Do you have an unbridled craving for chocolate biscuits, but the temperature in your home is so high that the very thought of turning on the oven causes you to feel unwell? Take advantage of it and bake cookies on your car's hot dashboard. Read the article and follow the instructions step by step.
Step 1. Remove items you might need from the machine
During cooking, the doors and the trunk must remain closed.
Step 2. Take a baking sheet and cover it with parchment paper
Do not replace this step by greasing the pan because the cookies could stick to it.

Step 3. Take the cookie dough and create an elongated shape, then cut it into slices to make even discs
Place them on the baking tray, leave a space of about 4 cm between one biscuit and the other.

Step 4. Spread a clean sheet over the dashboard and place the baking sheet on top of it
Place a thermometer next to the pan and make sure the temperature inside the car reaches at least 70 degrees to kill any germs in the raw ingredients.

Step 5. Keep an eye on the cooking process by looking through the windshield
The cooking time will vary according to the car's interior temperature. The cookies will cook, but will not turn golden because the sugars will not be able to caramelize.
Step 6. When they seem ready, open the door and check them
- Touch both the ends and the center. The edges must be hard and the center must not be sticky.
Try slipping a cookie on parchment paper. If it moves easily it is ready. If it seems to stick to the paper, let it cook again.
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Step 7. Close the door and check the cookies every 15 to 30 minutes until ready
Step 8. Remove the pan from the car
Remove the cookies from the parchment paper with the help of a spatula and place them on a rack to let them cool evenly.
Step 9. Serve them with a glass of cold milk
- To be successful with this cooking method, the outside temperature must be at least 35 °. Park your car in a sunny spot for best results.
- If you've planned a weekend camping trip, take your dough with you in a portable refrigerator. Your cookies will cook while you have fun doing outdoor activities.