, you can use carrots, peppers, peas, tomatoes and potatoes.
- Don't worry if the vegetables are not fully cooked yet, they will have time to stew later.
Step 4. Add some water and let the vegetables simmer for 10-15 minutes
Pour about 60 ml of water into the pot, wait for it to start boiling and at that point reduce and adjust the heat so that it simmers gently. Put a lid on the pot and let the vegetables simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Some vegetables may take longer to cook. After 15 minutes, check if they are cooked by skewering them with a fork. If they are still not soft enough, let them cook again
Step 5. Add the spices and soy sauce
Open the sachets you found inside the 4 packs of noodles. Pour the spice mixture into the pot, then add the soy sauce and any other spices or flavorings of your choice.
For example, you could add a teaspoon (2.5 g) of the following spices: coriander, cumin, garam masala, salt, and turmeric
Step 6. Pour the noodles into the pot and let them heat for a couple of minutes
Take the Yippee noodles you cooked earlier and add them to the rest of the ingredients. Stir them with the wooden spatula to season them evenly with the vegetables and sauce, then let them heat for 2 minutes.
Stir the noodles periodically as they heat to prevent them from sticking to the pot

Step 7. Eat freshly made noodles
They will be wrapped in a delicious sauce, so serve them immediately without draining them.
This recipe is for 4 people. If the noodles are left over, transfer them to an airtight container. You can keep them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days
Method 3 of 3: Make Spicy Yippee Noodles with Eggs

Step 1. Cook the noodles in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then drain and set aside
Boil half a liter of water in a medium-sized saucepan. Add a pinch of salt to the water and 2 packs of Yippee noodles without the spice mixture. Let the noodles cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, then drain them using a colander and temporarily set them aside.
Don't worry if the vegetables are not fully cooked yet, they will have time to stew later
Step 2. Fry the onion in the oil over medium heat for 2-3 minutes
Pour a tablespoon (15ml) of your favorite oil into a pan. Let it heat over medium heat until it starts to sizzle. At that point, add a chopped red onion and fry it for 2-3 minutes, stirring often with the wooden spatula.
The onion is ready when it turns golden
Step 3. Add the green chillies, tomato and sauté them for 2 minutes
Chop 2 green chillies, a tomato and slide them into the pan. Let them fry for a couple of minutes, stirring them frequently with the wooden spatula.
If you don't want the tomatoes to mash, fry the peppers on their own for 1 minute first, then add the tomato and toss the two ingredients together for another minute
Step 4. Add the salt, then move the contents of the pan to one side
Lightly salt the tomato and chillies, then move them to one side of the pan using the wooden spatula. Half of the pan must remain empty.
In the empty space you will cook the eggs. Do not remove the tomatoes and chillies from the pan, they will have to continue cooking together with the eggs
Step 5. Add eggs, season with salt and cook over high heat
Break 2 eggs into a bowl, beat them briefly with the fork to break the yolks, then pour them into the empty side of the pan. Season them to taste with salt and cook them over high heat until they have set. It will take 2-3 minutes.
- The eggs will have a dull appearance when cooked.
- Stir the eggs frequently with the spatula to scramble them, but be careful not to mix them with the tomato and chillies. Use the tip of the spatula to break them into small pieces.
Step 6. Add the spices and ready mix
Open one of the sachets you found in the packs of Yippee noodles and spread the spices over the tomatoes and eggs. Also add a teaspoon of chili pepper and turmeric powder respectively. At this point, mix the ingredients by mixing them with the wooden spatula.
This time you will need to mix the eggs with the tomato and chillies
Step 7. Add the noodles, the second spice packet and the ketchup
Pour the previously cooked Yippee noodles into the pan, then open the second spice packet and distribute the contents inside the pan. Also add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of ketchup and finally mix with the wooden spatula to mix all the ingredients.
Be careful when pouring the noodles into the pan to prevent the sauce from splashing. You can use kitchen tongs to gently place them in the pan

Step 8. Cook all ingredients together for 1 minute over low heat
From time to time, stir them with the spatula to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan. This will give the sauce time to thicken.

Step 9. Decorate the noodles with the chopped fresh cilantro and serve immediately
Divide them into two soup plates, chop 2 tablespoons (5 g) of fresh coriander and sprinkle it on the noodles to make the dish more inviting and colorful. Bring them to the table immediately to eat them hot.
If the noodles are left over, transfer them to an airtight container. You can keep them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days
- You can use these recipes with other types of Indian instant noodles, such as those from the Maggi brand.
- Feel free to customize the recipes of your choice. If you prefer one ingredient over another, substitute it and possibly change the quantities according to your personal tastes.