If you want to make cupcakes, but don't have the proper mold, you can use a few tricks. If you have baking cups, all you need to do is reinforce them by placing them on top of each other before placing them in a standard pan. If you don't have the cups, you can easily create them with a few simple tools and a bit of dexterity.
Method 1 of 2: Use the Ready Cups

Step 1. Create a stable structure using baking cups
If the cups are made of paper, you will need to stack at least 2 or 3 of them so that they stay upright and stable. Aluminum baking cups are generally more robust and are therefore the more ideal choice.
With aluminum baking cups this step is likely not necessary
Step 2. Place the baking cups on the baking sheet
Put them next to each other, they can even touch each other. In this way each will act as a support for the others.
Use a pan with high sides so that if the cups accidentally turn over, the contents will not drip to the bottom of the oven
Step 3. Do not fill the cups to the brim
Step 4. Use metal lids as a base for the baking cups if you want to make sure they don't tip over
If you want to be even more cautious, unscrew the lids from some jars and use the metal hoops as a holder for the baking cups. Distribute them inside the pan and place the cups in the center of each one.
Step 5. Fill the baking cups with the cupcake batter
When the cups are well positioned in the pan, prepare the cupcake dough following the instructions of the selected recipe. Fill each cup to ⅔ or ¾ of its capacity, as you would using the cupcake pan.

Step 6. Do not fill the cups to the brim, otherwise they could deform, letting some of the dough flow out

Step 7. Place the pan in the oven and bake the cupcakes for the time recommended by the recipe
Place the pan in the hot oven after filling the cups. Move it slowly and carefully so as not to let the dough escape. Read the recipe to find out how long the cupcakes need to cook.

Step 8. Not using a metal cupcake pan shouldn't affect the cooking temperature required by the recipe
Set the timer to make sure you bake the cupcakes for the appropriate time and avoid burning them
Method 2 of 2: Create the Baking Cups

Step 1. Make the baking cups using a sturdy material that is resistant to the high temperatures of the oven
If you don't have the cupcake mold and you don't have the cups ready at home, you can easily create them with a few simple tools. Also in this case you will have to put 2 or 3 cups on top of each other to make them more stable and robust.
- The ideal is to use parchment paper, but foil can also work.
- The thicker the paper, the more stable the cups will be.

Step 2. Cut the paper and form squares of 15 cm on each side
Use the ruler and draw lines on the paper with the pencil to get precise squares. Follow the lines and cut the paper with the scissors. You will need to use 2 or 3 squares of paper for each cupcake, so make sure you make enough of them.
Regular cupcake molds allow you to bake 12 at a time

Step 3. Find a cup whose base is the same size as the cupcake cases
Try to find a cup or glass that is similar in size to regular baking cups. Cupcake cases generally have a diameter of 5 cm.
Step 4. Line the base of the cup with parchment paper
Turn it over and place a sheet of paper on the base. Centralize it so that at the end the cup has a uniform height.
Step 5. Press the paper onto the bottom of the cup to create 4 folds
Create a crease in the center of each pair of corners to create a cast of the cup. Try to get four equal folds.
Press the paper firmly along the bottom and sides of the cup
Step 6. Run your fingers along the sides of the cup to shape the cup
After folding the paper, run your fingers from top to bottom along the circumference of the cup to iron it. At this point the first cup is ready.
Step 7. When all the cups are ready, arrange them on the baking sheet
Place them next to each other, as you would with normal baking cups. It is important that they are attached or very close together so that each acts as a support for the surrounding ones.
Step 8. Stack 2 or 3 baking cups to make them stronger and more stable
Most materials you can use will need extra reinforcement to support the weight of the dough. Place 2 or 3 baking cups on top of each other to prevent them from deforming and letting the cupcake dough flow out.
- Do not use masking tape to strengthen homemade paper cups, as it could melt in the oven and contaminate the ingredients.
- You can also use the egg ring molds to give the baking cups more stability.
- On the market you can find paper cup wrappers made of baking paper. They have a decorative function, but they are quite sturdy and you can use them as a support for ready-made or homemade cups.